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Roda Golf And Beach Resort forum threads
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04 Mar 2008 12:00 AM by Big C Star rating. 43 forum posts Send private message

Does anybody have any idea what is happening with the water features in the resort?

The Phase 1 water features just seem to have mucky, smelly standing water and look pretty unattractive to me.

I'm not sure if there is a plan in place to sort them out but surely they are not leaving them as they are?

Does anyone know? or is there a process to report to the community to ask at the next meeting?


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04 Mar 2008 9:19 PM by kroda Star rating. 106 forum posts Send private message

The water features is a very emotive topic.

What I have been told by the community is that the contractor who built (made) the water features says that there isn't a problem with maintaining the lakes so he has been tasked by Calidona to maintain them for a 2 month trial period.  If this does not work Calidona may make him contribute towards replacing them?  An original report said this could cost 100k.

They are an eyesore and I am very fed up with the situation, they were filthy in October and by your accounts they musn't have changed.  This impacts on all the owners especially if renting your property out.

I am in no doubt the community agm will have addressed the matter and I am just waiting minutes from the management company.

Maybe someone else can shed some light on this matter.  Please correct me if my information is not correct or up to date.


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04 Mar 2008 10:10 PM by lp Star rating. 39 forum posts Send private message

I just got back yesterday and the water features have been cleaned fully and are full of clean water which appears to be circulating. They certainly look a lot better and are very clean.  

I was at the AGM and the item was discussed in full and kroda is correct in that the original contractor has taken over the cleaning of the lakes for a period of three months to allow for a reasonable time to demonstrate that they can be kept clean as he is maintaining that the problem was one of maintenance and not poor workmanship.

The community have agreed to allow the period of three months as this will allow hopefully for changes in the weather etc so that it can be shown that they can be kept clean and functioning irrespective of the prevailing climate. The lakes were cleaned and refilled about two weeks ago so at the AGM they stated that the time started then and not before. Everyone appeared to be very committed to sorting the problem out and there were strong committments given by the administrators, President and the vice President that this would be resolved as soon as possible. 

I was speaking to the President and she told me that there were six AGM´s in the last few weeks so the minutes will probably take a few weeks yet as they all have to be proofed and translated but hope that this helps update you until the minutes are out.


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04 Mar 2008 10:19 PM by tengo una vida Star rating in UK/Spain/USA. 33 forum posts Send private message

Thank you Lorraine.

It is good to have up to date information, as from reading the first post on this thread I would have thought that the water features were filthy. I am glad that you have been able to give us an accurate report of what the features look like now and not what they looked like a while ago as it is important that this forum is reflective of the actual situation. I am going out to Roda at the end of the week and as I have an apartment overlooking one of the water features I am delighted that it will look well when I get there.

Tengo una vida

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04 Mar 2008 10:30 PM by Mike B Star rating in Los Montesinos, Spai.... 209 forum posts Send private message

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Keep your fingers crossed. We live in Spain and some days they look better than others. And by the way there are a lot of water features.



For beautiful marble call Mike on 691649515

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04 Mar 2008 10:44 PM by lp Star rating. 39 forum posts Send private message

Hello Mike

I don´t wish to disagree with you but this thread is dealing with the water features on Phase 1 of which there are only three. They have looked perfectly clean since they were cleaned approximately two weeks ago as I walked past two of them every day for a fortnight but the period of three months will allow us to see if they stay clean. There are no other water features on any other Phases according to the information at the AGM but there are of course water features on the golf course which are a completely different thing and nothing to do with the community.


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05 Mar 2008 7:07 AM by Mike B Star rating in Los Montesinos, Spai.... 209 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Loraine,

I don’t mean to be negative. We were at the AGM as well and I suppose I am being over critical. When they had first been cleaned, they where spotless, but now unfortunately there is a slight build up, and the fact is there are no pumps or filters and I think they will only get worse. I know we are allowing the contractors three months but like someone else said at the meeting that puts us at the start of the summer season. I hope they do turn out to be beautiful, self cleaning water features, but it is a fact that most things on Roda Golf either happen late or not at all. We tended to walk around with rose coloured glasses on at first because of all the time and money we had spent. Although most of Roda Golf is looking good next time you are out take off the glasses!!!!!!!!

