Resort AGM

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25 Apr 2010 8:02 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar

I sympathise with what you are saying and I really can understand.

There must be a less public way to sort it all out.

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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25 Apr 2010 9:26 PM by worried owner Star rating. 18 posts Send private message

 This is typical.

A group of owners made a very recent complaint that posts on the resort forum were being edited and deleted if they did not follow the party line.

Anyone who asks a question - and this is how the thread started, gets it in the neck.

Someone off a forum used by the resort spotted the post and put a link in.

Then they come over.

I asked a question hoping for an answer.  It was a well described post with a question and a follow up question.  Very reasonable questions.

The other posters here don't like these questions.

So they trash the thread with personal attacks.

Anything to get away from the point in hand.

They have all joined to trash the thread.  There maybe one of them or two or three.

It is the usual pattern.

I came to ask a question.  They make it personal and try to make it degenerate into a slanging match.

That is how it goes with these people.

You may well have succeed in thrash the thread.  A moderator will come as two spam notices have been produced off this thread and decide it is a very sorry state.  They might lock the thread.

So the question will have to answered elsewhere - but it will be answered.


This message was last edited by worried owner on 25/04/2010.

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25 Apr 2010 10:11 PM by Lib222 Star rating. 15 posts Send private message

Yes you are so well behaved and everyone else is very naughty. Lets have a look at one of your comments from an early post in this section.

"Not some figure set by presidents who lives in a villa and will benefit from this".

Pretty daming really hardly the sort of comment a genuine worried owner would post.

We have never attacked you or your group it has always been the other way round, but we have had enough now and its time we defended our resort. You originally stated that you wanted a vote on this issue so the current president gave all owners a vote, as it should be, but now thats not enough as they did not all agree with you. So you will obviously not accept the will of the majority of owners and just want your pound of flesh and to not have to pay for what you use. Sad but true.

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09 May 2010 10:09 PM by Get Real Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Worried Owner,

Once again you rely on misinformation in an attempt to get your  points across.

1) Quote "The pools are all within the apartment complexes"

This is an untruth - Cazon? NOT within an Apartment Complex.!

2) Quote "A group of owners made a very recent complaint that posts on the resort forum were being edited and deleted if they did not follow the party line"

Another untruth. There is no evidence whatsoever to support this silly claim.

Can you not see, that you have lost your way with all your pathetic threats of 'legal action' having received 'legal advice'. You claim to feel bullied. Let me assure you that the VAST MAJORITY of La Torre Owners feel bullied by YOU and your lost cause.

You lost at the AGM by quite a margin - 97 to 2.

Live with it and move on.

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09 May 2010 10:49 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar


'Eye on Spain is intended to be an informative, helpful and pleasant place for property buyers, owners, expats and anyone with an interest in Spain to post questions and information relating to all things Spain.

We like to keep the forums friendly at all times and we will delete any messages which we feel are unncessary or could cause offence to other members.


This is not the place to vent your anger.'


This message was last edited by morerosado on 10/05/2010.


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10 May 2010 5:01 PM by worried owner Star rating. 18 posts Send private message

To round this off it seems that someone has discovered that the change in the resort community fees is illegal as it is contrary to the resort statutes.  The fees must be by the cuota.

Someone obviously has been digging around and I say well done to them.

Community Statutes La Torre Golf Resort

Article 12. Participation in the association

1. The participation of the members of the association in the rights and obligations laid down in the articles of association or which may be adopted in the future, as well as in the adoption of agreements reached by the General Homeowners’ Meeting, shall be proportional to the quota assigned thereto. It is hereby determined that the quota assigned to each plot is equal to the coefficient assigned in the deed of incorporation of the property complex. The quota of each building and each independent element shall be as indicated on the corresponding deed of declaration of new works and condominium.

2. The quotas of participation, which shall be used to contribute to the expenses of the association, shall be equal for each part to the coefficient assigned thereto in the corresponding deed of incorporation.

There have been many complaints about posts being edited or deleted if a poster puts someone on the resort forum at La Torre Golf Resort.  A letter of complaint by a number of presidents was submitted and this even reached the resort AGM where this group stated what was going on was contrary to EU law.

The following is taken from the minutes of the main AGM.

“ Regarding the website forums, it has to be known that the censorship made on forum discussions, by eliminating for any reason part of or total posts written by owners under their own name, is prohibited by Law, both Spanish Constitution AND the European Community Charter of Freedom of Expression:
About the EC Article regulating our charter of freedom of expression, is the numeral 1, which reads "Article 20. [Freedom of expression]
1. Are recognized and protected rights:
a) To freely express and disseminate thoughts, ideas and opinions by word, writing or any other means of reproduction b) Production and literary, artistic, scientific and technical information. c) Academic freedom.
A letter was presented from the undersigned to be included in the
question and answer section, which reads as follows
d) To communicate or receive freely truthful information by any media. The law shall regulate the right to the clause of conscience and professional secrecy in the exercise of these freedoms.
2. The exercise of these rights can not be restricted by any form of censorship."
We insist that from now on, this law should be respected and applied by all forum administrators. In the event that it would happen again, we shall keep copies of all infringements and hand them over to justice.

Anyone who has visited the resort will know  that the 13 odd pools in the resort are all physically located within apartment block complexes.  These pools can be used by anyone in the resort as they are part of the resort community property and do not belong specifically to the apartment subcommunities. 

You have to just put up with the bullying and misinformation of a small group at the resort if you dare to ask any questions or point out something that is not right.



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10 May 2010 10:12 PM by Lib222 Star rating. 15 posts Send private message

And your point is?

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10 May 2010 11:56 PM by worried owner Star rating. 18 posts Send private message

 The point is, entering a discussion with you is pointless.

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11 May 2010 1:07 PM by Lib222 Star rating. 15 posts Send private message

No we had the discussion, the owners voted, you did not like the result so you keep on moaning. A bit like Gordon Brown!!

As for the owner doing the digging, that would not be our well known struck off doctor would it? The one who is not paying the community fees on his 6 apartments and has had his water and electricity cut off? I won't mention the other offences he has been convicted of!!

I think the disguise as a worried townhouse owner has well and truly fallen off now.



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