The Comments |
When you or your solicitor completed at the notary a document was signed relating to the erection of Satellite Dishes or other external structures,that is a legal document and can be enforced .Keymare have a great deal of experience in dealing with like situations and that is why such a clause was introduced,for the protection of the community.
This message was last edited by kenshaz on 10/30/2007.This message was last edited by kenshaz on 10/30/2007.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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The girl who deals with the conveyancing in Keymare office told me it was permissable on my own casa. Ah well I can wait!
Not to worry I am sure that at the meeting most British will want Sky , and vote in favour of having some form of dish hidden on a roof. Otherwise the whole complex will have great difficulty renting them out. There are plenty of nice Villas and apartments around the area where the owner offers Sky to its customers. Ever tried entertaining kids on those days when it is raining , and they have already watched ALL there DVDs ?
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One dish serving the whole block would be fine. Would you please post the name of the girl that you mentioned .I would like to speak to Keymare about her comments giving out inaccurate information is a training need or worse. This message was last edited by kenshaz on 10/30/2007.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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Leeandnicola have you currently got an illegal satellite dish fitted to your home in Al Andalus Thalassa? This message was last edited by kenshaz on 10/30/2007.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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I must say that we were there last week, and only saw one dish, apart from the arials that are on top of our block, which Keymare says serves a few blocks!
Lorna & Valentine
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I think we have to be careful about the terminology being used on this subject.
Putting satellite dishes up at the moment may be against the rules but that does not make them illegal.
I also agree with Icridland that when I was there last week, I can't say that they were an obvious problem. Likewise I can't say that there was a problem with barking dogs, noisy children or any other negative issues.
From the tone of voice used in some threads in the past few days, I think we need to start thinking about all the positives that we have with our development & stop tying ourselves up in knots & arguing over issues that may not in fact be actual issues at all.
I know that we have to have rules & everyone, residents, occassional residents & rental clients should all undertake to abide by them & that decisions should be made based on the majority of opinions.
Come on everyone, let's calm down & start sharing positive experiences & start making new friends.
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Tell it how it is ,we all paid a considerable amount of money to share in our part of paradise and if some have decided that they wish to flaunt the legal document that they or their solicitor signed on completion ,because they cannot wait for a democratic decision,then their actions are illegal.
If we turn a blind eye and sit on the fence and tolerate the situations escalate,the majority are waiting .I for one am over the moon with what I have bought and I do not want it spoilt.
The tennis courts are for tennis not mid-night kick abouts
The erection of illegal dishes must stop and those already erected removed.
Owners must not discard rubbish indiscriminately ,the source of food for feral dogs.
I am also not happy with out-siders entering the complex and using the facilities.
This message was last edited by kenshaz on 10/30/2007.
This message was last edited by kenshaz on 10/30/2007.This message was last edited by kenshaz on 10/30/2007.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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Hi KenShaz,
I have not completed yet but very soon and I am getting rather worried about what is happening on A.A.
Yes I want Sky but I WILL wait until I have been told I can.
As for dogs I am not anti them but I cannot for the life of me understand the person who has 3 of them. As for them being walked around the complex this should definately be on the communial meeting agenda. Let's face it besides exercise what are they being walked for, cocking their leg or faeces dropped where they choose. Not everybody are responsible dog owners to clear up what their pets have left behind. Yes, I know some people, will rant and say they are responsible dog owners but humans and dogs get upset stomachs, bit differant getting that mess up. Will they be armed with a bucket of water along with their marigolds and pooper scooper. I DON'T THINK SO.
I have P.Md you as I certainly do not want to be dragged into a full scale row on E.O.S. I will definately air my views at the communial meeting.
Same old story, some people want to spoil it for others.
I have paid out money for my duplex(my dream) I certainly don't want A.A turning into a slum area. If you let one person off with breaking the law, others will follow.
I am 100% behind you in what you say. ROLL ON THE COMMUNIAL MEETING.
Best wishes,
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I see there has been alot of discussions on installing Satelite dish. I was informed from Keymare if you want English TV the owner is responsible for purchasing their own Satelite Dish. I agree its not pretty sight to have several dishes on the roof. I have also been informed that 1 Satelite dish can get shared/connected to 4 apartments. I am on the top floor and would be interested in sharing a Satelite dish with other owners in block 27. Please send me a PM if you are in Block 27 and interested to share the connection for a Satelite Dish.
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I am the person with three dogs, and as such felt compelled to reply to your posting.
Firstly, I am a full-time resident on Thalassa and have been since August 3rd. I have watched with interest the growing discontentment with the situation and have, on occasions replied to several other people both by PM and, more openly, on the public forum.
I appreciate that, not fully availed of the facts, I would also have had a "knee-jerk" reaction to the knowledge that "someone" had THREE dogs living with them on Thalassa. God forbid that they may also be living next to me! I understand how one could perceive that the situation could be intolerable, (justifiably in some cases). However, I would like to invite you to see for yourself how both I and my dogs choose to live. Only then can you form an opinion based on the FACTS not the hearsay.
I am well aware that people are entitled to their opinions, as I am well aware that people have a right to live,( within the confines of their own domain), as they so choose. I share your concern regarding pet owners cleaning up after their charges, which is why you will ALWAYS find that I carry numerous Pooper Scoopers/Kitchen Roll and Antiseptic Spray in case of "accidents". I choose NOT to walk my dogs within Thalassa, out of respect for other residents, however, I have, on occasions, had to walk down to the bottom gate as the pedestrian exit has been chained shut.Thankfully, this has now been resolved. My dogs are not allowed to roam freely unless some thoughtless individual leaves the "make-shift" gate open and they make a bid for freedom down the stairs! I am awaiting the delivery and installation of locking gates at the entrance to the patio so that access can be controlled at all times.
