I find there are three difficult areas en route for newcomers (I class yself as one as some still befuddles me

). The first place to get caught out is on leaving the airport (assuming you have collected your car on site). You need to go staright over (not literally) the first roundabout and continue for about 1.5km. The next roundabout is for the motorway, but you need to go straight over again and under the motorway to the next roundabout where you take the left and only exit to join. It is extremely easy to take the wrong motorway exit in a moment of confusion and bewilderment while getting used to driving a left hand drive car on the "wrong" side of the road.
Once you are on the motorway, it is a realtively painless experience, but you need to peel off at junction 800 (if you use a sat nav watch out as the slip road exit is located 500m further down than the actual exit). Once you have taen this road, the only time you will need to stop is to take your toll ticket and to pay for it at the other end.
The bit I have the most problems with is after the payment toll booth. All mapping programmes will take you off at junction 534 which brings you in the top end of Vera and down the backstreets, past Lidl, etc. What I want to do, (but have never done it because I have always arrived after 11pm and just want to get in) is to forget that slip road and stay on the motorway as it curves to the left and come off at junction 528 which is the Valle del Este junction. It is a much easier strech of road to navigate which brings you to the same junction as leaving at 534.
There is also a map on my site which you can
download here, it makes it much easier if you can send this to your friends/ family/ guests and saves a lot of explaining.