owners green card

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14 Aug 2010 12:00 AM by tigernicol Star rating in buckley north wales .... 71 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

                      does anyone know how to obtain a owners green card security pass for condado, tried emailing security havent recieced a reply as yet                                           THANKS IN ADVANCE KEV

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14 Aug 2010 3:41 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

We just collected it from the main gatehouse ( by Al Kazar) wasn't aware they would be sending them out. Probably if you use that gatehouse to enter the resort you can collect it on arrival. We generally use the other gate but just called up when using the supermarket the day after we arrived.



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15 Aug 2010 6:48 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Jann,

I am assuming every owner will have one made up automatically and all you have to do is collect it.?



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16 Aug 2010 1:25 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

That's my understanding, no doubt if I'm wrong someone will add to the thread. I know that initially they didnt have them all ready so people had to go back and forth. We collected ours from the gatehouse one morning early last week and by then they had a box of them plus a list of owners for signatures. i was straightforward and uncomplicated and you get to jump any queue that develops at the gates.

We have just spent a night at the Intercontinental Hotel at Mar Menor care of the Polaris Discount Card (well worth doing- great Hotel) at Mar Menor they just have the number plate identification and you can just drive freely in and out- so, at the moment our security on CdA seems to be quite stringent



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16 Aug 2010 6:55 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

Alison&Simon´s avatar

Hi Jann,

Back out in 7 weeks, so should be able to pick up green card then, would rather have stringent than system at Mar Menor. It could mean the difference between a couple of minutes inconvenience to weeks of phone calls, shopping for replacements if someone got into your apartment and stole the lot.  STRINGENT for me every time.



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16 Aug 2010 8:07 PM by jaydee Star rating in Bangor N.I.. 122 forum posts Send private message

Hi all.

I'm over in just over a week so will hope to get card then,does anyone know if it's worthwhile emailing first or is just a case of going to security and checking??

Also what happens re guests etc,can they use your card or will it be necessary to in future carry passports etc when gaining access??

Seems likes security being tightened which must be a good thing..



John de Toot 

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16 Aug 2010 8:57 PM by nickv Star rating in fareham Hants. 60 forum posts Send private message


 Good question my son is coming over in a few weeks we do not have the card yet, what do you do then is there someone to inform as I would not want them being turned away!!!!!




Naranhos N749 and Fareham Hants

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16 Aug 2010 8:57 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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The temporary green access cards are for owners only,  if you rent  out your apartment then you need to let security know in advance.

The agreed security procedure is as follows

For Visitors, the owners should send an email to security@cdagr.eu suppling the following.

Owners name:
Owners Apartment number:
Owners Contact number:
Visitor name:
Date of Visit:

and for apartment rentals

Owners name:
Owners Apartment number:
Owners Email:
Owners Contact number:
Visitor name:
Date of arrival:
Date of departure

The following links which will create the emails.







Email: phil@naranjosuno.com

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16 Aug 2010 10:01 PM by jaydee Star rating in Bangor N.I.. 122 forum posts Send private message

Thanks a lot for that..

But how about friends and relatives not rentals??

If say my brother was going out could I give him my card??

Also,do they acknowledge your email??I'd hate people to be going out there hoping that the email had been acted on..

Thanks again for your help..



John de Toot 

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16 Aug 2010 10:24 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

ptan´s avatar

 Hi John,

You shouldn't give out your owners card, these are only a temporary measure until we get the electronic system up and running then the owners cards will also have car reg details on to allow auto access.  Any non owner visiting coming whilst the owner is not there should be handled the same, so send the same info as per renters.  this is so a temporary access passes can be issued with the start and end dates on.  I would hope that they would send an acknowledgement.





Email: phil@naranjosuno.com

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16 Aug 2010 10:38 PM by raff Star rating in Belfast. 143 forum posts Send private message

Security will always consist of a compromise between that offering the greatest level of protection against that which gives greatest ease of access, however all of this bureaucracy/regimental control seems all a bit OTT to me.

We need to be encouraging family and friends and perhaps more importantly visitors, including locals.

May I enquire who sets these secruity parameters and suggest that perimeter security is not the only issue here on Condado.

Why can we not have one security check point just at the main roundabout. This would not only reduce cost but open up Condado giving ease of access to ( Hopefully one day) supermarkets, town centres, lakes, restaurants and sports facilities etc. Currently security allotes us to our own little 'enclaves' and not Condado De Alhama as a whole, surely this is not desirable.


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16 Aug 2010 11:04 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

ptan´s avatar


Not sure where your coming from on this?  Condado is and always has been a private gated community.

The original  planned public facilities i.e The Oasis, Sports Stadium, Hospital, School etc etc were all located outside the parameter fence.  

The outer ring road, on which the main entrance stands is a public road, not part of the community so we cannot block that off as If, and this is a big if, Polaris ever recover enough to buy back the land to build these public facilities then access to these facilities would be via that road.



This message was last edited by ptan on 16/08/2010.




Email: phil@naranjosuno.com

Web: www.naranjosuno.com




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16 Aug 2010 11:33 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

We haven't had a problem with the new system at all. Our son and  also some friends have been out since the better checks have been in place and just waited in short queue- its not as if there's an endelss line waiting to get in. Provided we have given details to the security team it all seems to work smoothly and then, as owners, we get a separate lane to enter by- which happens to be exactly what the PW guy told us would happen 4 years ago. Better late than never!!

Somewhere on this forum i read that the back gate may be closed off season- which would reduce some costs and would leave the gate close to Al Kasar as the main, and only one open, which is a bit like Raff suggests. Can't see that passing any ' entrycard' about would have many benefits- this is meant to be a gated community and if we all give out the card- whats the point? waiting for access without a card takes only a  minute or two anyway.

I have asked for and received confirmation of emails from the security company- have had to deal with informing them several times with no problems.



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16 Aug 2010 11:56 PM by jaydee Star rating in Bangor N.I.. 122 forum posts Send private message

Ta,bit puzzled though re my visit soon.

Should I email them that I'm coming and require access even though I'm an owner?

Or wait until I get there and hopefully get my temp card??

Does anyone know if all the cards are waiting at security??..

I was there in June and security was lax so things have certainly moved on quickly,but what if I hadn't been on this thread and friends had gone out,would they have been denied entry??

I guess I'll know more when I get there again,can't wait.



John de Toot 

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16 Aug 2010 11:58 PM by markbarrowman Star rating. 37 forum posts Send private message

am coming out on Wednesday - do I need one to get on site (La Isla)?

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17 Aug 2010 1:35 AM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

Have been waiting 3 weeks for mine although I live here - mentioned it 3 times still no card.





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17 Aug 2010 9:23 AM by zoso1971 Star rating. 47 forum posts Send private message

Hi There

Just arrived the other day, went down to the main gate at Al Kazar gave the security guy my name and address and collected my green pass couple of days later. Just showed my passport and proof of address.

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17 Aug 2010 11:06 AM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

Jaydee, they will just ask at gate if you are owner or visitor and they will ask for your passport. We haven't been telling them when we are coming just doing that for friends, family and visitors.



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