Hopefully, I have alleviated some of your worries. Please take the time to get to know ME and MY DOGS, you may be pleasantly surprised.
Regards to you and yours,
Lorraine Braid.12-3-07.
(already wearing the shades!! and looking cool!!!)
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On AA Resort, the sattellite dish is sited on the roof. The way it was explained to me by one of the owners is that the amount of feeds is determined by the LNB that is fitted, at the moment you can have an octo LNB. Each set of apartment blocks has two dishes on the roof allowing a feed to the 16 apartments in the block. If you have Sky+ and want a 2nd feed, I think that may be possible unless all 16 apartments want Sky installed which is doubtful. I would imagine a similar scheme could be set up quite easily on Thalassa.
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I was referring to feral dogs in my post .I have in previous posts mentioned in general terms residents who are dog owners.
I am fully aware and it has been confirmed that Lorraine is an extremely responsible dog owner.I also believe that it is unfair to generalise and I would defend her to the hilt because of that fact .I therefore feel that if individuals keep dogs that are not anti-social within our community and abide by the standards that Lorraine has set,there are no grounds for objection.
I maintain my stance on the erection of satellite dishes and whilst I understand the need ,and some of the fault lies with the delay in completion and therefore the the awaited community meeting,I feel that it is anti-social and illegal to proceed without authority.
I would object any anti-social behaviour that spoilt the atmosphere and enviroment and erroded my investment and enjoyment.
Marksfish has explained in the previous how we can all enjoy the benefits of sattellite TV in a manner that is not detrimental to the community ,just wait.
This message was last edited by kenshaz on 11/6/2007.This message was last edited by kenshaz on 11/6/2007.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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I do agree that Sky dishes are UGLY!
However I do think we have a problem to face! Most people I have spoken to want Sky to enable us to want UK television.
So presuming that at the community meeting it is decided that we are allowed to have Sky provided we fund it ourselves. I am sure the Spanish wont want it.
Thereby hangs another issue. They may well say no and we all cannot have it.
But the main issue I can forsee is.
As Keymare pointed out to me . You cannot put a dish on the roof . "It is trespassing and does not belong to me. The roof and access to it belongs to the man on the top floor!"
" And you cannot run a cable down the wall because the wall is not yours!"
Ok me thinks " Knock , Knock " waiting patiently. Mr Spaniard is no where to be found . He owns the top floor.
Ok. Wait till he comes out.
Few months later!
"Knock, Knock "
Spaniard answers " Hola"
"Can I come on your roof please? I want to put a dish on it , and run a cable down your wall"
Moments thought.
Answer in Spanish
"NO, NO"
Oops , What do we do now!
Perhaps he is a good neighbour and says "YES"
Or have we !
Forgot cable has to come down the wall and I dont get on with the German who is above me.
As he will insist in dropping his cigarette butts off his balcony onto my patio.
Dont forget we live in blocks with several floors.
Man on bottom floor has to hope everyone above him lets a cable go down their wall. Or he is proverbially "ST*FFED"
Back to the drawing board. Lets put one on the elevator shaft.
OOPs not enough room!
Lets replace the Spanish one with a British one.
"NO NO" Say Spanish we dont want to watch British TV. We want Spanish TV.
All I can Say is
" I wished I lived beneath Neena"
The rest of us are not going to find it so easy!
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What made you change your mind?
2 weeks ago you thought the satellite dishes looked fine, you said the one on the balcony was ok as it was disguised by plant pots.
The dish is approx 4 feet in diameter. They must be some mean looking plant pots to cover up that mother of a dish.
Pleased to see you have changed your mind, perhaps you can now imagine what it would look like if everyone went ahead and put a big dish on their balcony.
Regards Dean
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I have not changed my mind. I never said I like them. However I know that if it was a choice between having a dish on my terrace or not having TV .
Sorry the dish wins.
The ones in place at the moment have been carefully placed.
I believe it may be the answer to all of us.
I obviously would prefer it to be on the roof. However there are issues.
I would have no objections to sharing it, as I know people are already prepared to do, but would definitely not want to do without Sky T.V.
** EDITED - Spam **
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I feel it's a shame that if you were given the opportunity to have a big dish on your balcony or not have sky tv, that you would choose the big dish.
If that happened and everyone did the same as you, it would certainly devalue the development and make the place appear ugly.
Sky tv is not the be all and end all to me, i'd far rather the whole place look nice and maintain what is a great development. If we let standards slip, then so does our investment.
By the way i've seen the photos and agree it looks great however, this thread is about satellite dishes.
Regards Dean
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I suggest you have a look at other existing developments . The sky dishes are that minimal and well hidden there is not an issue. Especially if people share. Certainly without Sky , rental potential is greatly reduced. Have a look at Al Andalus Hills, and Resort.
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That's interesting.
If that's the case, then I can't understand why someone choose to put up that huge dish on their balcony.
I agree that the best way forward would be a dish or two on the top of each block to supply the lot.
As you pointed out there could well be problems with that because the cable would need to run down peoples walls etc. If I was living above you, I wouldn't charge you too much, per month.
Surely there is a way of running the cable down through communal areas, ie the lift shaft etc.
I'm sure all will be revealed a the community meeting.
Regards Dean
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