murica airport help please

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12 Feb 2008 12:00 AM by joe1 Star rating. 135 forum posts Send private message

joe1´s avatar

Hi folks,

I've been away from the forum for a while, must admit that I got a little disillusioned with it all and also was subjected to a few rather harsh idiotic comments from outsiders.

Anyway, this latest news of building has whetted my appetite again. My wife and I visited Murcia only 3 weeks ago and we seen very little there to suggest that things were about to happen. However,  Pillar Cano (Trampolin Solicitor) did inform us that the building was due to commence 'at any time now', how many time have we heard that before! We dismissed it and returned home with a very dim view of it all.

I know for a fact that some other 'golf developments' in our area have also went ahead with building, but how can we be absolutely certain that the licences are now in place, has anyone seen them? I have copies of all the licences to date with the exception of this latest one. I don't mean to put a dampener on things, but a lot of hard earned cash will be winging it's way to Spain over the next few months and we all must ensure that this time, things are done right!

I must admit, as one of the pioneers of this forum, it's great at long last to see such an upbeat bunch of posters. But lets keep things in the present and take one step at a time. We don't intend to return to Murcia until mid May, so if anyone is going over in the mean time, please ask for a copy of the latest licence approval. There shouldn't be a problem attaining one as it's a public document.


This message was last edited by joe1 on 2/12/2008.

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12 Feb 2008 6:25 PM by cathy/paul Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message

Hi Joe

Where did you get the copies of the licences from?



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12 Feb 2008 6:46 PM by joe1 Star rating. 135 forum posts Send private message

joe1´s avatar

Hi Cathy,

I got them direct from the site at Campos del Rio. When I was there last autumn, the receptionist (who was very informative) told me that all licences were in place, with the exception on the final one, when I asked to view the existing licences she went away and came back with photo copies and gave them to me. Shock horror! 

At the time, I felt that she probably shouldn't have given me the copies. But when I went away and thought about it a little more, I came to the conclusion that the documents were after all public knowledge, so me having copies, is no big deal. However, I would dearly love to have the final piece of the jigsaw also in my possession.

 A lot of time has passed since we and indeed you, made our initial deposit on TH. We are only human, so doubts naturally gather in our heads and we begin to question every move.......... I suppose you may well call it , paranoia! If so, I am guilty as charged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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12 Feb 2008 7:43 PM by Adele Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

I was contacted before Christmas to confirm the positioning of my villa (plot 10) on the plot.  I have been chased multiple times over the past few weeks to make a decision.  I got another mail Friday urging me to make a decision as building was to commence last week.  I spoke to them again today and they said building has started.  I've asked for completion dates but they've not confirmed that as yet.

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