Hi All ,
Just been on the phone with our Agent in Spain and this is what she had to say :-
GM have applied for the Licences ( which I assume are the Habitation Licences ) to Murcia Council which cover approx. 400 properties on Poligono's 13,14,15 and 16.
She does not know when the Council will grant these licences , due to bureaucracy and forthcoming Local Elections.
All houses are ready to hand over - I understand that most , if not all , are now furnished and have been cleaned. It is just a matter of waiting for the Council ????
The road outside our property has now been tarmaced ; the water and electricity is being tested ; the footpaths are in the process of being laid with slabbing .
The fees for Elect. and Water( as mentioned on another thread ) are not actually for the connection but cover the setting-up of Direct Debits and ancilliary paperwork . Our fee will be added to the final bill we get from our solicitor.
I mentioned that we feel like we are living in limbo and that we would like to take a break somewhere ( anywhere) . The Agent replied that we should be OK to have a holiday during April or May but to leave June free just incase !! She also mentioned to Fran that although we and all you others out there may be suffering from the delays , that other people who have bought on another development 2 1/2 years ago have not even had any construction started yet , so others are a lot worse off than us .
Roger and Fran (Res) Open 15.54

This message was last edited by Roger Davis on 4/18/2007.