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Casares del Sol forum threads
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27 Apr 2007 12:00 AM by johnf Star rating in London / Costa Del S.... 66 forum posts Send private message

If there are any suitable volunteers or recommendations for a president for PM2 can we please put forward some  names or at least propose some as we do not not have much time to  nominate.

I have someone as a suggestion however I need to ensure their approval prior to submission.

If there is anything I can do to co-ordinate or assist anyone please contact me.

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28 Apr 2007 9:48 AM by Jerry Star rating. 74 forum posts Send private message

I would support any nominee who can represent the owners. Like most we are only occasional visitors but would give full backing to a team committed to getting the best out of CDL and doing whatever is possible to force IL to deliver on their obligations. As i suggested before, a President should be able to hire legal and Planning/Architect experts to hold them to account. Good Luck

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04 May 2007 9:33 PM by skt Star rating. 34 forum posts Send private message

We are in Block 13 so assume we are PM2. Likewise we will lend our support to anyone who wants to take on the role of President. Unfortunately we are not in a position to reside full time in Casares Del Sol but we agree that the role of President should be taken on by someone who resides there. Keep us posted on when the AGM is happening.

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05 May 2007 2:04 PM by johnf Star rating in London / Costa Del S.... 66 forum posts Send private message

Just to confirm that PM2 Consists of Blocks 3 to 20 inclusive. Our AGM is supposed to be 15th June however I have not heard anything from Ammex as yet to confirm this.

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05 May 2007 7:41 PM by Ianmack Star rating in Manchester & Casares.... 125 forum posts Send private message

Ammex has all the confirmed dates of the AGM's on the website under "Bulletin Board" then open "Introduction Letter"

The dates are as previously posted:

Pm1  1/6/07        Pm2  15/6/07        Pm3  30/11/07        Pm4  7/9/07 


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06 May 2007 7:31 PM by skt Star rating. 34 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for the info on the meeting dates. I have been having alot of trouble getting access codes to the Ammex website so I also assume other people are in the same position as me. I mailed them again for the codes (13th time since January) because how are we supposed to know what  they are doing with our community fees if we can't access  the owners area? This forum is the only way we have of finding out what is going on in Casares Del Sol. Good luck to whoever is elected as president - they will have a very difficult and arduous task ahead of them. The sooner we get rid of Ammex, all the better for all owners.

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07 May 2007 1:12 PM by Ianmack Star rating in Manchester & Casares.... 125 forum posts Send private message

I will send an e-mail to Ammex through their coded system asking why many owners have not been responded to even though they have completed.

I'll also ask how many owners are registered with Ammex at the moment with regard to CDS.

If Ammex do not have everyone registered who have completed they might not get a vote at the AGM!


See thread for "Ammex Website" for copy of e-mail sent to them re the above.

This message was last edited by Ianmack on 5/7/2007.

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07 May 2007 6:38 PM by skt Star rating. 34 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for sending the mail to Ammex. We can only live in hope!

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20 May 2007 5:36 PM by Ianmack Star rating in Manchester & Casares.... 125 forum posts Send private message

Time is creeping up on us and we still need a president for the agm on the 15th June.

Do we have any nominations or would people who were making enquires publish their responses as to who they were going to nominate.

Ammex have produced audited accounts that show a cash fund surplus of  87,632.79 euro's. This gives us an opportunity to use it for the benefit of us the owners at the agm along with the rest of the budget for the next year.


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21 May 2007 12:35 PM by gusdonnelly Star rating in Casares Del Sol PM2.... 60 forum posts Send private message

I think that only someone who will be on site can effectively take this on. Are we allowed within the community rules to pay an allowance for a time bound period to compensate anyone taking on the considerable role/responsibilities as otherwise I fear the task will be perceived as being too much and no one will come forward.


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01 Jun 2007 5:53 PM by johnf Star rating in London / Costa Del S.... 66 forum posts Send private message

We now have a volunteer as president for PM2 Blocks 3 - 20. I have discussed this with Peter Lund and he was in agreement to publish his name.

As a suggestion it might be a good idea to seek one rep per block to help support Peter. I am willing to do this for Block 8.

If anyone would like more details or information about Peter please contact me.

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03 Jun 2007 1:55 PM by gusdonnelly Star rating in Casares Del Sol PM2.... 60 forum posts Send private message

I am happy to volunteer as a / the rep for Block 18



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03 Jun 2007 8:46 PM by ef Star rating in Oxfordshire / Casare.... 150 forum posts Send private message

Having spent a few hours with Peter and Linda Lund, I think he (they) will be great for the President's role!


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11 Jun 2007 10:04 PM by desperado Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

We have just returned from Casares del Sol, where we met twice with Xavier of Ammex, once at his office to discuss our grievances, and again on site to suggest a way forward. He was very receptive to any ideas, had already instigated a new gardening company (NaturVerde), and is only too aware of the problems that we have inherited from Interlaken (NB they are the major debtors in our Community contributions).  I feel that Xavier, as a representative of Ammex, would be a very positive aide to the new President.

