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Just a reminder as this has featured on this forum previously but it will be useful for new members. I have found in the past when there are more than two people wanting to have a shower that the capacity in the hot water tank is insuffcient. And for those who want to reduce their water and electricity bills, the following little device is a must for CDA residents.
Its called the ´Little Foot´ and is a very small and easy to fit widget that you attach to the shower head and hey presto. Half the water consumption and no loss of performance to the shower. I don´t know how it works, but it does.
Best thing its free. All you need to do is apply to this website and they will mail it to your UK home. Don´t let on that you are using it in Spain as the offer is for UK homes only.
Give it a go.
Jon Faulkner
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Have to agree, I have fitted one and it is a very useful device. It stops you using all the hot water and regulates the flow so you can not have the shower and use it all up. (like my daughter did the first time Dshe used it).
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We fitted an eco shower head to our shower, you don't lose on the water power, it mixes air with the water and saves water consumption.
_______________________ Mama Freel
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I fitted the eco head as well, but with 6 in the apartment then with me always going last i just make do with what i get !
I also advise people stopping with me of an ingenious device that enables you to save lots of water, it's this special dial which once your wet, you can turn it and it saves lots of water till when your lathered and ready to rinse whn you turn the dial the opposite way - voila .............. when the magic dial is used properly i also get some hot water going 6th ................ can you guess what the magic dial is 
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Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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I have one of the Eco fittings for my shower, usually very effective! But it didn't stop my girlfriend using up ALL of the hot water whilst I was out for a run during my last visit - just what I needed when I got back - a cold shower!!
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