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We have just signed on to Padron!
I was dreading it...thinking back to NIE.
But what a pleasant experience it was, i was all geared up with my limited Spanish,. cos other half not realy clued up!
The very nice man could speak engish very well (i would have least like to try my spanish) but very impressed.
All done in minutes and then went down stairs for medico.
I cannot believe how easy that was after the different experiences we had.
I'm a happy bunny.
Next step Residencia... not decided yet ...big decision.
Next step residencia????? You're walking backwards! Without being registered as a resident, the nice man should not have registered you on the padrón! Never mind, that's typical of the bonkers bureaucracy here, glad you had a pleasant experience!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Well apparently now Roberto!
You can sign on... this is the way to get on the medical.. in our area any way.
But this is spain its different all over from what i can make out...
They said it will last 6 month then you have to renew, but friends say it used to be 3...hey ho.

Yes, it varies everywhere because nobody really knows what the correct system is!'ve registered with a social security doctor, and yet you haven't registered as residents? Are you saying, all you needed was a padrón certificate? And that you got one simply by virtue of having an NIE? Going back to your original post, "next step residencia.....not decided yet...big decision" - do you mean you haven't decided how long you're staying yet? Because if you're staying more than 3 months, there's no decision to be made - you are obliged to register as a resident.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Hi Jeannie,
We signed on the padron about 3 years ago now and it was very painless, we received the paperwork right away. Then went and registered with our local Medico centre Received our SIP cards that have to be renewed every 6 months, we have been doing this for 3 year's now not that we have ever used them, but if gives you pease of mind when you are their for a couplle.of months at a time.
We are non resident's as I think you know and go over twice a year. It does seem to be the thing to do where we are and it helps the town hall to receive more funding I have been told. .
This is very interesting! As non-residents, as far as I know you are not entitled to free healthcare, except of course for emergencies using your EHIC. You cannot (legally) be registered on both the UK and Spanish national health services. The British Embassy says: "Please remember - if you do register with the state health system in Spain, it is important to de-register with your GP in the UK. Likewise, if you decide to return to the UK, then you must de-register with the Spanish authorities".
It is true that town halls receive funding from central government depending on how many registered residents they have - which is why many town halls (fraudulently, I believe) encourage non-resident property owners to register on the padrón (census). I read somewhere recently that this practice is being clamped down on - for obvious reasons.
If you're getting away with it now, good for you - but don't be surprised if it doesn't last.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
If registered sometimes you are entitled to deductions on the payment of IBI - varies from one Town Hall to the next.
Also you can avail of offers from the town hall and go on holidays such as skiing trips which are subsidised.
There is quite a bit to be gained from registering and really no downside. But I have never registered but I do join in some activites. They understand I come and go.
But there are local elections coming up so it could be a chance for the non-resident vote to really count. Who wants to organise that! I do believe we could take the coastal and even a few inland towns.
Faro - "If registered sometimes you are entitled to deductions on the payment of IBI - varies from one Town Hall to the next. Also you can avail of offers from the town hall and go on holidays such as skiing trips which are subsidised. There is quite a bit to be gained from registering and really no downside. But I have never registered but I do join in some activites. They understand I come and go.
But there are local elections coming up so it could be a chance for the non-resident vote to really count. Who wants to organise that! I do believe we could take the coastal and even a few inland towns."
So we're against corruption when the Spanish do it and cheat the Brits but you want us to support corruption here. The term "non-resident vote" is an oxymoron. You have to be resident to vote. If you are not resident you should not be on the padron and certainly not on the censo electoral. Some town halls may allow it but only those who are either ignorant or corrupt - or both.
Jek: "So we're against corruption when the Spanish do it and cheat the Brits but you want us to support corruption here" - good point well made! I think there may be a couple of members thinking very carefully about how to reply to the question of being registered on the national health service of two seperate countries at the same time! Can't stand foreigners who turn up in the UK and avail themselves of free services funded by their taxes, but go to another country......

"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
sorry what I meant to say was the foreign vote
So if all those who really do live in Spain got organised and regsitered then that could be quite a force to be reckoned with?
It's a nice thought (to us, not the Spanish probably!) But what's the average voter turn out at elections in the UK (for example - I imagine it's similar in other countries too?) Even with an average turn out of all the ex-pats in Spain, I wonder how significant it really would be?
I often thought while living in Mallorca, with so many Germans resident there, if they got together and took control of the local government, what a wonderfully organised and efficient place it could be! There was a funny rumour circulating back then, that Germany was actually doing a deal with Spain to take over the island.

"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Roberto - united all non Spanish could take the coast!
But surely that would be a better platform than people venting their spleens on forums such as this?
If you really want change you have to become a part of the system?
I agree. But moaning on forums from the comfort of your own home is much easier and certainly more fun than actually getting invloved in boring politics or going out to vote!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
that's the obstacle
but I notice partido popular are sending out a lot of campaign material in multi-language. So maybe they realise there's votes to be had if they engage the foreign vote.
You have brought a property in Spain so you are a property owner (resident or non) you’re a non resident and only spend a short time over here.
What would you say if your house caught fire and it took a age for the fire brigade to come out to your house as they were on another call out.
Your house is getting burgled and there is not enough police to come out and investigate.
You rent out your property and visitors want information from the tourist information but it’s closed.
Money from the powers to be also give us other things to be taken into account
So we have to remember, It’s not all about medical care and voting , and Roberto
Germany taking over Mallorca ¿ rumour or not, the sort of comment I would expect from some body just landed and left their brain at airport, I agree with comments by Faro
So sign on the Padron and get some more services for yourself and others
You argue that you as a Brit have an interest in local authority services in the location of your holiday home and so should have the right to a vote there as well as your vote in the UK. And that shouldn’t be dependent on you spending the majority of the year at your holiday home. In fact, you shouldn’t have to turn up at all to get the vote.
Presumably you would accept that, in that case, the franchise should be extended to all holiday home owners whatever their nationality and including Spanish. And logically, it would apply to all property owners whether the property were a holiday home, a buy-to-let or, indeed, empty. And the same argument holds good for commercial property owners. Shopkeepers and owners of factories and offices have an interest in the local bomberos getting there to put out their fires too. So now every owner of any property has got a vote for each property.
When you take your argument to its logical conclusion, I think you will find that it doesn’t really make for a particularly sensible system.
Like many on this forum not knowing the full facts, have i got a holiday home or do i live here as a resident ?
Tell me if i live in Madrid and i want to buy a car don´t i need a Padron first to buy car ?
If i have a holiday home in Cadiz and want to buy a car there to use when i´´m on holiday dont i need a padron first to buy car ?.
This is Spain if that is the system that is the system i await those who have to say something to reply
Right will answer a few questions some people have asked. Yes Faro we do get the vote each year we have never used it to vote as yet. Yes you are right about the free trips have been told the town hall do them and I know a lot of the English do use them we have not done so as yet. I do not know about paying less on the IBI.
As for being registered in the UK and Spain for a few months in the year, I did mention this to our Doctor when we first came over and he said not to bother with deregistering so we haven't and will not do so unless someone in authority tells us otherwise.
But being as we are both retired we would be entitled to free health care . But it is nice to know we are registered with the Medico.
So folks the upshot of this is we will continue as before, it is not like we are defrauding anyone.
Oh-oh, someone left their sense of humour on the plane. This isn't Sky you know, we can still think what we like and even make a joke now and then.
I don't know if you live in Spain or have a holiday home (don't care either). Do you know that a padrón certificte is required to register a car?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
In fact, nitram, living here and having bought a new car here from a showroom, I can say that a padron certificate was not required (at least in Malaga province!).