Possible air strikes 21st April

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05 Mar 2011 12:00 AM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

Saw this- thought it may be useful news for some-


"Spanish Airport Authority workers have threatened to call strike action just before the Easter weekend on April 21st. The 24 hour stoppage is threatened by the unions who are angry at plans announced by the Government three months ago to partially privatise the airports’ authority..

This morning 200 AENA workers at Barcelona Airport took part in the first demonstration called by the unions.

‘This is a warm-up for the strike day” said an AENA spokesman who advised passengers who have a ticket to fly anywhere in Spain on April 21st to change it for another day.

The union said it would be formally announcing the strike call on March 8th."





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05 Mar 2011 8:19 PM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

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Thats great news!

When I read the title of this thread I thought they were going to start bombing Condado!



Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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05 Mar 2011 9:26 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

Just saw this myself- thought the same thing- then remembered I posted it!! Obviously  I was referring to abit of news about airport staff striking an not unexpected turn in recent world events.



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07 Mar 2011 1:33 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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Darren's post has had me rolling about laughing.  I don't think he's quite as humourless as we all had him down as.  Maybe he is a 'little ray of sunshine' after all?????????????????



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08 Mar 2011 6:41 PM by mandyj Star rating in Glastonbury and La I.... 81 forum posts Send private message

Just heard on the news that Spanish Air Traffic controllers are striking during the busy Easter holidays.  I have been on the Easyjet and Ryanair website with no press release does anyone know anything else? Panicking a bit!! Got stuck out in Spain last year for the ash cloud crisis dont mind if we get stuck in Spain dont want to be stuck in GB!

Mandy & Andy

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08 Mar 2011 8:13 PM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

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The unions CCOO, UGT and the USO presented this afternoon at the Ministry of Labour notice for a strike against the privatization of Aena for five days of April, including the Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday of Easter, plus notification of 5 strikes in May , 3 in June and and 6 during July.
Union sources have reported that the letter is a call for negotiations and stressed that there is "time enough" to avoid a strike if the government cancels its privatisation plans for the national airports operator.
The unions have called for a strike of airport workers on 20, 21, 24, 25 and 30 April, 2, 14, 15, 19 and 20 May, 13, 23 and 30 June, 1, 2, 3 , 4, 15 and 31 July and 1, 15, 31 August, all key dates for summer vacation, and dates on which millions of people are expected to travel to Spain for their holidays.

This message was last edited by michaelhardy on 08/03/2011.


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08 Mar 2011 10:00 PM by lytton Star rating in Bath & North East So.... 422 forum posts Send private message


This sounds a daft question but I am planning to go out on the 23rd April until 28th April so in between these strike days. Is it likely I will face some form of disruption due to bck log of paasengers, etc.

Any thoughts???


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08 Mar 2011 10:18 PM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

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From our experience last year we found that Ryanair and Easyjet just cancelled the flights on the strike day then ran as normal on the following day.


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08 Mar 2011 11:47 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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Thought this thread was about Gaddifi invading Murcia ......... they could do with his billions



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09 Mar 2011 9:21 AM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

News today is less good regarding the possibility of strikes but they do have a while to bring it all back under control. Apparently 22 dates have been identified for strikes throughout the summer. Its not as easy to organise a new flight from Spain if you haven't got internet access (and everyone else is using the communal terminals) Our friends had to leave 5 days late last September as it was impossible to rebook on the days either side of their original leaving date- which on the face of it is great as its 5 more days in the sun, however both had problems in work. One recieved a written warning that any other 'delays' in return to work after planned annual leave would have be taken as unpaid leave and could not be restructed from their remaining leave quota. So apart from the obvious disruption and a bit of stress reorganising things it can have other knock on effects.



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09 Mar 2011 4:10 PM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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These are the dates EOS they at the moment.


UPDATE: Spanish Airport Strike List of Dates
08 March 2011 @ 12:38


The CCOO, UGT and USO Unions are proposing the following days for the airport workers' strikes:

20th, 21st, 24th, 25th and 30th April,

2nd, 14th, 15th, 19th and 20th May,

13th, 23rd, 30th June

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 15th and 31st July.

1st, 15th and 31st August


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09 Mar 2011 5:15 PM by skinnymags Star rating in Dublin - Jardines J0.... 291 forum posts Send private message

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 If they go ahead I'm up a creek without a paddle, when they first announced air stike they said 21st April, so I changed flight to 20th April which cost me an extra 75 euro as waiting to get throught to ryanair did'nt happen, left holding for half hour and then phone went into engaged tone. Due to fly back 2nd May which is now a stike date as well. I suppose just have wait and see what happens. Jackie might not get to see you if this goes ahead


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09 Mar 2011 6:15 PM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Mags

I'm hoping things will get sorted out by then fingers and toes crossed!!! 

