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Torre Alcantara forum threads
The Comments
26 Sep 2007 12:00 AM by Davvid2512 Star rating in Blackburn Lanc's & B.... 10 forum posts Send private message

Hi everybody, I have just returned from Torre Alcantara Balsicas Spain, this is an update on this site. Four properties are for sale that are the closest to the bridge, so we shall see if they still sell easily now that the bridge is built or if they have lost money in value. A tennis court, a five a side football pitch & a community centre are all being built right next to the bridge where the Taray site office once stood. This is for the use of the all the the villagers, as a thank you from the builder for allowing him to build in their village.

Children and parents will all be in this area from the village and from the Torre Alcantara site, while cars are going over this bridge, should anybody throw a empty glass bottle from a moving car it may well hit a child or an adult on the head, as it is not netted with a safety net as it is at the point where the bridge goes over the single railway line. So it shows they are concerned about people throwing things onto the railway track, but that is as far as it goes. 

I have been told from a very good source that this flyover bridge as been on the plans for some thirty years (30 YEARS) they have been waiting for the European funding to pay for the building of it. So how can the builder Taray or any of the agents say that they had no knowledge about this bridge, it is and has been comman knowledge to all in that area. Taray had to know when they put their plans in for the properties they wished to build. The green area to the front of the site towards the railway track, which many people were told was going to be a walking area with palm trees etc, is not to be, it is now to have 30 plus town houses on it instead. All I can say it seems to be one broken promise after another being made then broken by the day. On this very day the 26th Sept 2007 this field as a large amount of building equipment & building materals on it.

Should anybody wish to ask any questions please get in touch with me. Regards Dave.

Take care,Davvid2512.

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26 Sep 2007 5:58 PM by Jamie1 Star rating in Barnet-Balscias. 11 forum posts Send private message

Dear David

You are right this is completely different from what many of us were told when we were buying.  All we were ever advised was that the area would be a shed for the storage of the church's religious parade pieces.  It is more like an agricultural warehouse in apperance.  We were advised that the rest of the area would be a playground for children.  I have to admit is was because of this that we brought a house right at the other end of the complex.  I am very glad now that we did as I think the noise will be a real issue. 

Who is going to be paying for the upkeep of these facilities - it should not be our development. How can we be assured that they will be maintained and not become an eyesore and lead to the devaluation of the property on the site. We maybe lucky in that if well done and well maintained they could add value to the complex but the noise is still likely to be an issue.

Again like yourself the flyover was never mentioned and yet Tary and Parador ( who we brought from) must have know.  I think it could be worth researching legally where we stand on this. 

It would be very interesting if others could let us know their views on this new development on site.









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01 Oct 2007 3:51 PM by KC60 Star rating in Sunderland / Balsic.... 139 forum posts Send private message

KC60´s avatar
Hi Neighbours
We also have just come back from Spain having spent a week at our property.  It seems to be David has a valid point about this bridge / flyover and the communal area attached to our development.
We were told via Parador that the area were the sales office used to be was going to be a communal area for ourselves / village and it would have a green area / play area for children along with football / tennis courts etc.  I have today put pictures on the EOS site for everyone to see what David is taking about when he mentions this GREEN area.  There is at present a building going up on the corners, which at the moment people are saying it’s going to be a “youth club”. 
This could be either a good thing or a bad depending on who uses it.  It could add value to our properties or it could de-value them depending on the up keep of this building.  As for who pays for it, its communal but at the end of the day it will be paid for buy people on the development via our council tax or whatever the Spanish call it. So we will end up paying for it one way or the other.  But I agree with Clair it could become a massive eye sore to the development if not controlled.
I again have to side with David hear on the H&S issues it brings from possibilities of some idiots throwing things from cars as they go over the flyover, if there is going to be people underneath this playing, you can just imagine…
I also agree with both David and Clair as I think this should be looked into legally as we have all been lead up the garden path with one lie after another, regardless of were we live on the development, it effects us ALL!!!!!

Kevin & Corinne,   

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