Polaris pulling out?

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19 May 2011 12:00 AM by mgk Star rating in Penthouse 2. 241 forum posts Send private message

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 Rumour circulating at the moment -- Polaris to close the Clover in two weeks? -- any one else heard anything along these lines, or is it just scare tactics to increase ' bums on seats'


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19 May 2011 8:49 AM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

That is the downside - PW will close all their retail outlets (not supermarket) then it is up to banks to get someone in to run them.





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19 May 2011 8:49 AM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

That is the downside - PW will close all their retail outlets (not supermarket) then it is up to banks to get someone in to run them.





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19 May 2011 9:37 AM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message

Maybe the beers in the bucket offer was just too much for them.

Banks couldn't do a worse job although I have to admit the service was much improved this easter.



Languageses>en YahooCEerror
' m sure someone could to takeover the pub and maybe the

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19 May 2011 10:06 AM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Is this a rumour with no source or has someone actually spoken to bar staff or someone connected to the bar and got it from the horses mouth? Hard to see how The Clover has stayed afloat but the upcoming high season is the only time they make any money.

Really doubtful the Banks woulld actually do anything- they haven't with the sports zone?

Would the Bank have taken it over anyway; PW may still own it but choose to just close it- it would mean the Banks have taken over Al Kasar otherwise I think. Not heard that anywhere has anyone?

Hard to see in the current climate that its worth the Banks taking the bar or Al Kasar in leiu of payment they probably feel they took far too much the first time around- they dont seem able to get any takers to make them any profit.

It'll be interesting to see if anyone (resident maybe) has any real information.



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19 May 2011 10:20 AM by raff Star rating in Belfast. 143 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

This speculation doesn't help in but is understandably indicative of peoples concerns, after all we have ' no' restaurant an expensive bar with moderately interested staff, an overpriced supermarket with limited choice, a golf course without a clubhouse and  pro shop. (just being factual )

Importantly though,  what we do have is a good community with good neighbours and I believe a location that is on the up. I enjoy my brief visits to Condado and hope that in future years to look back at these times with a huge smile on my face.



This message was last edited by raff on 19/05/2011.

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19 May 2011 11:17 AM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

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Is it not the case that Polaris must keep a Bar and a Supermarket operating?

This wont be good news for those people hoping to rent out their properties, no bar, no sports zone and no restaurant, the place wont be much use to none drivers.


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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19 May 2011 11:26 AM by newworld Star rating. 942 forum posts Send private message

I think the polaris suppermarkets are part owned by the Upper suppermarket group, also on La Torre polaris have brought back the happy hour in the irish bar buy 1 get 1 free. maybe they are trying to shift all the bear before they shut down.lol

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19 May 2011 7:07 PM by thesimpsons Star rating in Folkestone. 298 forum posts Send private message

Well well well

if this is true it makes a mockery of all the victors who scoffed at the 2 proposals to re open the sports zone citing will this make Polaris pull out !!!!!!

If and only if we will be left with nothing!

Its time we stopped harping on about polaris except for getting solicitors in to sue them on our behalf for breach of contract with the facilities and start backing the ideas to revamp and put the community first.

Can you imagine trying to rent a propery with no Bar No Restuarant. No sports, no clubhouse and what next no supermarket its getting laughable. We would become an unrbanisation in the middle of nothing. Also please people stop saying when Paramount comes it will be alright, Paramount is still no a definate and no contracts have been signed they have just agreed where and are now in consultation so do not count your chicken.

The AGM is a must now to a get answers and B vote in presidents that will keep you informed rather than relying on rumours for updates.

Thanks Neil

Again sorry about the spelling and we still only have 2 second rows for the team. to qualify you just have to know about rugby and be able to handle a beer or 6 we have decided to skip the playing and the warm up bit and concentrate on the aftermatch festivities.


Neil Simpson

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19 May 2011 8:29 PM by del007 Star rating. 274 forum posts Send private message

 I don't know if I quite understand Barney111's point on the "More lives than a cat" thread.  Does this mean that RMI now own the land earmarked for the original Club House?  If so do they intend to build a Club House, temporary or not?  Finally, should RMI have any intention to build, would this not be reason enough for Polaris to pull out of the Clover.  No information on this, just another spanner thrown on to the works.

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19 May 2011 8:36 PM by newworld Star rating. 942 forum posts Send private message

Polaris are expected to make an official announcement Next Week allegedly

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19 May 2011 9:11 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Nothing to do with the sports zone exlipsing The Clover. I posted a couple of weeks ago that I had read on a property forum that the PW sales staff had been told not to promote CdA in 2008 and onwards but to promote La Torre and Hacienda.  The President Sonatigh posted asking where I had the info from and I honestly couldnt refer him back as it was one of those many 'property in Spain' sites that I have an alert to  as I use them for reference for my tourist info writings.

