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Flying home from spain to Liverpool with Ryan air and the priority boarding crew.
we got off the bus / shuttle to board the plane and the priority boarders quite literaly ran!!!!
all so they could get on the plane before us, you have never seen anything as funny in your life.
we have paid more so we are getting on first ha ha ha.
As we were climbing the steps to the plane the two old darlings pushed their way past us nearly falling up the stairs in a desperate bid to get past those who had just paid to fly.
if this is a British thing then we are so so sad.
it was very amusing though - wonder what the spanish stewards were thinking?
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It must have been so funny to watch - I'm sure the airlines do it for entertainment value
We were waiting in Leeds Bradford airport once waiting for our jet2 flight to depart for Murcia, which is on 2 floors. Ryanair had everyone queued on one of the gates on the lower level but then decided to change to a gate on the upper level. Unfortunately we happened to be on the stairs at the time and nearly got knocked over in the rush.
I hate travelling on Easyjet or Ryanair for that reason but we are lucky to also be able to travel Jet2. Jet2 allocate seats on check in. There is no guarantee you will sit together unless you pay but it does avoid all the pushing and shoving.
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We had two unsettling experiences at Murcia Airport, on one occasion the people in the queue huiddled tightly up to the counter at the gate and wouldn't let anyone with priority cards through and were verbally quite aggressive and on another when Ryanair changed the gate virtually the whole queue careered across the waiting area en masse jumping the furniture and knocking people over- then minor scraps started in the new queue! At the time this was caused by the airport not having a designated lane for people who had paid to board first. Often Ryanair are just so much cheaper people will put up with the hassle however unpleasant. They were charging £11.99 yesterday for a Saturday flight in April to Murcia.
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Also quite amusing watching people trying tostuff their flight bags through the metal bag measuring thingy
Then having to take something out wear it to be able then to squeeze it through only to remove the item put back into their bag and get on the plane. Very funny i think the staff are just having a giggle.
Waiting for the gate anouncement is funny also as all are stood around the screen and as it pops up wollop were off.
next time i am going to run to cause a stampede - got to laugh -
I always manage to get behind an old dear who breaks wind - Ryan Air bagain bus - you get what you pay for i suppose.... ha
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We saw a lady with a tiny but very broad suitcase have to empty it as it woulndn't go in the suitcase frame. She took out a vivid canary yellow towelling dressing gown that unfolded like a marquee! She then put this on over her clothes and coat and strolled casually onto the plane. I think that its possible it was the only thing in that suitcase.
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A few years ago before i stopped using Ryanair I witnessed two thugs being escorted from Murcia airport by the National Police for fighting. 2 couples well in their sixties were pushing each other trying to get up the stairs and then the husbands decided to resort to fists while the women hurled abuse and each other. Police were called while the crew try to pull them apart and the 2 men were led away....all to get up the stairs first for a 2 hour flight.
Having made well over 200 flights in the past few years I have found that some people turn into crazed maniacs when it comes to either boarding a plane or trying to get off as fast as possible to stand in the long queue at passport control.
Dedicated Property Management - Mazarron
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I cant see why ryanair dont do the allocated seats system like others do, lets face it he would make evan more money if he did this way , and it would stop al this hassle.
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We too have traveled by Ryan air on a great number of occasions & have always booked priority seating to ensure we sit together as I hate flying but its true people do act like maniacs but the best thing we witnessed was two years ago,
We were waiting @ San Javier for our flight to be called & sitting next to us were two men. possible in their late 50`s with them was a lady of similar age seated in a wheel chair.To my utter amazement the lady got up out of the wheel chair unaided & then walked without any sight of any impediment to the opposite side of the room to go to the loo. A while later she returned & as it had evidently taken longer than expexted the one man asked her where she had been. Oh I thought I would have a wander around the shops she replied. There was no shortage of breath or any thing. Infact she looked a dam sight healthier than me.
Who got on the flight first. Yes you have guessed it,
I dont mind genuine people & their relatives being on first but people like this lady & company really make me mad.
Incidently we now fly with Monarch where we can book our seat & then we can board with ease. I know its further away to fly into Alicanti but it is well woth it
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Dont forget the husband and wife teams, the ones that will grab at the window seat the other will get the aisle seat,and then pray that no body will sit in the middle of them. watch one of move very quick when you go to sit in the middle of them.VERY FUNNY.And the silly people who get the middle seat and then jockey for position with there arms trying to have a arm rest either side of them .i had a tosser last week ( MIDDLE SEAT MAN ) trying to read a broad sheet paper arms all over.
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I used to work with a very nice lady who`s husband was Loaded. Well both of them were & still are.
To prevent the middle seat tossers etc they would book three seats & then advise the airline at the last minute that the third party was unable to fly. As it was to late for a refund they took all of the paper work with them to prove that they had paid for all three seats thus preventing anyone sitting with them
Great idea if you can afford it. Unfortunatly we cant
Fingers crossed we win the lottery & then I might conciderer it but then if it was a BIG win I surpose we would book flights with companies offering luxury class flights.
Last time I looked it was £100,000.00 each way from Birmingham to San Javier, cant remember if that was per person per though
Oh how I wish.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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We've flown many a time watching people with small children get priority boarding, now we have a kid and fly RyanAir who do not give toddlers preference so we always end up with priority tickets.
Well we get to the plane early, get seats together and then make sure the wee chap stands up and makes a noise/flaps the chair back infront, so far had three return trips with him and no one has dared sit next to us. Ah the space of an extra seat to put all his stuff.
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That's genius! I guess if you had an even younger child/baby then a small - but relatively harmless- wee 'nip' on the arm would do the same trick. Just enough to get them bawling for a few minutes should work quite well. Them's the buggers I would body-swerve on a flight. Oh - the list is endless. In fact I think we should compile a list of 'Top Tips' for dissuading other passengers from sitting next to us......................
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I do all that fun stuff just for a laugh just to see people's reactions - I lay across 3 seats and pretended to be asleep once as a bet, the last 2 people on the flight had to 'wake' me up 
At the end of the day (7pm usually) it's a 2 hour flight, doesn't matter who i sit next to, how uncomfortable i or they are, its just 2 hours, and the 'moment' soon passes before the complaints about baggage, cold & wet Engerlund, the drive home, the lack of food in the fridge, work 2moro etc etc ............ and then we look forward to it all again a few weeks later.
Do it 5x a year now and am beginning to see the same faces on the Cryinair Bus
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Hi Neil
Thanks for that.
It`s the best laugh I`ve had for ages. Can`t wait for Ham to see it this evening.
The horrible thing about it is that I an sure most of us have all witnessed those types of passengers
West Mids & Jardin 5
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