Entrance to Princess Park affects us all

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28 Feb 2008 12:00 AM by paynesblues Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

The tatty entrance to PP whether we live there, rent out or are trying to sell plays a large part on the impression of the site.  The dustbins that can never be put away because we need a drop kerb there for the bin men to push them back after emptying.   The mess around the entrance and the inch thick mud coming down from the hill everytime in rains needs a ditch dug along there to drain the water away. A decent plaque on the wall saying Princess Park and of course working gates would all make a great improvement.  I feel if everyone whoever they speak to - be it P60 whose offices are in Calypso,  the communitad Site de Calahonda who looks after the roads in Calahonda.  The respresentative of your block or the site manager constantly push for this we may get something done.  We may end up having to pay out of our combined community fees but this should be a priority. I hear someone has driven into the wall of the bin shelter - this should be rebuilt straight way?  We will be going out soon as will do our bit - please will you do yours.

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11 Mar 2008 7:20 PM by Cioffi1 Star rating in London & Calahonda . 215 forum posts Send private message

Cioffi1´s avatar
We aren't owners in PP but have friends who are and when we were over at our place in February we went to visit. I have to say I was shocked by the state of the entrance - over flowing bins, dumped suitcases etc. not a good first impression for anyone. Shame really as the apartments are fantastic.

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03 Apr 2008 8:16 PM by bobbysmith Star rating. 20 forum posts Send private message

I couldn't agree more.  We hadn't been out to Spain since October and our hearts sank when we saw the main entrance.  It gives a terrible first impression.  We have taken a few bookings for this summer and fear we wont get any repeat business.  As "paynesblues" states:  IT AFFECTS US ALL, whether we are living there, trying to rent out or trying to sell it is de-valuing the whole complex.

The mud / dust from the abandoned building site, the gates tied open with a bit of rope and the 4 bins always out on the road.  Even if the kerb was dropped, the walled bin area has been hit by a vehicle and needs to be partially re-built so the bins couldn't go in there anyway due to fallen masonry.

What a shambles.  We all pay community charge, if there is not enough in the kitty to do these "un-foreseen extras" then either the fees are to low or the money is being mis-managed.

We all need to email / phone / visit P60 until this is sorted.  The longer it remains un-checked it will be deemed the norm, and never get sorted.


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15 Apr 2008 8:16 PM by Hidi Star rating in Sutton Coldfield. 12 forum posts Send private message







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18 Apr 2008 9:49 PM by Hidi Star rating in Sutton Coldfield. 12 forum posts Send private message

I contacted Desiree at P60 (desiree.ruiz@p60.es) regarding the anti-social dogs, noise and the state of the entrance to PP. This was her reply:-
Yes, we have rules about noise and also dogs, but people do not care and if these are renters this is worst and they do not care at all. We have had a lot of problems with dogs because they go around free in the urbanization and the mess stay on the grass of the communal areas. This is dissgustin for other residents and the gardeners have problems to look for the gardens.
After last extraordinary meeting held on December, it was agreed that a technicall report will be done in order to include on this all the damage and the snagging for the urbanization. We have done it and we presented to the owners at last AGM held last month. Also, we have sent copies to the promoter, builders and architect in order to have all the problems sort out and the gate is including in this.
The reparation of the gate (or the installation of a new one due the circunstances and lack of quality) is not included in the annual Budget for the urbanization, so we can not support this extra cost up to date. Also, we have start legal actions to those owners that do not pay their fees on time.
We are doing all the legal procedure to obtain the better results to the urbanization, but with the recent building and the problems with the promoter we have extra problems in all the matters.
We ask for the patient of the owners and the progress will be see in this new year.
How can the rules be enforced? Any ideas anyone?

This message was last edited by Hidi on 4/18/2008.


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23 Apr 2008 2:43 PM by financer Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

I have never found Desiree or P60 to be any use at all. All we get from them is wait,wait,wait. We should explore getting another management company who give a damn. We are paying them after all and its our money. We also have block presidents many who live on site who should be enforcing the rules.

