Bravo Mercedes !!
Who on earth is "kenny e" and under what authority does he believe he has the right to preach his vitriol and unacceptable hostility on an open forum ??
A forum is for open and balanced discussion of the matter in hand, to be joined by anyone who has something they believe is valid to say. This is most definitely not the case within the LRM forum. I have read nearly all the threads, although I have not posted to date, I am shocked at how certain people are treated by others, specifically kenny e, when those people are just trying to politely add their experiences or indeed knowledge to assist the general understanding of the whole forum. To be met with a tirade of personal abuse, accusations of "hidden agendas" and suggestions of "don´t post here", appears to me to fly in the face of acceptable behaviour. Mr C has every right to post wherever he feels his input may help.
Please try to be polite and respect everyone´s point of view and stop behaving like some schoolground bullies.
I started to read this forum due to the content that I thought may be informative and helpful, only to find backbiting, abuse, vitriol and animosity shown by a select few to a majority. How on earth is this allowed ?? I will continue to read, and pray that decency prevails.
Those who post in good faith, well done !! To the bullies, show some respect and grow up !!