Hi all
We visited Sierra Golf on Saturday 10
th March and can report that not much progress on the golf course itself as been made but the Villas are coming along at a rapid rate. The main tree lined road in is now tarmaced but the internal roads around M14, M15, M16 etc are still dirt tracks. The pavements were being laid in a mix of red and grey block paving with a lot of holes being left presumably for trees. The furniture packs are in on M14 & M15 and additional furniture in the same design can be obtained from TERREAMOR
www.torreamor.com based in Torrevieja, for those who have seen Camposol furniture it is a different pine and is better than camposol. The external garden walls were being painted yellow, to match those that have dyed breeze block yellow walls. There is a water filter offer being published by Abril 28, for 290 Euros + IVA, contact Aud in the Masa office if you are interested.
I queried about completion dates for the first phase and was given end of April beginning of May. All that is outstanding for the first release id that the internal roads are tarmaced and the council signs off on the completion. I was told we would be informed by Masa nearer the time when completion dates were definite.
Also from the roofs of the Eagles and Albtross’s you can definitely claim a sea view, its way of in the distance but you can clearly see the Mar Menor.
Regards, Bob & Kathy