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Hi guys
Woke up today worrying if we are doing the right thing for the kids. We had open day at the kids school here and its such a fantastic school we are pulling them out of and all their friends are there, i keep thinking it will be easier to stay. I do have a stinking cold which could be affecting my judgement but please someone out there say something. Hubby keeps telling me of course we are doing the right thing and just need to get out there again.
wobbly wobbly!!!!!!!! 
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Hi tina
Life is not a rehearsal u only get one go, we regret not going to spain 30 years ago we talked about it but didnt take the plunge, we are lucky that now we have bought in san cayetano for holidays till we retire, if it doesent work out u can always go back but at least u will have tried and your kids are young its a challenge go for it and enjoy and at least u can say u tried if it doesent work, but i am sure that it will, take care all the best
_______________________ smile it's free :-)
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Thanks Rosita
basically we are going in a few weeks and there is a strong possiblity we might not come back. so as you can imagine the butterflies are going crazy!!! Ive wanted to emigrate for years, started in Australia then New Zealand but finally bought in Spain so what am i panicking for???
Tina x
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I think everyone making the big move has doubts, especially about their kids, but kids are so adaptable I think it's us parents that worry more....I wish my boys would come with me when I move hate the fact they are staying in uk with all the problems it now has for young people, I would much rather they moved out of uk for a better safer future!!!! as the saying goes...better to have tried and failed than to never tried at all!!!
Good luck
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Hi kerry
Thanks for the encouragement. Your right and i know we are making the right choice, just being just a few weeks away now im panicking abit... actually alot!!
Had a few private mails which is great so i feel alot better. Hubby just thinks im mad for having doubts............ hes probably right!!
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Hi Tina
Like the others have replied - Life's not a rehearsal! We can only hope we've done the right thing. If you hadn't bought, you'd probably have been wishing you had!
We were saying the usual 'should we, shouldn't we' before we bought and a crystal ball would have been useful! The reason that we decided to buy when we did was because when we first started looking the prices were obviously cheaper, and we thought if we don't do it now we never will. The morning we bought we stood on the balcony of where we were staying still saying 'should we or shouldn't we' and we saw an older guy riding his bike, in the sun, perhaps nipping for a newspaper, and decided that's what we want to be doing when we are older.
I think the reason that you are having doubts is because of the delay, it's been like putting lives on hold hasn't it, not knowing when we were comleting, waiting for the ALO etc.
Cheers Pauline & Peter
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Hi (its tinasolera, still cant log on under that one)
Thanks everyone, i feel so positive about it now. What was supposed to be a holiday to get ready for an emigration has now turned into an emigration, guess it threw me for a while there. Anyway feeling good now. Just going thru the gruelling process of getting our car ready to take out there!!
Thanks everyone for all your support, really look forward to meeting you all. Once out there will do my very best to keep posting and maybe help some of you guys out with any questions if you want.
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Hi Tina
Spanishbikini was quite cute but it is good to have Tina back. I have pm you today so my question has been answered. three weeks and five days. I cannot believe it. It only seemed like yesterday that you and I started chatting. Mmm, spanish olives comes to mind. Now remember, no more sudden panics, life for you and your family will be great. I only wish I had done it with my family at such a young age. I would love them to move out of the UK and try a new life but they are settled in their lives. May be when they get older, who knows.
Anyway Tina, congratulations in making the right decision and Colin and I will see you in September but will still be in touch before you leave.
Gill xxx
Too fat to boogie!!
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