P60 seem to think they own the site rather than being our paid representative.

Perhaps we all need to make sure that we are at the next meeting (although I think they purposely never give enough notice) and give them a hard time - we are all too patient.

Some owners have not paid their management charges for over a year and action is only just apparently being taken.

If P60 cant manage the criticial things on the site, we have no hope of getting the dogs etc controlled.

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30 May 2008 5:38 PM by Darren Hall Star rating. 21 forum posts Send private message

Looking through the last set of messages, I am wondering if the community should be looking to employ a new set of administrators (if this is possible).

I agree that each time we have spoken to them (P60), it is always someone else's problem, not theirs, or they are awaiting replies from other people.

Bobby Smith wonders if we are paying too little into the community......we have spoken to several people/friends we have out in Spain in other complex's around Calahonda and they are 'GOBSMACKED' at how high our fees are as it is now and have already suggested we get our own checked out as to them being correct!!!.....so to go down the road of thinking we should be paying more is likely to be a suicide route for the owners on PP...more probably the state of affairs has not been helped by the now identified debtors to whom legal action is being employed and the real possibility of bad management of the accounts.....who knows?.......but yes, like every other owner on PP, the state of the entrance and some of the ground aeas of PP are a real eyesore and maybe we should reconsider renaming the complex Paupers Park or Sorry Shambles!!!!!!

The state of the hill is all down to Aifos and we all know their reputation.....what else can I say........

Would be interesting to find out how many other owners feel it is time for a change of adminstators and it is time for the Presidents to start throwing some weight about.....

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30 May 2008 6:32 PM by Cioffi1 Star rating in London & Calahonda . 215 forum posts Send private message

Cioffi1´s avatar
The general look of Princess Park was one of the reasons we didn't buy there, despite loving the apartments. How much do you guys pay in community fees per annum - if you don't mind me asking?

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30 May 2008 7:22 PM by financer Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

Re Monthly fees

When I visited the site in July 2006 which was 8 months before we completed we were told a maximum of 80 euro per month by Allied. Suprise suprise - by March 2007 this was introduced at a figure 50% higher.
Cant really see what we are paying for at present other than:
Poor entrance & damaged gates - first impressions are so important for lettings
sprinkers that soak everything but the plants they should be watering
dangerous manhole covers
broken litter bins
pools that you have to walk over dirt to get to
insufficient sunbeds
damaged front wall
lifts that were not working until 6 months ago
dogs allowed to foul the paths and grassed areas
garage doors that dont shut so burglars can get entry to the stairwells whenever they like
stairwell entries that are not secure
tiles that are starting to come off the roofs
I understand there is now penetrating damp to some of the ground floor

anybody who wants to add to the list feel free

its just beyond a joke - wish I was not an owner - with a little bit of efficient action and some TLC it could be terrific, the apartments are great ,shame the outside doesnt have the same impact at the moment

This message was last edited by financer on 5/30/2008.

This message was last edited by financer on 5/30/2008.

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30 May 2008 7:30 PM by Darren Hall Star rating. 21 forum posts Send private message

In reply to Financer, I totally agree with all that you said.....and yes surprise, surprise we also bought via Allied and had the same bullshit of around 80 euros a month, it was always more than double that and contiues to rise each April!!!!

Love the apartment, as you say the complex just needs some TLC, good management and consideration from owners who have pets of the public fouling kind!!!

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27 Jun 2008 3:47 PM by jpayne Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Whilst out there this time we attended the community meeting which was 2 hours long and not much was achieved.  There was a solicitor there telling us we have to go through the legal channels to get the developer to finish the work before we take him to court and this is all going to take a long time.  There is no money in the kitty because of the people who haven't paid a penny.  We did elect a new president for Princess Park who speaks for all 4 phases and apparently now we can get things done with him signing approvals etc. His name is David Montero.  He is very keen on getting all the things sorted out we have been talking about.  Desiree said the only way we can get things done immediately whilst the developer business is getting sorted out is to all pay a one off payment of 50euros on next month's community fees.  This was agreed by people at the meeting and David plus the 4 reps from each phase will decide on the gate type we want and get things moving.  Also the other two priorites that will be paid for with this contribution are new covered postboxes which is a priority for people living there, and the replacement of the wall and drop down kerb sorted for  the Dustbins.

