Looking for work
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My parents and I are hoping to move to Spain in the next few months, my step-dad already has a few offers for a company based in Gibraltar, but as I am currently doing my A Levels, would it be easy for me to move out there and find a job?
If anyone could help, it would be really appreciated :)
_______________________ Jessica
Unemployment in Spain is far worse than in the UK currently, especially in the south. You may find something in Gibraltar, especially in the online gaming business, but unless you live in La Linea, which is pretty grim, you will have quite a commute daily. Plenty of people do it, but it's not ideal. If you are thinking of taking a year out and don't mind washing dishes or serving in a bar, for example, you may be lucky enough to find illegal work on the coast. Even if youspeak fluetn Spanish, there are very few decent prospects available to you. If on the other hand you are thinking more long term, and hoping to embark on some kind of career path, you would probably be best staying put for now and making the most of Ryanair and your parents to benefit from regular cheap holidays!
Good luck whatever you decide.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Teaching English is, in my opinion, always an option if you adapt yourself to people and market.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Director www.costaluzlawyers.es
Teaching is a best option for job work in Spain. And if you are a teacher of english then it will be more benefical for you . Teaching english is great profession in the Spain.
I've noticed lots of people, in all sorts of online resources, suggesting teaching as a second language (ESOL) is still sought after in many countries abroad, including spain. That may (or may not?) be the case but it's certainly not as straightforward as many people appear to suggest! I've looked into doing ESOL via two different channels within the past year and both times was advised that without an English degree to backup any ESOL qualification securing employment would be "very difficult".
Would be interested to hear views from anyone else who's either done or looked into doing ESOL with a view to teaching in spain. For the record, I don't have any degree but would be looking to do ESOL after becoming qualified to teach further education via a PTTLS > DTLLS route.
Apologies to the OP for taking the thread off at a tangent! 
_______________________ Kind Regards..Pat
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