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Hi All,
My own stupid fault, did some strimming in shorts! Idiot!!
What deterrants/remedies do you use for insects bites?
And how do you keep flies out of the house? We have nets at the windows and a beady thing over the door and still they drive me nuts.
I will never get used to them, I hate them.
Regards, Febe
No matter where you go, there you are.
Apart from what some people might say - like 'Move' or 'Don't go out in shorts' (Just a little humour to cheer you up)
Over the years I have used all sorts of insect repellant from Boots own to Jungle Formula. They all work to an extent but the little swines always to get you somewhere - on or knuckle or knee. Make sure you do your ankles well.
At night I use an 'impregnated' mosquito net, over the bed, in the warm and hot weather only. The little machines with liquid repellant you plug into the electric socket also help.
The flies are a nuisance but invariably are attracted to fruit or food left out. Put your bins well away from the house if you can.
A couple of years ago I purchased a couple of ultra violet electric fly killers from a camping shop in the UK. They are like the ones you see with the blue light in food shops here. They were inexpensive. I put one on in the house and one out on the patio in hot weather. Seems to do the trick.
Good Luck
_______________________ Mick
Has far as the inside of the house goes, last year we bought some electrical plug in repellents from Aki in Fuengirola, although primarily for mozzies we found that they were very good with all insects.
Hi - I use Skin so Soft - Soft & Fresh dry oil body spray from Avon and it is great and smells really nice.
I will declare an interest and say that I sell Avon, but it is genuinely fantastic and I use it every evening once the mozzies start to appear. I have a client who sends it to her son in Afghanistan and have been told it is used by military in Iraq too.
I've just bought one of these door curtains made up of strips of netting so hope that will keep the flies out of the house during the day - just need to find some time to put it up!
_______________________ Claire
Once you have the bites, Afterbite is great available from all pharmacies and parapharmacies. BEFORE you get the bites, Citronella plants are ideal, if you get quite big ones by your front door and anywhere they can get "into the draft" the work fantastically and are a natural way to keep the little buggers at bay!!
Sam Campbell Business 1st...
If you are in Spain....On Monday 31st May Lidl are doing a series of specials on anti flies might be worth a look.........check the link
I posted this video on EOS a few days ago...seems appropriate though
I agree with Sam about citronella being a great repellent. I used to be bitten badly, so was very happy when it worked for me!
If you add drops of citronella essential oil to a massage oil or lotion you can then massage it into your skin. Do read the instructions carefully to ensure you get the ratio right, and never use it neat. Try a patch test first and be aware that it may not be suitable if you have sensitive skin.
Try burning citronella candles too - they have a lovely aroma and are also very effective.
Lavender oil is good for insect bites, and can be applied neat. Watch for adverse reactions though, especially if you have sensitive skin.
If you buy essential oils from a good health store they should be able to advise you on how to use them, and obviously a qualified aromatherapist would give you even better advice! I am NOT an aromatherapist, though I have many good books and do use oils at home.
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
Yes have to agree with Clare skin so soft from avon is brilliant, they also did an aftersun cream with anti mosquito repellent, which worked for me. But I do not know if they do that now.
Have not tried this citronella will have a go at that thanks.
But it is flys indoors I hate if I am watching tv and they are flying around I always keep a can of spray next to me so I can get the buggars.
Yes like the video Foxbat.
Regards Pat
I agree with Claire T, Skin So Soft Original Dry Oil Body Spray (Aceite Corporal en Spray) works great, I have used it for the last 7 years, it keeps the mozzies away and also keeps your skin soft, it does what it says on the bottle and a little bit more!! my children also use it as it smells nice.
I have just stocked up on mine as it is on offer in book 14 which is out at the moment (I am not an agent) but Claire T is and I am sure she will be able to help anyone.
Thanks all,
I was just talking to one of the spanish mums at school. She told me about Natural Honey (spelt in english on the bottle), this must be much like Avons Skin so Soft, and I can get it here in any supermarket. She says thats what the locals use. I'll have to give it a try.
Of course any of these things are only any good IF you remember to put them on your skin in the first place!
The flies in the house are a different matter. I don't really like using spray, we have a canery and I keep African Clawed Frogs. Spray is not very good for them. I do use it when I have to. It's not being able to keep the buggers out that gets me!
Take care, regards.
No matter where you go, there you are.
As an aside to the flying biters, the worst thing here in our experience is the agrresive and venemous centipedes.
To combat these and other crawling insects use the aerosol spray 'Maton' on your door and window thresholds.
It is an effective chemical deterrent that is long lasting and pet safe (once dry).
_______________________ Professional baby equipment hire providers.
Try hanging bunches of dried lavender outside your doors and windows - you can make them look quite pretty and these are a natural repellent for flies. Also, basil plants work well - I had a couple in my lounge last summer - not the prettiest of plants for the lounge - but they worked for me. No flies inside the house. As previously mentioned cintronella also works well. I prefer natural remedies rather than sprays too.
Methods I have found useful AFTER the event when I've forgotten to use repellants are...
1. Spray an antideodorant or anything safe to use on your skin... about 6 inches away from the bite for just a couple of seconds. The cold aerosol acts as a temporary anaesthetic (apologies if spelling is incorrect).
2. Don't ever scratch! this stimulates the nerve endings... which makes it itch more. Give it a short hard slap instead, which deadens the nerve endings. Not recommended if your spouse has a bit on ther face though - or you'll probably get one straight back!
Cold water, or ice wrapped in a wet flannel are good too - anything to numb the area.
Hope you don't suffer for too long hon!
Elle xx
Sorry... me again! Just read the basil suggestion from nuzylizzie - and we're now moving our basil from the solana into the living room!
Thanks for the tip!
Elle xx
Hi All,
Thanks for the advice.
Thank you, you are such a sweety. I try not to scratch, honest I do. Some times I wake up in the morning finding myself scratching! Bu**er, just what I was trying not to do. There're on the mend now. Just red bumps, the size of the tip of my little finger. Still a bit itchy but I'm doing my best to leave them alone.
Take care All, regards Febe
No matter where you go, there you are.
We take vitamin B complex tablets a week before we go out to Spain and continue whilst there. I'm sure we have been bitten but we don't notice anymore. Got the tip from somebody on here last year. It really does work as my wife always suffered with bites previously. Kevin
I have tried everything, avon skin so soft used to work but not now, I swear by vitimin b tablets, never had any bites since I started taking them, I take them two weeks before I go out to Spain.
Maureen & Dennis
Coto Real
We are using the old fashioned fly strips (think they are banned in UK), they don't look very attractive but it's amazing how many flies and bugs they trap. We have them dangling from light fittings and you can buy them from ferreterias, not expensive.