The Comments |
A week ago today, I was trawling through some of my old sold properties circa 2001. I came accross a really nice 4 bed detached villa with a decent sea view and 1000m2 plot. I had sold it in 2001 for €198,000. Today it would easily value around €450,000 and that is conservative as it´s in the most desireable area of Puerto De Mazarron.
I decided to put it back on my website at the origional price to see if there would be any interest from bargain hunters! I get between 2000 and 3000 hits a month on the site as I am quite highly ranked on Google, MSN etc.
So what do you think happened??? Nada, NOTHING!! I had 27 views of the page and not one enquiry!!
It was only an experiment to see if there were any buyers out there, I have come to the conclusion there are not.
It was obviouse this was a quality house yet no one who looked at the details made an enquiry!!!
What was the problem? I have concluded, that with so much choice out there, people just don´t know a bargain when they see one.
Anyone else got anything to add?
Business advice and consultancy - Visit
Calida in2 Business - Spanish Property Clearance.
I am coming out tomorrow to view property and not necessarily looking for a bargain, i am looking for value at today's prices. Was told on this site that Rixxy was the one to help but she has not come up with anything as yet.
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/18/2007.
Hi Guys - we are having fun and games at the new office! The leccy has been off more than on and so its almost impossible to get work done. Add to that an immense workload at the moment and so I havent really had much time to get on here.
Tinto I emailed you a couple of properties, one in particular that would fit your bill but never heard back from you. I should have followed up with a phone call - my fault.
I know you are out and will be in the office first thing to call you. I even got 2 with heated pools!
I have no work email until the office fault is sorted out so sorry to anyone I was supposed to get in touch with!
Re the business Gillespie - I have noticed the same. We get 5000-6000 unique visitors to our site weekly, but the purchase enquiries have dropped considerably. However the amount of people willing to drop the price to shift has escalated!
Have a good evening everyone
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Hi Gillespie,
I totally agree with what you are saying,i think at the moment if you listed a house on the website for €10 it would take a week before you got any sort of enquiry then someone would offer €5!
We have a similar situation at the moment,i have just started taking reposessed property direct from the bank and marketting at the value owed to the bank.
As you can imagine the some of them are fantastic deals and i listed the first one on the website last week, sat back and waited for the rush,stony silence followed by twiddling of thumbs!!
I think the problem at the minute is that there are so many good deals about and also the volume of people looking has dropped that people are looking a "gift horse in the mouth" and then moving on as they think "champion the wonder horse" is hiding around the corner.
You mentioned in an earlier post that you had a 7 seater set for your world tour(could you keep one seat free )
still here after all these years!
Hi georgia & Rixxi,
yeah I totally agree with you too. You just know there are people out there who would buy these bargain properties if they saw them. But if you put "Spanish Property" in a google search you get 36,500,000 pages of info. Just too much choice.
Nice to see you back Rixxi....I missed you.
Regarding the spare seats - It would be like a scene from "Thelma and Louise" An estate agents road movie. I´ll be Brad Pitt and georgia you will have to wear a blonde wig and high heels!!
Smiley you can´t have my bargain ficticiuose property! Not sure as a I want an old croc livin in my neck of th woods, my dogs would go missing!!!
I´m on holiday for 4 days so won´t be doin much posting from now on, then on Tuesday to Thursday we are mowed out with clients would you believe!! Things are just startin to move at long last.
Business advice and consultancy - Visit
Calida in2 Business - Spanish Property Clearance.
Hi Gillespie,
I have considered the blonde wig and stilletos before and then takin myself off to the nearest roundabout.
Maybe now lilly savage is off the telly there is an opening there also!
Do you have the ladies of the night on the roundabouts down there as well, and also on the CDS?(maybe that's a new thread starting?!)
I always think you can judge the quality of the market by the ratio of how many properties you list to how many you are actually selling, i think it's about 3-1 at the minute.
Just goes to show the market saturation.
I think Rixxy mentioned she wanted to come to so maybe we could tour as the "three amigos"
still here after all these years!
Yes would be fab - Georgia you have the blonde wig I will go for the dark one. Got stilletoes on now well sandal type ones actually!
I missed you too Gillespie and everyone else but its been a pain in the arris with the leccy going off every few minutes at the office. And running around (I am fortunate) with clients as well as a trip to the dreaded yet much loved notary!
Hey ho - Friday already and Im taking off until wednesday (well back in office tuesday but dont tell the clients!)
The ladies of the night do not congregate on the roundabouts here - just the sleazy bars (not that I would know, you understand) 
Smiley -
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/18/2007.
Perhaps I should explain - as a result of the electricity being off and on and on and off at her office today - our beloved Rixxy popped in to see me this afternoon to borrow my laptop and update her website and colllect and reply to some mails. I was busy on the phone talking to clients and so I guess having time on her hands and having been MIA for a couple of days thought she would post a couple of replies etc - dear oh dear - the poor old soul forgot to change the ID as my laptop is configured to recognise me when I log in. Guess we all have our senior moments but this is a corker!!
Then again as you will know from some fo my previous threads I am not averse to wearing my stilletoes - but only on Saturday nights and in the right company.
Smiley -
hey smiley
that is some excuse. can you tell me how to post your message of high heels on to you tube . I am sure janice will know
_______________________ regards
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/18/2007.
Gerry Boland, are you any relation to Willy Boland?
He's a real person I didn't make him up honest. Keep up with football will you girl.
Hiya Guys! Smiley - sorry to not log out of your flash laptop!!! And Im not yet old enough for a senior moment!!! Cheeky Git, anyway many thanks for the use and seemingly out leccy seems fine. Having said that Im doing this from home as off until tomorrow afternoon.
I reckon I wil be out on the beach this arvo!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!