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05 Oct 2006 12:00 AM by CathyL Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message

Has anyone else bought on Block 5 due for completion in March 08.

Our is number 9 a quad villa.


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16 Oct 2006 2:47 PM by JBaker Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Hello Cathy

We have were No 2 block 5, as the end.  Were looking forward to getting out there.  Have you bought it as a holiday home or full time home?

Julia & Rob



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07 Nov 2006 11:25 PM by cookieno4 Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Hi Julia & Rob,

Is yours the Penthouse? We have bought the bungalow: Vivienda No.2, Manzana No.6, Boque No.5! Will that make you our upstairs neighbours? If you have, can you clarify a point regarding the construction materials? I was under the impression that bricks were being used in the balcony walls,however when looking at some of the photo's posted of other Bungalow/penthouse blocks during the build stage - it appears that  Taray now are using the cheaper hollow terracotta block and render finish instead!??

Martin & Jo.

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10 Nov 2006 6:20 PM by downside Star rating in San Cayetano . 35 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Cathy,

We have bought plot 56 on phase 5 we will be living in Spain on a permanent basis................looking forward to it as it's getting cold here and the weather out there is still pretty good. Our property is due for completion at the end of March 2008........we will be taking a trip out there in January, then in March to see how things are progressing.

Jean and Chris



Jean and Chris

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12 Nov 2006 9:14 AM by mobailey Star rating in San Cayetano. 460 forum posts Send private message

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we have just bought a quad villa which is due to be ready in March 08, it is our plan to live out their full time. We are villa 4 block 5

we are very excited and looking forward to the move. 

Would like to hear from any of our close neighbours.

Maureen and Bryan


Mo&Bryan & Why not see if can we help  

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12 Nov 2006 11:04 PM by Lloyds Star rating in Home Counties. 50 forum posts Send private message


We purchased No 64 in May of this year through Parador Properties.

We are members of their Owners Club who have just launched a new web site enabling us to see both photographic evidence of progress and progress against a checklist.

As we discovered when we were there in late October the present status is 'Ground Cleared'.....only 32 other stages to progress through before we can move in!

Best Regards

Susan & Glyn

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15 Nov 2006 7:25 PM by DMM Star rating. 8 forum posts Send private message

Hi Susan/Glynn

We also purchased through Parador in September of this year Block 5 plot no 51 due for completion in March 208.  It seems such a long time to wait.  We are planning to visit Spain in March 2007 to familiarise ourselves with the area.  Its really good to hear from other buyers.  Are your retiring or is it a holiday home.  Ours is a holiday home for the moment.




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16 Nov 2006 8:50 AM by Lloyds Star rating in Home Counties. 50 forum posts Send private message

Hi Evelyn & Derek

Good to hear that others have bought through Parador. So many agents get such bad press but we have been very impressed. How have you found them?

We were down in San Cayetano in late October and have booked to go again next Easter. Yes, March 2008 is a long time away but you can get so much pleasure from the planning.

For now, like you, it will be a holiday home but who knows in the longer term!

Best Regards

Susan & Glyn

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16 Nov 2006 6:53 PM by davidg Star rating. 247 forum posts Send private message

Hi Susan & Glynn

We have bought a quad on manzana 3 which we will hopefully complete on shortly - we're back out on the 25th until the 29th to finalise things so will post some photos on our return.

We have also booked to go over at Easter for 9 days so if you are over then it would be lovely to meet you & of course anyone else that may be over. Hopefully we'll be fully furnished by then as we are out at the end of January as well.

Ours is initially a holiday home too, but you never know!!!!

Kind Regards Sue & David

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18 Nov 2006 2:22 PM by Lloyds Star rating in Home Counties. 50 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sue & David

Guess you are getting quite excited now as your quad nears completion. After your next visit it would be good to see pictures of further progress of the site.

We are actually there again from the 4th to the 11th of April and yes, it would be great to meet up. Will mail you again nearer the time.

Are you considering any rentals? We are not too sure about that yet.

