The Comments |
Straight from our very own 'roving reporter' Catherine (who is currently wandering around and phoning me every ten minutes!) - It is FANTASTIC!! Security is red hot. No one is being allowed remotely near the properties and only owners can park within the perimeter. The stalls are - and I quote - very 'upmarket' market stalls. She says there are already hundreds of people there - mainly Spanish - and the atmosphere is unbelievable. Trust me on this one - Catherine would most definately tell me if it was a bit 'iffy' or dodgy. She says it fits in really well and comments that Mileniun have played a bliner here. Fantastico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arlene.
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And now the truth…….
The market is almost up to the standard of the local town markets; however the variety was not there and the prices were higher.
The quality of fruit and vegetables was excellent considering the time of day, the Jamon stall was absolutely the best, a very good selection of high quality meats.
The market was well attended, probably 60/40 (tourists/locals).
The security was intimidating, what is it with Condado and security? You can drive onto most other urbanisations without this obsession with security.
I took the opportunity to explore Al Kazar……two things were very apparent;
The supermarket was not particularly clean and the prices as I expected were higher.
The Clover Bar – well….. what a rip-off, €9.00 for a lettuce salad!!!!! Goodness knows how much you pay for drinks. It was packed, but then it has no competition!
A group of you should get together, form a type of public company (where everyone on Condado can buy shares to provide set-up/working capital) and open a Venta/Casa Cultura type establishment. Serve Menu del Dia or an A’la Carte at sensible prices, it would kick-start your commercial centre.
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Sounds very positive for the 1st market and security sounds as though there on the ball keeping an eye on things, thats what they' are paid to do. Can't wait to see the place again next week.
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Yes I agree. The market was very well run and much more popular than I expected it to be. At 23.10 the car park did look like a war zone as traders packed up but sat poised to clean up were the security and cleaners and as I look down towards the place this morning all seems returned to normal.
Whilst Valeros below has made a couple of negative comments, what she does point out is that this type of venture will work well for the resort. The businesses do need to gear themselves up around it. We had taken the decision to book a table for four in the restaurant for 9.30. Glad we did as the two waiters who worked really well, were run off their feet and probably turned away more people than were actually being served. The disappointed customers could not understand why half the large restaurant was standing empty and this probably is another own goal by the owners of the Clover and restaurant.
Interesting just to stand at the entrance to the Al Kasar as people (mainly from other resorts not to far away) entered and listened to their initial comments. By and large most were impressed but astounded by the lack of open businesses - not too surprising - but the owners of the facilities I hope are taking note of what success looks like and can achieve and ML should be proud of what they have done for the resort. Well done.
Jon Faulkner
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Brilliant news, if it carries on improving like this for much longer, we will finally be able to put the half empty crew out to pasture!
keep up the good work, ML and the presidents.
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Love , Love it, Love it !! Well done ML, Presidents and anyone else involved, sounds like they've done us proud, cant wait to see it myself. Valeros, we pay for the security and if they were not doing their job there would be quite a few complaints from owners and i agree the salad sounds expensive but it is an optional purchase. Being the first market a few teething problems can be expected but doesn't sound like much needs putting right judging by this thread .Things seem to be coming along at a nice pace lately and who knows we may even get a few units in Al kazar opening up in the near future, fingers crossed
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Sounds a great success.
If the market was set up in Al Kasar carpark I'm assuming people were told to park outside as there are no other public places to park. Its not like its a great hike from the parking outside the gates.
Any comments about prices and sevice in clover will have been voiced before by residents so no one will be surprised. The fact the bar and restaurant were packed seems to be a good indicator.
If the less optimistic view on this thread still thinks it was nearly upto the town markets that is good enough for me. I think the town markets are brilliant so if we have something close to that I won't be complaining.
Overall well done ML.
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The market was definitely a resounding success and very well organised with visitors being asked to park outside and walk in. This morning the car park at al kazar was sparkling clean so all those who thought there would be piles of rubbish will be disappointed. Also didnt hear of any thefts but the second hand sunbed stall at giveaway prices prices did a resounding trade!(sic)!
Looking forward to the medieval market on 12th ,13th and 14th august which are usually done excellently in spain and this one at condado will feature magic and illusion, animal farm,teastings,dances and parades,games tournemounts and gifts,pony and donkey rides,medieval fairground, inflatables, theatre and workshops,kids play area and make up. see here for more info on the fiestas
This message was last edited by georgeh on 17/07/2011. This message was last edited by georgeh on 17/07/2011.
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Delighted to hear that market was a huge success and that the car park was cleaned after. I just hope we are not paying for the cleaning and that the stall-holders are covering the cost of the same
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From some one who does not live on Polaris world carnt say the market was that exciting,only about half the size of the one in the Port,also have been told the stall holders had increased there prices from what they charge in Mazarron market.
And €2 for a coke in The Irish Bar,will not be going back there in a hurry,but never seen so many parking bays in one place,are they ever full.
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The parking bays are for spectators for the top professional golf tournaments that will be played on our fabulous world class couse, when the club house eventually gets built that is.
Oh and cant understand why someone would want to buy a coke in an Irish bar, leave the bar to the drinkers and get your coke cheap from the supermarket.
This message was last edited by dakey on 18/07/2011.
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People forget that we are used to only having a supermarket and a bar plus a restaurant that no one generally knows when its going to be open.
So a market of any kind is an exciting development...especially one that was a resounding success.
And its not merely an Irish bar, but a Literary bar....thats why drinks are at a premium
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I also forgot to mention in my reply that we are not a polaris world resort anymore, that rust bucket of a ship has long since sailed into the distance, thank goodness!
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Please could S.M.V. explain,she says in her posting its not merely an Irish bar,but a Literary bar thats why drinks are at a premium,is that a Polaris world thing or am I meant to understand what she is talking about.
Also the reply that I should have bought my coke in the supermarket were it was cheaper than in the bar,do I take that to mean thats were all the residents spend there time drinking.Did visit the supermarket also not overly impressed with that.
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Moggy the simple fact is that there is one bar and they can charge what they want to a certain extent. The residents have no or very little say in it. You won't find any residents voting it No1 bar in spain but you live with what you have.
It has certainly improved in the last year but I am talking from a beer drinkers perspective...and I don't know where the coke drinkers congregate.
Oh and literary on the lines of library/literature....and the comment wasn't 100% serious. I think you can take the first line of this reply as the reason for high drink prices.
But I'm sure you'll come to love th resort during your many visits, high coke prices and all.
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