Norman Sands

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06 May 2013 10:22 AM by 1962 Star rating in Iznalloz. 181 posts Send private message

Hi Norman and Family,

I have just read this post and would like to add my best wishes also for a quick recovery. 

regards Kathy 



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10 Jul 2019 10:33 AM by gill_malouf Star rating in Stockport, Cheshire. 201 posts Send private message

Norman Sands was a character and he was my friend. He knew what he was taking about regarding building structure because he was a structural engineer. He passed last Monday so no doubt his dry humour will continue around us. His family are still waiting, as I am for Spanish justice. We both handed our hefty deposits over in 2004...15 years ago when the money had more value. This legal fight is a definite 'David v Goliath' and I intend very soon to write about my own experience in Spain as well as the lives around me that have been affected by greed and corruption.6

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11 Jul 2019 7:46 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar

I am sorry to hear of Norman’s death and send my sincere condolences to his family.

Thank you Gill.








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16 Jul 2019 6:21 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Very sorry to hear this sad news, I enjoyed Norman’s contributions very much. Sincere condolences to his family and friends.



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20 Aug 2019 10:12 AM by Damon Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

Im shocked and saddened. I was just talking about my experiences with a collegaue that happened over 10 years ago at the CDSS site (which as far as I am aware was never finished). I just searched for Norman on here to see if any developments had occured since I last looked over 5 years ago, and my heart sank when I read that he'd passed away.

I used to scour the CDS forum for snippets of information back in 2006 / 07 and always looked out for Normans posts, as I felt they were real and genuine. I even private messaged Norman once, who was kind enough to respond to me. Norman obviously was a man of principles, I know he was sometimes ascerbic, but he told it as it was, and I like that in a person, its called character. I know its late on but I'd like to pass my condolences on to Normans family, and to say that he touched many people and will be remembered fondly. I hope that some form of financial justice will be forthcoming. Rest in peace NormanSands.

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