Albero Sand

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18 Jun 2014 11:53 AM by jennywren581 Star rating. 42 forum posts Send private message

Does anyone know the reasoning behind truck loads of this sand being put on the perimeter gardens of Phase 1?

Is this our new beach resort or is it a luxury dogs toilet?

What does this sand actually do- apart from blowing everywhere when there is any wind.

The grass infront of our block was covered in it several months ago.It is still bald

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18 Jun 2014 11:54 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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Pass. I think it looks awful - would have preferred stone like everywhere else but I expect that is more expensive.

And yes - the dogs seem to love it. Notoced a few last week where the owners just "ignored" what their pet was doing.


Cheers Pommers

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19 Jun 2014 11:40 AM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Got to be the new dogs toilet!!   This has to be a  General Community gardening initivative as those perimeter gardens surely are tended by them!  Has anyone asked Resortalia what is going on?  I am not on site at the moment but woudl welcome some news on this.

I think dogs should be banned from being walked on the resort - noise and muck - disgusting!!  Is this what we pay our extortionate fees for so the dogs can have somewhere to poo!  There is a nice bit of waste land just over the bridge which is very suitable!!


As Pommers says "grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"






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19 Jun 2014 11:56 AM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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It is the Entidad gardens - budget passed at AGM to do work on the perimeter areas.
Resortalia have been reporting all the work in their weekly email for several weeks.


This message was last edited by pommers on 19/06/2014.

Cheers Pommers

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19 Jun 2014 12:02 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Pommers


I guessed as much - honestly not much thought given here was there ?  I have dropped an email to Resortalia asking the purpose of the sand and await their reply.

Still grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr though!





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19 Jun 2014 12:11 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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Oooh - be interested to see their response (that is if you get one)

Cheers Pommers

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19 Jun 2014 3:30 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Not holding my breath!  Also copied into President Phase 1 so let's see what happens.





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19 Jun 2014 11:18 PM by jennywren581 Star rating. 42 forum posts Send private message

The President of Phase 1 is going to love me Sandrab.I am always complaining!

My next two complaints( and I have some lovely pictures,)is the rubbish stacked high by the dustbins after only one weekend! There are just not enough bins for household waste on the first roundabout and even if you walk round the corner there is still only two there.People shoud not have to sit on their balconies and look at that.

My other complaint is the footpath inside the main gate which is unfinished and has been like that for months.Holidaymakers should not have to walk on the road with their cases or their golf clubs.

Thanks for all your interest in the Albero sand.What a waste of our money.A football pitch for the children would have been money better spent.That would stop them playing on the stairs in the apartment blocks, on the grass, on the path ,in the road or where there is a space.

I am sorry I am in a mood.England lost!!

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20 Jun 2014 10:57 AM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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The thing is JennyWren is that I feel we are entitled to have input - we pay our fees and have elected our President to represent us in all matters and if the rubbish piling up or the works to the pavement (which I understand are being done by Roda Golf - not the General Community) then you have to communicate your concerns.

I try not to "winge" too often but the question of the dogs toilet was one I brought up at the very very first AGM for Phase 1 back in 2008 and it was brushed over by the then president and administrators.  I asked for doggy mess bins to be put up to encourage dog owners to dispose of the doggy doos in a hygienic way but I think it was turned down.  I am not sure if we do have those ins on Resort now.  Also its all very well San javier council saying they will fine people for not clearing up dog mess but you have to catch the culprits first!  I just hate dog mess with a passion - not dogs - they are lovely - just owners who can't be bothered to clear up after them.  I

I have just had a bright idea - why not some close range sensor driven cameras (with nigh vision) directed at the sandpit - it can then record who is using the area for a doggy toilet and send an alert to security at hte same time so they can supervise what is going on!





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20 Jun 2014 1:57 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All


The spreading of the arificial Albero sand in the permiter outside phase 1 was intended to be the first phase of the Entidad and Town hall garden area improvents which were presented to all owner at The EUCC AGM,


Eventually it is hoped to tidy up and clean all 3Km of the perimeter open spaces adding a second petanca court near phase 3 and hopefully a planned beach volleyball court near phase 2.

These are all part of the approved and planned improvements which the new Entidad board would like to make if funds are available.

We wanted to make a stsrt before the summer season to show owners how it would look.

Artificial Albero sand was decided on because it is relatively cheap, it hardens when rolled and wet and being inert lets few weeds grow.

The exisiting gravel was thinly placed with no membrane allowing weeds to flourish and was thrown around the playgrounds and roads by children.

Sadly dogs will mess in stones, sand, dirt or anything and owners need to clear it up, which many do.

It would be impossible to gain agreement for a pet frre resort unless you start from scratch, it is not the fault of the dogs but the owners and we are attempting to involve Secuirty more in spotting perpetrators and all responsible owners can play there part, identifying those guilty.

We werre also hampered this month by unusually high winds as well as a refusal by Hidrogea to supply the Entidad with water at agreed prices.

We therefore suffered from the sand being blown around and not hardening due to lack of water it will require further raking and wetting, so some are praying for rain here.

This is Spain after all and things are sent to try us.

We meet again next week but for now no new Albero will be spread and we will concentrate on extending the concrete path all the way around the resort as a safe walking and cycling track, it is hoped this will eventually be tree lined to give shade.


the Entidad board is working hard to improve and change things and already more cooperation between communities is gathering momentum and i for one am happy to try and answer individual questions and concerns whenever i can until such time that a new and more informative website is up and running.

Please contact me

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20 Jun 2014 2:43 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

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PS Jenny


the hole in the ground near the entrance is, I agree a disgrace and was part of work done by Roda for electrics.


please continue to put pressure on Resortalia as resort administrator to pressurise Roda who can be very uncooperative or even call in the Roda sales office and complain asking all your neighbours to do similar.


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20 Jun 2014 4:29 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Hugh_man


Thanks for your update - much appreciated as always as is your contribution to the Entitad and commitment to the resort.  But  Let's pray for rain and dog owners with plastic bags!!!


The pathway sounds fab and looking forward to trying that out at some point when it is completed.


Kind regards



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03 Jul 2014 12:14 AM by jennywren581 Star rating. 42 forum posts Send private message

I am pleased to inform you that the path at the main gate has now been completed.Just a gentle nudge does the trick!

I am a bit doubtful as to the theory of the Albero sand though, as weeds are popping up all over it

Now Resortalia tells us dog owners cant put there dogs mess in the bins so where exactly can they put it.As Sandrab suggested there should be doggy bins that are a different colour to the rest of the bins- but then some poor soul has to empty them

.I dont think there can be a solution to this problem.

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