With regard to the proposal of Peter Lund, it would be appreciated if he could please post his CV on the website, and in particular state how and why he feels he is best suited to representing our needs? Will he be a permanent resident on CDS, otherwise how frequently does he intend to visit? Does he intend to have a Committee to help him address the various needs of the site  - eg. establishing of the gardens, upkeep of the grounds, pool opening hours, security, cleaning ....... etc?

Best wishes, and good luck.


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13 Jun 2007 9:28 PM by nbk8r17 Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message


Dear Desperado,

We have met with Javier from Ammex and we also believe that he will be a positive aide to the new president. Who ever that maybe

Concerning my ability to fulfil the role of president, well I am an owner and I am willing, my intention is to be part of/lead a PM2 team that will work closely with the other PM communities. I am Danish, but have lived in the UK for more than 18 years. I have a degree in finance and business law and have spent most of my working life in Sales. I am currently one of four company directors for a German Telecoms company. As the Worldwide President of Sales, I am responsible for the management of the Global Sales teams and over the years I have gained vast experience of high value contract negotiations and people skills/performance assessment. As this will undoubtedly be a challenging first 12 month I am pleased to say that I will be fully support by my wife who has just completed 14 years in corporate banking. She has experience in supplier and project management. Further more, I have already spoken to other owners who have agreed to make their skills/professions available to the committee and I will encourage everyone to do so in order to get the correct skill sets into our committee.  Finally, and maybe most importantly we believe we have the energy, drive and determination needed to make the CDS complex a desirable and pleasant place to stay and live.

As an owner on CDS I am sure, that I have the same ongoing concerns of all those who have completed. These concerns have been discussed in some  detailed on this forum, e.g. gardens, construction defects, security, swimming pools (opening times, rules, sun loungers), excessive cleaning,  lack of advertised  facilities etc……..

There will be various ways to tackle the majority of our concerns, and everyone I am sure will have their own ideas concerning priorities and preferred approach.

I believe that addressing the fundamentals i.e. supplier contract and Role & Responsibilities of onsite community employed workers (i.e. porters/handyman/cleaners), communication, review of processes & procedures etc should be a priority as this will then pave the way to solve the specifics that people have raised concerns about.

A review of supplier contracts, fully understanding their R&R will enable the community to achieve a flexible and hopefully satisfactory/positive way forward. As a community we need to understand where our money is being spent and whether the current contractors are able/willing to provide a good level of service while still providing value for money. We also need to ensure that all contracts include a detailed scope, KPI + performance, Service Level Agreements, penalty clauses, exit and termination clauses etc… so if we find ourselves with a non performing supplier/contractor the community will have some redress.

We also need to resolve the current lack of communication taking place, enabling all owners to either take part or be made aware of events, community updates, proposed activities, decisions etc…… currently most communication is being badly handled by Ammex. This maybe due to the volume of owners on CDS and/or the fact that we are not their only client…….
Communication channels need to be set-up, one proposed solution which has already been discussed on this forum is installing a representative from each block, and I believe johnf Block 8 and gusdonnelly block 18 have already volunteered their services (not just limited to communication improvement). To enable/assist with the communication issue, an Owner Information form has been designed which I believe was utilised at the AGM for PM1, a copy of which will be available for those owners who attend this Friday’s AGM to complete.

I believe that another  important task will be the introduction of processes and procedures, so all community members and suppliers/contractors are fully aware of how to report/handle/monitor situations, anything from the replacement of a community light bulb to a water pump failure…….. etc…..some processes may already be in place and it maybe that the lack of communication means that not everyone has been made aware –but this needs to be reviewed.

I have already provisionally requested meetings with Ammex, Interlaken and the Town Hall representatives for the week commencing 18th June.  This will allow the ‘president’ to understand how the complex is currently being run, commence the points detailed above with Ammex and to fully understand future local town hall and developer plans which will impact/affect our community. Obviously if I am not elected then these meetings should still take place… if the elected president and committee members are available.

We will not be permanent residents but our intention is to visit approx every 2 months, this will  allow us to attend the two outstanding AGM’s and meet with their elected presidents i.e. Sept and Nov. We will also be onsite late Dec early Jan 2008. With the correct procedures in place and with the backing of the other owners/committee members, I believe this is more than enough visits, however should a serious issue arise which can not be handled by our porters/ caretakers or Ammex on our behalf, but needs a high level meeting with Ammex and contractors then I would of course look to attend.

Regards, Peter Lund

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15 Jun 2007 7:20 PM by desperado Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

What an amazing CV!!!  Let's hope that common sense will prevail and Peter has been elected as the President of PM2. Then we can all concentrate our energies in moving on!

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