A garden architect has given adviceon the whole site regarding planting and unfortunately the lollipop tress are the worst type of tress that could have been planted onthe development. They have very big roots that damage draind paths and more importantly the take 90% of the watrer out of the soil around them affecting grass growthb as time goes by as thier roots spred .The recommendation is for them to be removed sooner rather than later. Its sad state of affair as the look so pretty but the long term consequesnces are not good.
A gardening company has been asked to design and cost tropical planting for portals in PM4 and asked to come up with a design for the man whole cover and to hsave 3 tropical planting area around tyhe pool. The large tropical plants are not as expensive as 1st feared. In the mean time the irrigation is being tackled,as the gardening irrigation is poor and the grass willalways struggle to grow substantially ini ts current state. The current gardening company providedlittle or no gardening in july and august and therefore we are negotiating with them over installing /upgradingv irrigation pumps timers pipes etc to PM4 .Some of this work has already started. We need to get the foundations and soil right before throwing money and plants and treess etc which is what happened in the past. The red marked tress will be removed around decemberwhen the soil is softer. They have been offered to Casares town hall for Rosario garden that is being built as an offer off good will rather than just disposing of them .
PM4 president