El matrimonio en Espana

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23 May 2008 12:00 AM by ladylola Star rating in Swansea . Los Nara.... 337 forum posts Send private message

ladylola´s avatar
Hi . Never driven outside the U K and in need of a fools guide to getting from Alicante airport / Murcia airport also . Any tips would be a great help .



Gary  & Angela  
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!

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23 May 2008 12:28 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Angela, You must have been reading my mind. I was just trying to find your post where you mentioned about receiving your mortgage offer from the bank, I can't remember what bank you said your apartment was being financed by. As for your question about the roads from Alicante and San Javier. There was a thread back in April, under - Roads in Murcia - It was on the main Condado site. Someone was asking the same and Martyn replied with directions. It's no good me trying to tell you, but if you can't find the thread and you want help, let me know and i'll ask Martyn when he comes in. Regards June

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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23 May 2008 12:36 PM by ladylola Star rating in Swansea . Los Nara.... 337 forum posts Send private message

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Hi June . The bank was Banco Popular . We are not morgaging with this bank they just offered us finance as they are one of the banks behind polaris .



Gary  & Angela  
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!

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23 May 2008 1:50 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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I have pasted the directions Martyn gave back in April, hope thay help.

As far as driving in Spain is concerned take your time when you first start and make sure you have no distractions until you are used to it, even then don’t allow yourself to become complacent. Roundabouts are one of the places it is easy to get confused if you are not careful, you aromatically want to go left when you should be going right. Junctions are the next one again if you are not careful you will just automatically look right and go to the wrong side of the road, I fined the best way is to just think for a second at every junction about which way I should be looking and where I need to be going, it takes a split second to do this and it soon becomes second nature to drive on the other side of the road as long as you stay alert. Its often a bigger problem when you come back home as we often allow are concentration to drop and forget we are back home.

They have a lot of speed cameras in Spain and they are not easy to see so be careful and it is I think the law to put your dipped headlights on when you go though tunnels. If you are driving your own car from the UK you have to put deflectors on your headlights to make them point slightly right instead of left as is standard on British cars and remember that speed limits in Spain are in Kilometres not miles.

If you are getting a car in Spain if possible get an automatic, as it’s a pain using the gear stick with your right hand if you are not used to it.


This is Martyn's directions: 

From Alicante airport take the A7 towards Murcia, Stay on it and you pass round Murcia. Stay on it until you see sign for Autovia Alhama De Murcia - Cartegena which is the RM02 towards Cartegena. Take the second exit which is signposted Mazarron and is the RM03. Condado is about 2 miles on the left.

From San Javier take the AP7 towards Cartegena, take the exit for Torre Pacheco. Follow this road and you will see Polaris Mar Menor resort on the right with new building works. When you reach the road island immediately after this construction works ( you will also see a red hotel with white dots opposite ) honest, anyway turn right at that island and follow that road till you reach the next island. Here take the exit signposted A30, you will then come to the RM02 at a new island at the junction with the A30. Joint this new motorway RM02 for quite a few miles, passing Hacienda Del Alamo resort on your right. Take the exit signposted Mazarron RM03 and Condado is about 2 miles on the left.

These are not as the directions given by PW but I think they were done before the RM02 & RM03 were opened.

This message was last edited by PGM on 5/23/2008.

This message was last edited by PGM on 5/23/2008.

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23 May 2008 5:19 PM by ladylola Star rating in Swansea . Los Nara.... 337 forum posts Send private message

ladylola´s avatar
Thanks Phil,

This is a great help.





Gary  & Angela  
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!

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19 Aug 2008 11:10 AM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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There's a good article regarding driving in Spain on this weeks newsletter. Very humorous and unfortunately true. I always wondered why people always seem to sound horns when sitting at a red light - apparently it's just to remind you that the light is red??? There's a good article on Spanish language too

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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