Questions about NIE and taking car to Spain

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19 Mar 2007 12:00 AM by alex875 Star rating. 209 forum posts Send private message

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Hi my name is William I am 8 this week my dads let me on here to see if there is any children that would like to become friends before we get to spain.

will any one be in my class? I have just got muzzy and am going to watch it tonight I like football and playing cricket I have a baby brother who is 1 years old.

I love snorkling in the mar menor and like going to el patios







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19 Mar 2007 5:31 PM by karen c Star rating. 89 forum posts Send private message

Hello William


My son is 14. His name is Ollie. He loves cricket and football too. Although we are not moving out to San Cayetano but using it as a holiday home, he says he will play cricket etc with you when he is over in the summer and eater holidays.

Good luck with the language, I'm sure you will learn it brilliantly


Take care


Karen and Ollie

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20 Mar 2007 7:08 PM by tinasolera Star rating in Murcia. 801 forum posts Send private message

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We are Trinity and Brandon aged 4 and 2 and we have driven mummy nuts this week. She thinks it wil be easier in Spain but boy has she got it wrong because we will be answering back in spanish and she wont have a clue what we are going on about ha ha ha. We will go to the local school Look forward to meeting fellow chums

We like ballet, tumble tots and swimming. We enjoy doing puzzles and bouncing on our trampoline. I (Trinny) would like to be a wobbly cake when im older and I (Brandon) would like to fly aeroplanes when im older but only blue ones.  

Love Trin and Bran xx

This message was last edited by tinasolera on 3/20/2007.


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10 Apr 2007 8:30 PM by Jonah Star rating in Telford,Shropshire. 46 forum posts Send private message

Hi we are Rhiannon and Abigail aged 10 and 8.we are also going to the local school and look forward to meeting some new friends

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14 Apr 2007 2:35 PM by JBaker Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Hi Im William and Im 10, 11 in august.  Me and my family are moving out in August.  I have a brother named harry who is 1 and  half and a cat called Sassie who will be coming with us.  I have a spainish teacher here called Macarena whi is really cool.  Im scared and excited about moving out. Will

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14 Apr 2007 7:00 PM by tinasolera Star rating in Murcia. 801 forum posts Send private message

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We look forward to meeting all of you hola hola hola

Trin and Brandon x


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20 Apr 2007 8:35 PM by alex875 Star rating. 209 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Ollie

I would love to play cricket and football with you in holidays my best friend here is also called Oliver.Do you like playing on PSP,s.


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08 Jun 2007 7:50 PM by Diane and Joe Star rating in Sheffield. 152 forum posts Send private message

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Hi William and Ollie

I'm Alex.  I'll be nine next month.  I like playing football, cricket and tennis.  We're going to be in San Cayetano for school holidays.  Would it be OK for me to play with you?


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07 Jul 2007 7:22 PM by alex875 Star rating. 209 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Alex

I will love to play with you.

in summer hols i will be doing a tennis course so i will be up for a game of tennis as well

hope to meet you soon



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08 Jul 2007 1:07 PM by Diane and Joe Star rating in Sheffield. 152 forum posts Send private message

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Hi, William

I'm looking forward to our tennis matches.  One day I hope to be as good as Rafael Nadal so I'll needs loads of practice.  I'm just off to play tennis now.

Our house in Spain should be ready by Easter so we can play in the summer next year.  We're going to Tenerife this year.

Thanks for writing to me.


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