"They're here." This phrase seems taken from the script of any film 'Made in Hollywood', but belongs to a regional government representative highlighted the qualitative leap that will draft the Paramount with a visit to the Region of Murcia, a delegation from Los Angeles , scheduled for tomorrow. After nine months, the future park will face film.
The embassy will be headed by Michael Bartok, Executive Vice President and head of the department of licensing, which will oversee the deployment of Alhama and conduct several meetings with the technicians of the joint enterprise flagship project for giving a push to the master plan. Bartok attend along with members of a consultant who works for Paramount and is engaged in designing the marketing of the brand.
Authoritative sources, other than those of flagship projects, commented to this newspaper yesterday that the project "no going back", regardless of what it takes to materialize. They wanted to make clear that Paramount Pictures' does not act as investor, but has sold the license to use their gear and their products in the future park in the Region of Murcia. The same source played down the fact that Jesus Samper, owner of Real Murcia and shareholder of flagship projects, is charged in the Operation Umbra '. Paramount executives or have raised, he said.
A tight schedule
Michael Bartok, coming to Murcia from Los Angeles, will be received tomorrow by President Ramón Luis Valcárcel in the Palacio de San Esteban, accompanied by the directors of companies and Research and Culture and Tourism, Salvador Marin and Pedro Alberto Cruz, respectively . Also be attended by Jesus Samper, owner of Santa Monica Capital, which from the outset was appointed by Paramount to pilot the project with the regional government.
Subsequently, representatives of the multinational will tour the region, visiting the construction of the new regional airport, La Manga and probably the site of Alhama has been negotiating with the group Project Emblematic MRI. Other sources related to the event explained yesterday that the choice of Alhama and the negotiations are closed "to 99.9%." Both parties expect the deal to close in the next few hours so that land availability is complete.
Bartok also plans to hold a meeting with the media, in which developments can offer remains subject to the confidentiality clause has been dosing information officer since last February when the first news was known. Has not gone beyond the amount of investment required and the entertainment park. Is believed to be the highlight shows and attractions around the Paramount film, its offer audiovisual, digital content and probably a city of music. Nor is there any dates, but both sides stress that it is on schedule.
The consultants and designers know firsthand all the work he has done so far flagship projects. The master plan is well underway and everyone hopes that the theme park starts to take shape.
The regional government prefers not to run. Bartok explains is "a very important executive" and that steps are being planned. He believes that when there is something tangible investors begin arriving."We want to go slowly and with extreme caution. There are not many projects in Spain like this, "they say.