Best Regards

Susan & Glyn



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19 Nov 2006 6:36 PM by davidg Star rating. 247 forum posts Send private message

Hi Susan & Glynn

We haven't decided what to do about rentals yet, but guess we will have to shortly as we are constantly being asked by friends, work colleagues etc. We want to spend as much time out there as we can ourselves & will go for weekends whenever we can get cheap flight deals - unfortunately we haven't managed to get really cheap deals from East Midlands, our closest airport so keep having to go to Stansted.

We go out on the 6th April (late) so it would be great to meet up

We'll take some pictures next week & post on the site on our return.

Kind Regards Sue & Dave

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30 Nov 2006 2:36 PM by dub Star rating. 19 forum posts Send private message

hi everyone,  I have just bought no 7 in block 5  a quad, due to be finished mar 08.  anyone out there can pass on some advice re quads.  Questions about the pool.  Will we have to pay to use it not just upkeep it.  Is it public. Will we have no access to the walkways. Are they good value for money at 193,000 euros or if anyone can give us advice on anything else that we may not be aware of.. Looking forward to hearing from you 


Paul and Sandra


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09 Dec 2006 11:12 PM by 8yewtree Star rating in San Cayetano, Murcia.... 316 forum posts Send private message

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We've just bought on block 5, a quad number 26. We plan to relocate. My husband will be able to operate his business from there as it is all phone / internet, not quite sure what I will do yet. Our son who will be 5 when we move will hopefully go to the local school and will be able to correct out Spanish!!

Anyone else relocating? Anyone else in their late 30's early 40's?

Donna & Andy Walsh


Donna, Andy & Charlie - living in the sun! for green fees

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15 Jan 2007 4:53 PM by cammy Star rating in Hamilton, Scotland. 5 forum posts Send private message


We have bought quad 53 block 5 due for completion in March 08. Would like to hear from anyone who will be our neighbours.We intend this to be our holiday home.

Morag and Graham

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18 Jan 2007 2:48 PM by downside Star rating in San Cayetano . 35 forum posts Send private message

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We've bought quad 56 our completion date is the same as yours you are behind us.

We will be retiring to Spain and can't wait, have just got back from our trip out to the site, it's looking very impressive we posted the pics dated 10th Jan and as you can see the weather was lovely. Will meet you one day in the future.

Jean and Chris

Jean and Chris

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18 Jan 2007 5:40 PM by steve and anita Star rating in in San Cayetano. 324 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all,we bought block 5 number 23 quad at the beginning of november last year through parador properties.Going out there on jan31st for 10days,so not too long to wait now.will take loads of photos and post them so you can all see the progress of the development.does anybody know the web address of parador properties,so we can view their pictures?????

   see you all soon.....Steve and Anita.

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18 Jan 2007 11:15 PM by Hallam Star rating in San Cayetano . 109 forum posts Send private message

Hi Steve & Anita

You are diagonally opposite in the same quad block as us. We are Janet & David from Derbyshire and have purchased No. 22 in block 5. We are going out 10 - 17 March to see how things are coming along and hope to take plenty of pictures.

It seems the weather out there is pretty good at the moment, there are a couple of live webcams on the Mar Menor so we usually have a quick look everyday, and it has been very good for most of January, lots of blue sky and sunshine.

Hope to meet up with you and our other neighbours in the near future.

Best Regards

David & Janet


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01 Feb 2007 6:39 PM by KeithandLou Star rating in Bristol. 2 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone,

We are Louise and Keith from Bristol - we bought No 16 in Block 5 last week, due to complete March 08. It will be our holiday home to start with and we hope to relocate in due course.

We expect to go out again in May sometime and this time we won't forget to take our camera!

Look forward to meeting people in due course

Keith and Lou


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01 Feb 2007 7:41 PM by pat1 Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

hi louise and keith

we are no. 17 block five from poole,dorset, and we shall out there from may 19th for a week,staying on the strip,la manga.

nice if you are there at the same time

regards pat and pete waters

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05 Feb 2007 5:55 PM by JBaker Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Hi We have No2 Block 5.

We are relocating this summer and renting a completed quad in an earlier phase -  from someone we met online here!

Julia & Rob Speller



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