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It's the fact they are doing Jardines 6,7,8 and 9 at present ( not sure if 9 just started or just finishing as not much soil around it) .so 5 and 10 nearest pools to use!! naranjos 5 finished except waiting for few replacement tiles, not sure which Naranjos gardens are being done at present, keep meaning to check!
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It's the fact they have chosen this time to carry out remedial works!!!! It's the fact that there are 2 workers in each of the jardins,eliminating numerous pools at any one time. Why not put 4/6 workers at a time in any one jardin reducing the down time of any given pool. Oh! and here's an idea, why not replace the missing tiles from the pools at the same time? No!, I've got it we can do that next Easter, better still, right in the middle of high season.
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The annoying bit is that pools in Jardines 2 -5 were all out at same time now i know the pools are cold at the moment but would have been much better to do every other pool first then at least those that want to swim can go one Jardin away but they way it was done its 2 or 3 away crazy bad planning and yes i have told the Administrator....... the answer was we want all the work done by end of April before the Holiday Is Easter a Holiday season? ..... am sure the work was necessary but dont know how its paid for? was not in any budget i have seen? and the budgets i have seen have no spare cash for such improvements / repairs? Recieved the 3 month Finance report from Jan - April and no mentiuon of these repairs / modifications? perhaps the Gardening company are doing them for free in their monthy costs??
I got too old soon, and too late smart !
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I was told originally that 2 teams of gardeners were starting from either end of Jardines and Naranjos and doing one pool at a time so you then had choice of using pool next door...when I walked through Jardines during the week, I couldnt believe how many pools were out of action. Men and children are using the pools now, us ladies being more gentler souls are waiting till they warm up more! I just can't see whay this had to be done now. It could have waited till October? Our pool was started before Easter and they downed tools and took their Easter break. We drove for 2 days with the kids itching to get in the pool, no matter what!! I heard one little boy telling my younger daughter you couldnt use the pools, to which she replied that she had asked the gardeners and they said it was okay!!! No gardeners in sight but the little boy was then happy to join her! Think she is destined to be a politician!!!
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I agree that the work could have been planned better as in leaving pools in close proximity available for the hardy souls who want to use them.
I suspect the work was done now as the pools are used very little this time of year and also it is probably the best time for the turf to to take.
I am happy the work has been done
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Totally agree Paul, as long as they are finished for the busy summer season i dont see any problem with the works being carried out now. Looking at the pools that are finished i think the drainage will make a big difference to the grass that was being killed off by the water from the pools. The new gardening company seem to be doing a great job and lots of new trees being planted. There was a lot of work being done by them when I was over last week and if its being done free as part of the new contract then good for them. Its a bonus for our resort.
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If its a freebie then we cant complain, but the brokem tiles need to be replaced asap before someone hurts themselves....
12 Months' Keyholding with weekly checks, just €99!!!
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The fact that it's free is neither here no'r there. It does not excuse bad planning or poor execution. We are swamped with emails from Milleniun advising us of day to day functions that we do not need to know about. Why write to tell us the contactors are doing their job and show us pretty little pictures to support this claim. Milleniun should write to advise us that our well earned holiday will be disrupted due to their lack of management skills. Of course it would be better still if Milleniun could display some commonsense and apply a fully thought out maintenance program.
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Here we go again. Moan moan moan. I was there at Easter and pools were anyway to cold to go in and if you wanted to go in, there was no problem to do so. So move on and enjoy our beautiful resort and be thankful that they do they work. Ffs.
_______________________ Apartment 4 Rent @
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Glad you said that Tash, I was thinking where are these people coming from? This work which is pretty significant has been completed in quick time and well before the season where the pools are in use. I was out just before Easter and there is no way anybody was going in the pools. Pool season runs from May to October if you are lucky! It's true that you can't please all the people all of the time and that is why an organisation like ML end up ignoring a lot of complaints because they get worn down by pointless whining. THey have done a good job with this and generally they keep the place in top order on a tight budget.
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Here we go, we now have the temperature police who are now advising when it is possible to go in to the water. We are also advised that it was possible to gain entry to the pool whilst work was ongoing. Great idea! Right kdis in you go, never mind the wheel barrows, scattered tools and rubble mounds, fill your boots. You just don't seem to understand there is a right way and a wrong way to do things! Milleniun got this badly wrong. Why shoudn't they when there are people out there happy to accept such sub standard management .
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When my kids went in there were just rubble mounds at the other end, no tools or machines!!! I actually believe N5 is more dangerous as it is now with the broken tiles and hole in the fence that the company have left! I have been to ML and been advised that they cant find replacement tiles, but are working on it! A little planning would not have gone amiss...doing 4 pools at a time seems bad planning...surely do 1 at a time and leave it right before doing the next? ML do a good job and am not faulting them but maybe these inprovements might have been better started in October??? Maybe they didnt realise how crazy the British, Irish and Scandinavians are going in to the water at Easter!!!! Us oldies may only use the pools May to September but the kids dont feel the cold and use it for a longer season! Mine have been in, almost every day since the end of March!!
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Im more of a June to September fan, not too late in September either!!
12 Months' Keyholding with weekly checks, just €99!!!
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Nothing personal but, you wrote
"The work is not in the budget because it is a freebie extra from STV I think Mick."
So is it being paid for by the community or is it free?
As a level 2 President you should know not think? The presidents are legally responsible for ALL expenditure so you should know if community money was spend. Or didn't ML ask approval or inform you?
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