taking your dog to Spain

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31 Dec 2007 12:00 AM by Term1nat0rs Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message


Has anyone been to the development recently and taken photos and in particular of the Spanish Village. The HDA golf site has outdated photo's and the management team do not seem to update them to show progress. I would have thought by now the village will be comming along great.

If anyone has any photo's it would be great if they could be uploaded so that others can have a look


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01 Jan 2008 3:03 PM by mia Star rating in Windsor UK. 49 forum posts Send private message

Hello Terminator

I am heading out there on Thursday for a few days.  I will try and take some photo's, though don't know if I will be able to get in and around the village.  Will take some of inside the clubhouse and anything else that has sprung up recently.

Back the end of next week, so will endeavour to upload them for you,  fingers crossed.


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02 Jan 2008 11:24 AM by andrewsk Star rating in Manchester, UK... bu.... 13 forum posts Send private message

Hi There

The latest HdA Magazine has some external photos of the Spanish Village (http://www.hdagolf.com/eng/residentes/revista/index.php).

Good luck with the trip. It would be great if you could get some photos and any other updates on the Spanish Village.



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02 Jan 2008 11:43 AM by andrewsk Star rating in Manchester, UK... bu.... 13 forum posts Send private message

Here are some other photos, though from Oct 07.


Log In: progress, p/w: progress



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04 Jan 2008 9:54 AM by Term1nat0rs Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Hi Mia,

That would be great, at least we can see progress. I spoke  to Georgina at HDA and she said she will send me some photo's hopefully next week. As soon as does, I will upload them.

I was originally going over mid January to see progress myself and look at various Mortgage options and obtaining the NIE but with the village being delayed Georgina suggested that I delay until mid-end March when the show apartment will be finished so at least we can see what the interior will look like.

The last email I received from Georgina suggested May for the completion and handover of the village.

On the subject of Mortgage and NIE what approach has others taken ?

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04 Jan 2008 11:02 AM by andrewsk Star rating in Manchester, UK... bu.... 13 forum posts Send private message

Hi Term1nat0rs

Mortgage: I've been in contact with Mortgages4You, Patrick Robinson at MarbellaMortgages.com, my own Financial Advisor in the UK and contacted a couple of banks directly (e.g. Halifax.es). Here's a useful article on our very own EOS http://www.eyeonspain.com/Secure/ebooks/spanish-mortgages.aspx

Not really decided on a definite way forward yet, just doing as much research as possible.

A key difference between using a broker and going direct is the broker's fee (~1%). And I'm not yet convinced that a broker can get you a better deal over going direct... But, depending on your broker, you can also get very good advice and your hand held! Key thing to note is that unlike the UK, spanish lenders don't have to tell you a thing! Marbella Mortgages provide a Key Facts document, which is the same as you'll get in the UK.

My personal plan (at the monent anyway!) is to get an interest only mortgage for 5 (or so)  years which then switches to repayment, but get one with as much flexibility as possible for overpayments/redemption.

NIE: going to apply at the Spanish Consulate in Manchester next Tuesday! Should take 8-10 weeks to come through... Costs £22 each, but cheaper than going to Spain!

Hope above helps. Any other comments gratefully received...


This message was last edited by andrewsk on 1/4/2008.


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04 Jan 2008 6:50 PM by Term1nat0rs Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Hi Andrew

Thanks for the information. Did you have to make an appointment to see the consulate in Manchester ?, I would really appriciate it if you could let me know how it went on Tuesday and what the process is ? , i.e. Is there anything we need to take etc to apply.

Also, I guess both my Wife and I will need an NIE as we are buying in joint names.

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09 Jan 2008 3:54 PM by andrewsk Star rating in Manchester, UK... bu.... 13 forum posts Send private message


No appt needed, checked directly with Consulate (actually, we're now going next Monday).  Here's the web page with what you need:


There is also a link on this page to the NIE forms you need to fill in.



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09 Jan 2008 6:29 PM by mia Star rating in Windsor UK. 49 forum posts Send private message

Hi Terminator

just got back from our visit,  we spent 5 days there and stayed on the development in our place.  I didn't get into the Spanish Village because we couldnt drive there, but drove around it,  it seemed much the same as in October,  we have been told end of May for opening but also from another source, just other people we asked, sometime in the summer!!

The Club house really is stunning, the views from the terrace over the course are amazing,  took some photos will try to upload in the next few days.

The resort was deadly quite,  there was absolutely no one around.  They have closed the It bar, which is a real pity as you at least used to see some life going on there, you could buy papers, use the internet etc,  its not the same in the club house, as people dont seem to buzz in and out like they did at the IT bar.  Its has a far more formal feel, and probably too far for all the people at the offices to pop in and out for a chat and a coffee.

For anyone going out,  there is no internet there at all now,  there was in the IT bar before,  but nothing anywhere now.  Wireless is not up and running yet.

The development does look good, but it is worrying there are so many properties still unsold.  In our community of 35 properties, built for well over a year now,  over half are still unsold.  Surprising when Hacienda or Armillar are marketing and selling a new development of villas a couple of miles away in Las Palas.

The unsold properties gardens are not being maintained so this can give a bit of a derelict look to the place.  Armillar are letting the gardens go.

I wonder what will open in the Spanish village,  as there are so few people around, does anyone know? 

Oh we tried the menu del dia in the club house, 15euro, between 8 and 10 euro in the surrounding areas,  it was ok but not worth 50% extra.  I know you are paying for the view, but whilst things are so very quite there I think they need to be more competitive.

I'm not moaning before anyone suggests,  just looking at this from a strictly investment point of view, and since the market is not appreciating,  rental income is extremely important.

We have one property just recently placed with Resort Management, so time will tell.  The proof of the pudding will be in the rental income attracted.

Citizens I would be very interested in hearing your opinion on the Spanish village and any info on what might be opening there in the initial phase.  The place desperately needs a shop,  for just basics like milk bread papers tea etc.

Its good to keep in touch.  Just reading the monthly magazine every month with all the glitz and glamour doesnt give you a real feel.


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23 Jan 2008 10:24 PM by Term1nat0rs Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Hi Andrew.

When filling out the NIE application form, all forums which I have visited mentions that you enter on the application form, the address in Spain so that officials can send the original NIE number to that address and a copy to the UK address. If the appartment is not built yet and therefore no official address, what would you enter at this point ?

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25 Jan 2008 11:05 AM by andrewsk Star rating in Manchester, UK... bu.... 13 forum posts Send private message


We didn't put anything in. At the Consulate, the lady behind the counter just got us to write our UK address on the form and wrote on the form that this was where to send the NIE number.

Hope that helps



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25 Jan 2008 2:02 PM by Term1nat0rs Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Andrew that is helpful.

On the form it also asks for Solictors address  and their NIE number , but also asks for their  signature. Am I right in assuming that I dont need to get the signature from our solicitrors in Spain and that all I fill out is their name, address and NIE number ?


Sorry to be a pain.



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25 Jan 2008 2:51 PM by andrewsk Star rating in Manchester, UK... bu.... 13 forum posts Send private message

We didn't... actually, the lady at the Consulate was very helpful. It also wasn't very busy when we went, so I'm sure they would be able to help you out if you're not sure about any of the sections.


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