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22 Jun 2011 10:44 AM by lobin Star rating. 256 posts Send private message

 Cheyette, if you were truly fluent in Spanish you would know that although migas are, indeed, bread crumbs, the saying "hacer buenas migas con alguien" in Jazil's post is a very common  phrase in Spanish meaning "having a good relationship with someone". So please either stop lying or  stop considering yourself fluent in Spanish.

Just the fact you consider Google translations correct would have been enough to give you away, but your post has clinched it. 

To me you are clearly a troll who posts only to provoke reactions so from here on I am just going to ignore you and your comments.


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22 Jun 2011 10:21 PM by JazII Star rating in Mar Menor and UK. 132 posts Send private message

JazII´s avatar

Cheffette you said "jazil as migas are bread crumbs i fail to understand why you would make bread crumbs with anyone"

suggest you write to J.M. Cassagne (Spanish National who published the book of Spanish Idioms if you don't understand it....luckily I do)

And Lobin and Flybynight you are right thanks  

It seems clear that Cheffette is just a numpty trying to incite argument.



This message was last edited by JazII on 22/06/2011.

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23 Jun 2011 12:30 AM by stowaway Star rating in spain. 2 posts Send private message

 must say i am 60 never heard the expression nor would i use it and it actually means lets be good friends


This message was last edited by stowaway on 23/06/2011.

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23 Jun 2011 1:21 AM by stowaway Star rating in spain. 2 posts Send private message

 i do understand it just not my sort of thing i wuz learnt to speak proper

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23 Jun 2011 10:32 AM by suemac Star rating in Jumilla, Murcia. 1001 posts Send private message

Hi Stowaway

Welcome to EOS.  Hopefully you will find this a very friendly forum!  I assume that you looked up the expression if you had never heard of it before.  It may be a regional thing, as my friend Juana María (who has had a very good education) told us it is an everyday saying.



 Sue Walker

Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon

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23 Jun 2011 11:35 AM by jek Star rating. 249 posts Send private message

jek´s avatar


Methinks thou art a tad naive.  stowaway is chefette under an alias.  Common troll trick.  Gets to the stage where they talk to each other because everyone else ignores them.

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23 Jun 2011 11:44 AM by mike_walsh Star rating in Torrevieja. 594 posts Send private message

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Set a thief to catch a thief; it takes one to know one!


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23 Jun 2011 12:03 PM by Flybynight Star rating. 60 posts Send private message

Flybynight´s avatar

I would hazzard a very good guess that Stowaway IS Chefette as I believe EOS will have deleted his membership due to incitement.  What a thoroughly odd person this member is.  

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23 Jun 2011 2:00 PM by jek Star rating. 249 posts Send private message

jek´s avatar


The difference between us is that I attack some of your arguments as invalid where you claim as undisputed facts what are, in reality, your unsubstantiated prejudgements.  Having no other defence, you are left resorting to personal abuse.  So which one would you say is more troll-like?

Your insistence on attacking me personally blinds you to the fact that my request for sources and evidence is not because I get some sort of thrill out of baiting you - you vastly overestimate your importance if you think that - but because I am genuinely interested in researching the topic.  Patricia's source on this thread was interesting - albeit slightly irrelevant to your point as it refererred to first language rather than understood language.   For all we know, your "undisputed facts" could have been gleaned from the Daily Mail.

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23 Jun 2011 3:07 PM by georgeh Star rating in condado de alhama sp.... 1462 posts Send private message

 migas are bread crumbs or the white bread dough, it has only one other meaning and is a dish made of bread,olive oil, garlic, red dreid pepper, a little chorizzo and a little water.

anyone need any other help with correct meanings my missus is a spanish interpretor and happy to sort your disputes!.







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23 Jun 2011 4:55 PM by campana Star rating in Marbella. 472 posts Send private message

campana´s avatar

Hacer buenas migas: Fomentar la amistad y el buen trato entre dos o más personas

Hacer buenas migas = to get on well with...

(Gran Diccionario Larousse)

(and then there is "hacer malas migas")



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23 Jun 2011 5:22 PM by GuyT Star rating. 516 posts Send private message

I once ordered migas Extremenos as a "starter" at a restaurant in Jarandilla. A large plate piled high with golden breadcrumbs, mixed with pancetta, chorizo, pimenton & garlic...all fried up in olive oil & topped with a runny fried's just a different take on bacon & eggs with fried bread. Very tasty, but a little filling for a starter.

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23 Jun 2011 5:25 PM by georgeh Star rating in condado de alhama sp.... 1462 posts Send private message

 Campana is absolutely correct  when migas is used in this form.

hacer buenas migas= to get on well with someone.







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23 Jun 2011 5:27 PM by campana Star rating in Marbella. 472 posts Send private message

campana´s avatar

Yes, Guy, they are delicious, and filling!


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