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Hi all
i am going back out to spain soon and know of someone who has had loft opened so i am going to have a look at his.
if its possible which im pretty sure it is does anyone want an estimate so we can keep the price down???
sounds better than putting a shed in the garden
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Hi Iain
Are you talking about the quads? If they can be opened that would be fantastic. Although I was under the impression that beacuse they aren't separated individually in the roof space this would cause a problem.
Perhaps when you've seen it you'll be able to tell me how they've done it. We would defo have ours opened up for storage as it would be miles better than having a shed in the garden.
Look forward to you finding out.
_______________________ Donna, Andy & Charlie - living in the sun! for green fees
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Hi Donna yes im on about the quads i will let you know soon there will be alot of brickwork up there allready to support the roof
as soon as i find out more will let you know
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Hi Iain,
We would also be interested in loft space in the quads, however, as I recall the ceilings above the upper floor are of solid concrete, as in some of the builds they have put the roof on before building any of the walls, so it may take some hacking through.
Then again, if it can be done we are still interested.
Dave & Janet
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Hi dave and janet
hope you had a good trip the ceilings are not solid concrete have a look at a picture i uploaded on 28th march 32735 photo 5
we take 4 blocks out go into loft space re arrange brickwork making sure roof is supported
i will have a quote next week fingers crossed it will work.
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Hi Iain,
Yes thanks, we had a brilliant trip, spent a lot of time back and forth to the site and getting quite exited about it, even though we have a good while to go yet and we are very envious of those lucky ones who are now moving in, but good luck to them all.
Take your point about the floor/cielings, it looks in your photo as if they have knocked a hole through the first floor with no problem. Anyway if it can be done all the better, so await with interest.
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Hi Sue
Im still waiting for a reply must be a spanish thing?
they have mentioned that about every 18 inchs there is blocks to hold roof in place.
i dont know whether it would affect our 10 year guarantee if it could be done.
as soon as i know i will let you know.
I was thinking if i could make the wash room outside into a dinning come breakfast room what do you think
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Hi Iain
We would like to extend the roof on the wash room & some people have suggested putting patio doors on the front which could be a really good idea. I think there are a few people in the inner walkway of quads who are thinking of covering it in.
We have asked for a couple of quotes (including from Taray, but are still waiting). At the moment there is no rush though as we are not allowed to do anything like that until after the habitation licence is granted & also we need to save up some money!!!!!!
Storage is the main problem & it makes you realise how much you use your garage & loft space at home.
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Hi Iain
Have you had any info on the loft space and also the conversion of the kitchen / washroom? If you're still out there have you taken any new photos? We're desperate! 
_______________________ Donna, Andy & Charlie - living in the sun! for green fees
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Hi Donna
i still havent heard anything about the loft which is bad news i think??
the kitchen can be done im sure i ve not had any prices cos i will do that myself.
i just cant wait to get out there its so frustrating not being there.
I have a plan next time i go out i will film with cam corder and put it on you tube what you think?
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