For beautiful marble call Mike on 691649515

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05 Mar 2008 10:01 AM by Big C Star rating. 43 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for all the reponses.

I wasn't aware they had been cleaned etc as the last time I was at Roda was in mid January.

However, having been at Roda for 14 months now I can honestly say that I have never seen them looking nice, clean and attractive. I hope I am proved wrong and next week when I am there I will see a vast improvement.

In my humble view, laying rough unfinished concrete,  painting it blue and letting untreated stagnant water lie in the bottom for what seems like ages equals a smelly, dirty, unnatractive water feature.

All water needs treating whether it is for swimming, looking pretty or forming parts of a golf course and I can't believe that the features don't have some form of self filtering system which allows the constant cleaning of the water.

In my opinion it has been done cheaply with little thought and to be honest they look pants


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05 Mar 2008 5:05 PM by mandib Star rating. 81 forum posts Send private message

I was out there last week and must admit I was pleasantly suprised that the water feature that my patio backs onto was pretty clean.  However, I agree with Chris I think they look cheap and nasty.  I wish they hadn't been put in if they were going to do it on the cheap.  A nice lawned area would have looked much better.



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07 Mar 2008 10:38 AM by Mike B Star rating in Los Montesinos, Spai.... 209 forum posts Send private message

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Been over to Roda today and they are starting to look manky again. Took pics but I am in an internet bar and cant download. Will do that soon from laptop.

Cheers Mike

And yes I agree they look naf anyway

For beautiful marble call Mike on 691649515

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07 Mar 2008 11:21 AM by kroda Star rating. 106 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Mike for your latest information.

This makes me dread my next visit, after all it is about sitting outside at night with lovely surroundings.  At the moment it seems like a watering hole.  That would be fine if you were on safari and had at least animals to look at!!

I have to say when I was there at the end of June last year the features looked great!  Since that they have deteriorated.  Please don't give Calidona the idea of covering them up.  After all we did pay for the look, we may not be getting this now but I for one am not settling for any less.  We pay large community charges.  We pay for the swimming pools to be maintained at other blocks, therefore our water features should be maintained.

This will have to be sorted sooner rather than later, I have has my property 1 1/2 years and this is unacceptable!!

Please keep us updated, look forward to seeing your photographs.


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07 Mar 2008 1:59 PM by tengo una vida Star rating in UK/Spain/USA. 33 forum posts Send private message

Hey folks

I just arrived at Roda this morning and the resort is looking really well. Gardens are showing a marked improvement and the water features are as Lorraine said looking 100% better than when I was last here. I am doing an online brochure for my apartments and took some photos so I uploaded some pics of the water features (check them out above) so that you can make up your own mind. (I don´t think that the appointment with Specsavers is necessary Lorraine!! the photos speak for themselves)

The weather is great as you can see but my agent here tells me that it was very cold and windy over the last few days which accounts for a few small leaves floating on the water. It was so windy that one of the days of the Hi5 Pro Golf tournament in Mosa had to be cancelled! You don´t need to worry kroda my agent tells me that Spanish law prohibits the water features being filled in, as if you bought a house or apartment with a lake view that is what you have to get and they cannot do away with the water features.

This is win win for all of us owners anyway as if the water stays clean we win and if it returns to what it looked like in February the contractors will have to go with the new proposal for new water features and we win.



Tengo una vida

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07 Mar 2008 2:44 PM by kroda Star rating. 106 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for your information.  Two very different opinions.

The photographs look great and the planting is looking very lush.

I just hope this works as I can't face going down the other avenue of waiting for another contractor coming in.