I don 't think its worth keep changing dates at this stage as it can all change next month....

I'll write to the spanish union and say "we're cold,wet, and we want the sun!!! Get us out there!!!!  (please)


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09 Mar 2011 9:31 PM by david & ellie Star rating. 82 forum posts Send private message

Unbelievable!  We've only recently completed and were heading out with the kids over Easter!  They're also proposing to strike on the day we're due to fly out for the Summer!

From past experience are the strike dates likely to move from those they have given already (to other dates) or will the proposed strikes just be called off, rather than dates moved?  I hope that makes sense.

We've got the option of changing the flights to days  not currently subject to possible strikes  and I'm tempted to do this, even though it means lining the coffers of Ryanair

Any comments, thoughts suggestions will be appreciated.

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09 Mar 2011 10:19 PM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

In August 2011 they threatened a strike for 16th/17th Aug and we were due to fly back to UK on 17th. My husband was due to have an operation on the 20th August. During our holiday we watched the news and checked the websites and we also checked flights which dwindled rapidly finally leaving only one flight with seats and prices had really risen. As as we didnt dare leave his getting home to chance  we booked him onto that flight which was on the 14th Aug. Three days after booking they cancelled the strike and so we lost out but we really doubted we'd get him onto a flight that could get him home before the operation if the strike went ahead so we were prepared for that. 

Ringing the airline before the strike is confirmed wont get you far- they wont commit to anything until they know for definate, we rang 4.. Generally they said that rebooking before the strike is confirmed (at our own expense) to the day after the proposed strike is no gaurentee of a straight forward journey with no delays as they often have 24 hours of further flight disruption to get things back to where they should be and that the strike could always be longer than has been proposed. The knock on for the summer from a sequence of strikes could make it all a bit chaotic.

Fingers crossed that they have a bit of time yet to resolve these issues before the Easter and Summer as the damage to tourism will be enormous.




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09 Mar 2011 11:50 PM by jeb321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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according to this the may sort it out before it actually comes to a strike - fingers crossed folks !



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10 Mar 2011 8:57 AM by Daniels Star rating in Waterlooville & Pent.... 220 forum posts Send private message

Last year the strikes were not legal as dates not given in advance and therefore some strike days were called off/cancelled - this year dates given in advance!!!!! so unless agreement is reach the strikes will go ahead.

May be tomorrow.......... Always better today!!

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10 Mar 2011 10:26 AM by Jann Star rating in Merseyside and Jardi.... 802 forum posts Send private message

 Yesterday I overheard a large group students talking about their summer plans and saying they weren't going to 'even look at Spain as its always a problem'. As I see evidence everyday that most students never read a newspaper or watch the tv news I think the fact that it was a topic of conversation for them means the level of knowledge in the general public is now very high. Spain really has to get on top of this quickly, heres hoping!



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12 Mar 2011 10:50 PM by david & ellie Star rating. 82 forum posts Send private message

I actually don’t mind flying with Ryanair. It has no customer service and charges for everything but, it’s cheap. You get what you pay for, as it where. However, I’ve now discovered another money maker for Ryanair...apologies if you’re already aware of this.

We decided to change our outbound Easter flight to a day not currently on the strikes list. We took the view that this might give us some element of certainty – as much as you can have – as we are taking the kids out to their new holiday home for the first time.
As per Ryanair’s terms, we knew we had to pay £25 per person to change the flights as well as any additional cost in the flight. Fine. However...
To book a brand new flight the cost was £39.00 per person with no taxes. This is the price we paid when we booked. Triffic! Only £25 each to pay...
However, when I logged on to change the booking, it was quoting the very same flights as £59.99 and a regular fare. I tried a few times over a couple of days just in case it was me or an issue with the website. No such luck and no change in the price to alter the flights. I telephoned Ryanair’s “customer services” and £18 later had been told by the lady on the end of the line that I was right and the cost should be £25 per person on line (£40 per person to change it over the phone). I tried to change the booking online, whilst on the phone. Again, a price of £59.99 plus the admin fee. I tried to explain this to the lady at Ryanair but she told me she couldn’t stay on the line anymore and decided to hang up!
Anyway, long story short...whilst Ryanair’s terms clearly stated that we should have paid £25 each. We didn’t! We paid way over the odds (and the contract) but if it means we can get the kids out to Spain it’s money well spent. 
Whilst I’m planning on suing Ryanair when we get back (should be fun)  I have no doubt whatsoever that we’ll keep flying with them! Watch this space and roll on Corvera...

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14 Mar 2011 11:00 AM by morgan7567 Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

I have been  fortunate enough in the past not to have been stuck in air strikes. Does anyone know what happens as far as your car hire is concerned, Would the hirer let you keep it on for a day or two longer?? Obviously there would be a cost implication?? Would any travel insurance cover these additional costs or is it just tough luck???

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