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Hi can any one tell me can we have air con ,and where can we put it.My main bedroom is by are front door so where can that air con box go.The other two boxes are needed for the livingroom and 2 bedroom on balcony i think they are ugly but needed thanks irene/peter
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Having spent a very hot August in an apartment without air con - fitting ceiling fans would not be a bad alternative - we survived in a built up area residential apartment with only 1 very small table fan !
It has been suggested to us that we may not need air con due to the position of the developement and its height -( it could get quite cool there on a bad day perhaps )- Not sure how accurate that statement is and perhaps the residents who have moved in already could advise
Our concern is during the colder months how do we keep the place warm without these air con units which I assume would give us both hot and cold as required - Any advice would be greatly appreciated
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We had two weeks in Spain in August and there was only aircon in the bedrooms. We were absolutely fine. When you have aircon in the living area you have to keep the patio doors closed at all times and we have stayed in an apartment where we had to do this and it was irritating. Its easier to just keep the bedroom doors closed. We used a small rotating hallogen heater in the winter and the brightness gave off a very cosy feeling. These are very cheap in Spain.
_______________________ Janmet
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You can certainly survive without aircon but it will not be very comfortable in the summer! The idea of not needing a unit in every room is a good one. With internal doors open you can cool the whole apartment. We don't know what the rules will allow us to do but I expect we will not be permitted to fit units in the stairwell. This means fitting a unit for the 2nd bedroom in a 2 bed will not be possible unless you use ducting from the external wall through the living room.
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Hi everyone i dont like the idea and the mess to have it ducting out through the living room. The bedroom by the front door is bigger so i will have to use that as the main bedroom.In september i got a few quotes.1 was for air con seperate units for bedroom and living for 900euros each fitted.If i wanted 1 unit that would do the livingroom and bedroom on a 2bed apt by balcony that was 1999 euros,that was for a fujitsu inverta unit and fitted.and they are hot and clod units bye irene/peter
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Max mentioned this issue in his report from the first Community meeting, stating that roules for Awnings, Air/con's and ohter issues wae not decided, and that if we/you don't follow the roules, you can be forced to remove it. Maybe he has news after having talked with the president.
_______________________ Best Regards,
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Hi Janmet Thanks for the feedback I would definately prefer having patio doors and windows open - The thought of being closed in is not very appealing - and like you say would be so irritating to have to remember to keep closing the doors - We do enough of that in cold grey and damp England ( especially in the winter ) - As long as we can get some form of useful heating then we might delay the air con and arrange for ceiling fans to be installed - As Max has now moved in perhaps he can let us know every so often how hot it is up there
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We obviously missed July and August  so we can't really judge it, but our apartment is much cooler than the ones we rented. The roof over the terrace makes a large difference. I would postpone the decision until next year.
Heating requirements are also hard to judge. You will certainly need some heating in the winter, but it's difficult to predict how well isolated these apartments are. There can be a strong breeze so maybe it's colder than in the heart of Fuengirola.
As it became autumn all stores now carry a large range of heating devices. Mostly electrical. Prices are quite low so it's not an expense you will regret when in the end you decide to install aircon.
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Hi Mozza
We have just come back. The weather was about 29 celcius / 84 farenheit every day. We had a lovely breeze coming through the apartment with all the doors and windows open. You need to watch your glass doors of your living room when you open your front door as we nearly lost ours off the hinges, it slammed so hard. Seeing as we share the same block you should be ok. I cannot say about the other blocks, as we in block 1 are in the highest block, and some of the other blocks are slightly sheltered by the block in front. I agree with Max, July / August could be a bit bit different, but I dont think it would be that uncomfortable. Might be a good idea to get some muzzlling / netting and fix it to your patio doors with velcro strips to stop the mosquitos and flies coming in. As for night time, we did not stay in the apartment on this occasion, but they do seem surprisingly cool even with the doors closed, compared to any other apartments that we have stayed in. In the Winter months at night, maybe have a few spare blankets or quilts left in your wardrobe.
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Hi Eoin,
I was quoted 1700€ by Costa Cool Air for 2 Fijitsu unts - 12U for the living room and 7U for the bedroom. We weren't going to put it in the back bedroom as we didn't want the ducting running right through the house. I obviously haven't experienced their work but they were recommended by a friend.
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Hi Eoin
I believe there is also different levels of noise for each manufacturers product, so it might be worth checking out the decibal level when the unit is on. To find out the size of unit required, they need the length x width x height of the room to get the cubic area. I think all units work by remote control. You can also get some that have timers, and units that cut out as soon as a certain temperature is reached in a room.
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Hi my air con has a night time button on so you dont hear it at night and you can set the temp and has a remote and cuts of when it gets to the temp you set it to and it also has a MF sign on it so you only clean the filter 1 a year bye irene This message was last edited by irenemontague on 8/3/2008.
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I don't think the exact dimensions of your room matter - the units are standard you get a big one for a big room or multiple rooms or a small one for a small room. What is more important is where you want the exterior boxes and where the conduit goes! Hopefully you will put them low to avoid getting letters from GICS  . If I was getting it done I guess I would use A.C.Control. They are Carvajal based I know John the owner and I have spoken to people who have used them. The only thing is they have a six week waiting list so if you want aircon for the sumer use someone else!
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I copied this from the general forum site. The information may be some help to those of you with air conditioning.
If you leave the aircon on for most of the time so with continuous use either the gas runs out and then the units just blow air or another favourite is that you will get leaks from the indoor units due to the build up of condensation and/or blocked drainage pipes.
Can it be prevented? - not always but a service before the Summer season is advisable to make sure the gas levels are right and if the filters are cleaned the unit will work better. You can also check beneath the indoor units for leaks, if the unit is above the tiles in the bathroom usually you will notice damp patches appearing. If a drainage pipe is blocked the units can leak a lot of water which can sometimes be mis-diagnosed as flooding from an upstairs apartment so it is important to investigate both options.
Consequences - if the air conditioning is not working phone a good engineer as soon as possible! During peak season you may not be able to get an engineer the same day so if you can get in quick you reduce the time your guests are without air con. Guests will complain about the absence of this, if the problem persists and they spend many hot, uncomfortable nights in an apartment which was advertised with air con you may have "compensation" issues . So deal with this as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Remember the hotter it is outside the more the air con system has to work inside so advise your guests to close all doors and windows if they have the unit on!!
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I used AC as well, very pleased with them. They are going to lower the units for me but as Dave said there is a long waiting list for an engineer at this time of year!
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Has anyone had air con fitted since August 08 and if so have you any recommendations apart from A.C who I will check out when I am over? Have the costs increased or decreased?
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SRS reg. AC.
We installed an AC in December last year. Make Samsung and recommended size based on the living room and with energy class A. It was used to heat our two bedroom apartment during the rest of the winter. It worked just fine but the bedroom next to the enterance door (on the other side of the apartment) could have been warmer. But it heated the rest to a comfortable temperature.
This summer we will use it to cool the apartment.
We bought it at Moreno next to the bus station in Fuengirola. Price was 6995 with installation. The outside unit stands on the terrass floor.
I recommend regardless of the make you are choosing to buy an Inverter.
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