best and cheapest way to take a car to condado

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10 Mar 2012 12:00 AM by mejazi10 Star rating in OBAN SCOTLAND AND NA.... 236 forum posts Send private message

hi all we are moving to condado soon and taking the car from glasgow  is it best to drive all the way or drive / ferry anyone any idea of petrol costs ? any advice would be great cheers mejazi10. p,s does anyone know how much to change to spannish plates ? and how long i can drive with brittish plates , many thanks ,


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10 Mar 2012 10:50 PM by newworld Star rating. 942 forum posts Send private message

I spent over 12 months looking at doing this i took my uk over to for 2 months, did the portsmouth to bilbao ferry trip 10 hour drive to murcia, split driving with the wife think you can drive for 180 days on uk plates. My advice would be sell your car in the uk, and buy a spanish one,you will save a lot of time & hassle i think its about 1000 euro. and at the end of the day you will still have a right hand drive car. Don't buy a spanish car from ebay, loads of silly stories.

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