Restaurant booking and Supermarket Sunday Opening times

Condado Excursions
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25 Aug 2011 12:00 AM by Lynnp Star rating in Carshalton, Surrey, .... 267 forum posts Send private message


I understand from previous posts that you can't just turn up at the restaurant.

Does anyone know if you can book online, or failing that have a telephone number and also what time is the restaurant open til?

We are coming out with my parents on 3rd September, our flight lands at Murcia at 9pm so I  don't expect we'll get to Condado until 10-10.30pm. I don't particularly want to drive down to Camposol, but might have to.

Also, what time does our supermarket open on Sundays?

Thanks very much in advance, and we look forward to seeing you all whilst we're there.

Lynn & John

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25 Aug 2011 9:53 PM by beebeetay Star rating. 96 forum posts Send private message

Hi Lynn and John

When we were over in July and arrived late so we asked our lovely keyholder Sara to get some shopping in for us, why not give her a try on 0034634308169, tell her Brenda emailed you.



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28 Aug 2011 4:36 PM by redcloak Star rating in Stonehaven and Jardi.... 141 forum posts Send private message

redcloak´s avatar

Restaurant - good news and bad for you I'm afraid.

Good - you do not have to book in advance - we're just back after a month out there and we often went in "on spec" and got a table. Despite other comments to the contrary, we found the food was ok but not much better than that - prices were reasonable but the menu limited. Service varied but, hey, you're in Spain so you just relax and go with the flow..... We're quite fussy about food and we ate there 2/3 times a week, so it can't be that bad.

Overall it was acceptable (just)

Bad news - it appears to be closing on 31/8/11 for the season - grrrrrrr - infuriating,


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