Can everyone please keep the posts coming regularly.


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07 Mar 2008 7:20 PM by marvin3004 Star rating. 67 forum posts Send private message

Some great up to date pictures of the Roda resort at some really good pics of the clubhouse, the new PGA academy and some of phase 4 progress, all looks pretty good.

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07 Mar 2008 11:11 PM by hugh_man Star rating in Kent/Roda . 1593 forum posts Send private message

hugh_man´s avatar
Potentially an impressive looking site, shame the map location is Corvera and most of the photos of new build are of Phase3 not 4, there is one pic of the villas they have started building on Phase 4, no work has commenced on any apartments. Nice pics of the new clubhouse which is still awaiting licences.

Re the hotel they state that in a few months Roda will have it's own 5 star luxury De Vere Hotel, considering there is just a hole in the ground and no footings in place I think that is a very optimistic claim.

Don't get me wrong I think the golf course is great and things are improving all the time but there is still a long way to go before facilities which will give the resort a good rental potential are all in place.

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08 Mar 2008 1:45 PM by lyndy Star rating in Barnsley,South Yorks.... 125 forum posts Send private message

lyndy´s avatar

We are on block 24 & were also over at Roda last week, yes they do look better than they did when we were last there at Xmas,but to be honest it isn't what you expect on a ' 5 star ? ' resort,at no time whilst we were over there did we see any running water on the feature so it is a matter of time before it becomes dirty again.

it is no coincidence that the pool half of our block is more populated than the water feature half so come on Roda give us some water features that we can be proud of & not something that is an eyesore that looks cheap & nasty!!

Lynda & Dave



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10 Mar 2008 5:06 PM by Mike B Star rating in Los Montesinos, Spai.... 209 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all

A couple of photos downloaded of one of the water features and if they look like this after 3 weeks what will they look like after 3 months?

For beautiful marble call Mike on 691649515

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09 May 2008 10:15 PM by Mike B Star rating in Los Montesinos, Spai.... 209 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all, It’s funny I am doing a follow up on my last comment as this is now about three months on and the water features are looking well naf. Take a look at new pics!! (dated 9/5/08) Now if Roda do as they said they would, they will be sorting this problem out and putting in water filters in the summer season, (not Nice) or if not we have a smelly ugly mess in the summer season (not nice)!!!!  Why is it at Roda Golf they always seem to take 3 steps forward then 2 steps back?? 

For beautiful marble call Mike on 691649515

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10 May 2008 5:48 AM by Laura G Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message


Hi Mike,

Looks a real mess, recent rain probably has not helped, but hate to think that when our guests come out next week they will be looking at that monstrosity. Makes me wonder why we pay nearly two grand a year community fee!

By the way thanks for the pics, the floors looks fantastic.   

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10 May 2008 10:29 AM by L P Star rating. 51 forum posts Send private message

I agree that the lakes look very bad and all of us on Phase 1 need to let the administrators, president or vice president know as soon as possible that we are not going to accept them in this condition. There was a group of people including the administrators, Roda staff, vice president and president etc walking round the lakes a few weeks ago - a day after they were cleaned (timing is everything).

Although I know that the President and Vice President live on Roda we need to be sure that they know that there is still very strong feeling about this issue and that most of us are very unhappy with the water features irrespective of the very heavy rains in the last few days. The lakes are not being maintained or are not able to be maintained properly and there is sometimes a strong bleach smell from them which may suggest that the original contractors who were maintaining them in recent months were just dumping in loads of bleach which is not good for any of us and will only make them look good for a while.

I know that at the AGM the President and Vice President made it clear that they would not sign off on the lakes until they were sure that they could be shown to be able to be maintained in good order. As the three month period is up I strongly urge all of you on Phase 1to let the President or Administrators know that you are not happy to accept the lakes as they are at present as this will strengthen their hands when dealing with the contractor.

This message was last edited by L P on 5/10/2008.

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