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27 Jun 2008 5:59 PM by Darren Hall Star rating. 21 forum posts Send private message

Well it is good to be informed by someone (thank you JPayne) that we will be paying an extra 50€ on July's community fee as P60 have not informed us of this!!!

We assume this will reimbursed once the developer coughs up for his inept/poor workmanship as we take great offence at having to pay again for something we have already paid for............diffferent if it was for adding something new to the community and not sorting out pathetic workmanship and bad planning!


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28 Jun 2008 8:53 PM by financer Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

I agree

Surely if P60 had been quicker off the mark to claim from the owners who havnt paid there would be money in the bank.

I still dont know why we are still using P60???

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13 Sep 2008 9:23 PM by michaelwatson Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Got back today and guess what?  The gates have been re-hung (left hand only I think, the right one still looks like its dragging on the ground when open).  It appears the old zappers wont work however they may be able to be re programmed.  On the front now there is a number pad where you can enter a code for the gates to open, however lets hope they keep the gates open until all residents are aware of the code otherwise it will obviously be forced open and the whole cherade will start again.  
  Does anyone know if visitors will be able to ring the apartment from outside?  Will we be able to open the gates from our apartments ?  or do they expect us to give out the entry code to anybody or walk to the bottom and open the gates ourselves.
(just a thought)
Didn't see any sign of any work going on "On the hill"

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15 Sep 2008 5:57 PM by bobbysmith Star rating. 20 forum posts Send private message

Spoke to P60 today (Mon 15th).  The gates are working but are not going to be switched on until "next week".  No firm date yet.  They are putting up signs around the complex for-warning people.

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23 Sep 2008 4:13 PM by jpayne Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Just heard from a resident that these are not the new sliding gates we were promised but the old ones - fixed and now broken again and hanging off!    
I suggest  everyone who paid the extra 50euros to get new gates make their anger know to P60 as I have just done!

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24 Sep 2008 11:01 AM by financer Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

We were out there 9th to 18th Sept and we astonished to see that the gates were still not working. The right hand one was dragging on the ground and we noticed the messages re the code and new zappers etc. I assume that someone at P60 or the site president will be letting off site owners about the codes etc!! (probably not)
Having paid the additional money it is disappointing yet again how long it has taken to get the matter resolved.
Additionally whilst out there, we stood on our balcony in the evening and watched the residents wait till after dark each evening to take their dogs out to mess in the public areas without clearing up after them. 
Someone in block 10 or 11 appears to have a golden retriever, that continually bays like the hound of the baskervilles every day at the slightest noise. I understood action would be taken against offenders.

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24 Sep 2008 12:09 PM by michaelwatson Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

I have spoken to P60 again today and have found out that the keypad to enter the code to open the gates is on the inside of the gates on the gatekeepers hut and you need a key to get through the gate from the outside to get to it.  Didn't anybody think it might be a good idea to put the keypad on the outside.  Incidently there is a keypad on the outside, but dont bother putting the code in that one because (you've guessed it) it dosen't work and it's not for the gates anyway.
Keep smiling they might get it right eventually

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24 Sep 2008 12:33 PM by financer Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

That just about explains everything - does frank Spencer run P60 ?
They havnt got anything right or on time so far, I admire your ability to keep smiling and your faith.
Personally I think P60 need sacking and somone competent employed. I spoke to my letting agent and they were also amazed at home much we pay for our monthly maintenance. They live an a similar development and pay €150 per quarter!!
Surely the stair wells dont need cleaning every day, and there are other savings we could make.

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