Furnishing, DFS Spain www.dfsspain.com for all your furniture, beds, patio and white goods Nothing to do with DFS in UK. Reasonable prices, Friendly and helpful Staff and excellent delivery and installation men.
Air Con, Apollo Air www.apolloair.eu again excellent pricing helpful and friendly staff, they have done numerous installations for owners on Condado and go the extra mile for customer satisfaction.
Electrician, Condado Electrical Services, www.condadoelectricalservices.com Local, dependable, qualified and a nice person too.
TV and Internet, before you do anything contact Phil Tann (ptan on this forum) to find out your best options, he has helped lots and lots and lots of people with these issues. He will tell you what he can provide and where to get anything he can’t.
TV Set bring from UK or Buy from Big Supermarkets.