The sorts zone is practically unviable with the proposals on the table and if people are prepared to pay a 'team' to develop it but in actual fact the resort is buying the zone then why can't the resort just go ahead and buy it anyway. That first proposal really does mean they will be quids in- and not just a few bob I'm talking millions and that is patently wrong!!! Nothing wrong with people making a profit but not when they are pulling the wool.

besides that, where has this rumour originated?



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19 May 2011 9:21 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

I meant to also say that unfortunatley PW are not in breach of contract as they work with the 'off plan rule' and until the resort is fully complete any changes are permissible- that goes for all thats not been built, wont be built and changes to expected design. It says so on your contracts and/or Jardine plan. Even if you buy 2nd hand on an unfinished development. Buyer beware, as they say in the UK,.



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20 May 2011 12:02 AM by skinnymags Star rating in Dublin - Jardines J0.... 291 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All,


Im on facebook with the Clover, and I sent them a message asking them are the closing in 2 weeks, they said NO, also the posted this information; The Clover Alhama, is Preparing for the big party on June 17 ... Not to be missed, I will inform you and will keep you Informed of upcoming events.


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20 May 2011 12:19 AM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

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Thw Simpsons said "Its time we stopped harping on about polaris except for getting solicitors in to sue them on our behalf for breach of contract with the facilities............"

Yeah, good luck with that.

I think you need to check your contract again. It was for an apartmemt, not facilities (unless your contract is different to mine and I suspect everyone elses). You've not got a leg to stand on in your attempts to sue, but like I said, good luck.



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20 May 2011 2:13 PM by mgk Star rating in Penthouse 2. 241 forum posts Send private message

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 The latest update on this saga, the Clover will not be closing in two weeks, but if I am led to believe Polaris are leaving and the management will be taken over by Olagolf, wait and see!!!


www.condadoelectricalservices.com        condadoes@live.co.uk

tel.605 832  795

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20 May 2011 2:21 PM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

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Really, Olagolf will be taking over the running of Al Katraz, not sure how much experience they have of running empty retail units, but cant do a worse job than Polaris.

Initially this sounds like great news, Polaris out, maybe new business can open??? However I would imagine that Polaris have given Al Katraz to IRM, the consortium of banks that own the Sports Zone and Golf Course. If this is the case, maybe not such great news when you consider what has happened to the Sports Zone.

Still amazes me that whoever owns Al Katraz would rather have empty units than rent them out???? IDIOTS!


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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20 May 2011 3:46 PM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message


I have already posted Olagolfs response. No temp clubhouse cos that money will go to building permanent building on land originally designated.

I think 2 bars could run if the were properly managed, So goodbye clover unless they get new management.




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20 May 2011 3:51 PM by thekeeve Star rating in Hope, West Wales and.... 277 forum posts Send private message

Taken from the current PW website:

'Condado de Alhama is a fantastic resort where residents can enjoy a unique lifestyle and surroundings. A wide range of services serve the properties. 

Supermarket, bars, restaurants, etc. all make up the fantastic services that define the autonomous and independent nature of this residential complex. 

In Condado de Alhama, sports fans and professionals alike will have an unbeatable backdrop to practise their favourite activities: tennis, paddle tennis, football pitches are all available 

Al Kasar town centre in Condado de Alhama is a perfect place to enjoy leisure and tranquillity on your doorstep. Everything is adjoining so you can easily get there on foot or by bike

If they pull out and take all these fabulous facilities with them, where will we be then eh? eh?  El Valle is currently the venue for the European Tour's Spanish Senior Open.  Take a look at the Tour website, quite impressive, and of course, part of the Niclaus Golf Trail (anyone remeber that as one reason for buying?) - they abandoned us a long long time ago. 


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20 May 2011 5:32 PM by rich&bops Star rating in Fleet . 266 forum posts Send private message


They abandoned everyone once they took the deposits.  they knew exctly what was going on...  everyoen got shafted, and unless someone invests in the are all we wil have is a 18 hole golf course, supermarket, and a pub


No matter how quiet it is, or how safe it is, or how nice on site it is.  its not what anyone bought into

Roll on Paramount


something has to change we need more to do in the area

This message was last edited by rich&bops on 20/05/2011.

This message was last edited by rich&bops on 20/05/2011.




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