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Has anyone else been to court recently in an attempt to get their deposits back? We are due to appear to give evidence in our case next week and would welcome more feed back. We have received some information from another party who have already had success with a similar case, they have been really helpful.
Lyn & Paul
P.S. Please no sarcastic or smart comments from those who have already been successful in completing. It's not helpful!
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Our court case took place on Tuesday (21st Feb). About 2 months ago our solicitor told us that Peinsa had requested our preence there. However, about three weeks ago, she rang us to say that they had changed their minds. We were not even allowed to attend the hearing. Apparetly this has happened before with Peinsa but others have sometimes only been given one day's notice that they were not required. We now have to wait 2-3 months at least before the judgement will be received. Added to the two-and-a-half years since we started the action! It's a long waiting game. If we win, then we have no idea when we'll get repaid. Diand
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We were contacted 2 days before the hearing by our barrister. Peinsa's solicitors had decided we would not be called to testify after all! This is just another blow from these crooks and further wasted expenses as we had booked flights and hotel.
Thanks Peinsa!
Lyn & Paul
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We were very fortunate to get our money back from peinsa when they still had customers daft enough to part with money. I think they offloaded our plot fairly quickly although 2.5 yrs its still empty, guess not completed upon.
We fought hard to get our money back and were also lied to and messed around up until the last, just part of their games.
It really is appalling how they have treated their customers.
I hope things work out for you and you get your money back.
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Hi 1982 or 1576
Can you please explain what you mean by daft enough to part with there money, I honestly think you should all get off this site and start your own little site. The reason being is quite simple, 1, Obvious you want all of us who have signed to loose all our money & houses. 2, You are that bitter about Peinsa that you have forgot why you wanted to have a house there in the first place. 3, You are starting to get boring, at the end of the day you should have bought a Caravan (4 berth 25ft of course).
I know you are going to whinge at me (lyn) & tell me what you think but to be honest I could not give a **** !! fire away. At the end of the day Peinsa have done a great job yes they were let down by there sub-contractors but Peinsa themselves are a good bunch of people. Anyway I hope you are happy at the end of the day, we are. Bye Bye
Mick & Pam 
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I dont know who 1792 is or whatever number he or she is hiding behind. If you think we are daft to part with our money then thats fine. But as far as Im concerned I have a smashing house that Ive been enjoying for a year and a half now. Ive met loads of fantastic neighbours none of whom appear to be that daft! So if you have your money back good luck to you - now why do you feel the need to keep returning to this site?
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Shame this site seems to degenerate to negative postings. Everyone has different circumstances and priorities and we all try and respect this; so to call people daft for realising their hard worked for dream is insulting to say the least. We respected Lyns' request " Please no sarcastic or smart comments from those who have already been successful in completing. It's not helpful!" Although I cant really remember any! So please 1791 (666) disappear with your money, let us daft people enjoy what we have, which is a magic urbanisation, centre of village, 2 mins from beach and warm & sunny 95% of the year. And very very Espanol.
Vergüenza este sitio parece a degenerar a los desplazamientos negativos. Toda persona tiene distintas circunstancias y prioridades y que todos tratar de respetar este, de modo que para llamar a la gente tonta para darse cuenta de su duro trabajo de sueño es un insulto para decir lo menos. Respetamos solicitud Lyns ""Por favor, no hay comentarios sarcásticos o inteligentes de los que ya han tenido éxito en la realización. No es útil! "Aunque realmente no puedo recordar ninguna! Así que por favor 1791 (666) desaparecen con su dinero, vamos a la gente tonta disfrutar lo que tenemos, que es una urbanización de la magia, el centro del pueblo, a 2 minutos de la playa y cálido y soleado del 95% del año. Y muy, muy Español.
Ray n Ann
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Well at least one person has the intelligience to understand the meaning of my request for no unhelpful remarks. I was hoping to be able to gain some advise from others in a similar situation. But obviously this was too much to ask and I now understsand that this is not what to expect from this forum. It appears only to be available to those of little intelligience and who have nothing else to do than thrive on upsetting others (very sad). So for this reason I no longer wish to be party to this charade so 'bye bye'!!!!!!!!!
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Come on Lyn grow up for god sake it is only a bit crack we have all been there done it also have the tee shirt, god I have been crucified more than you know on the main site. So stay with us if only to call us daft & stupid (more if you like) & by the way it is you who is upsetting all of us who have a house in SJ but never mind Sticks & stones and all that. So Lyn be stong eh
Mick & Pam 
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Thanks for the advice about the caravan Dick and Pam, I will think about that. Also you think I should leave the forum? No, I think I will stay on this one to annoy you.
You might not like the views posted on this forum if they differ to yours, but what you have to realise that people are entitled to their opinion based upon their own very real experiences over a number of years.
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Now I get it you have not got a property at all on CDP, you are just one of these lonley people who need company on the internet. Well thats fine keep the crack going, annoy me I love it. Your only here once there is no rehersal so make the most of it but by all means keep in touch, if you want you can even let us know your name. Look forward to hearing from you again.
Regards Dick
Mick & Pam 
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