Costaluz Lawyers. Just saying thanks seems so inadequate !!

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25 Jul 2011 12:00 AM by ballypaul2 Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Well done to Maria and her Team, Patricia, Steven, Almudena and Charlie.

We are yet another couple who had provided what was to us a substantial deposit on an off plan property early in 2007, and found ourselves in limbo, and in despair.

Originally we had hopes of securing a family holiday home, a retirement home and an investment which would be almost self financing by way of rental income, indeed this was how the property had been sold to us.

Completion was due to have been in 2009, though we were never notified as to when actual completion should be, this always being dependant on licences.

During this time we had no contact with the Developer, although we were advised that we would receive regular updates as work progressed.

Attempts to make contact invariably failed, and we were dependant on rumours. A local furniture supplier actually provided more detail and photos for us after we had contacted them early on with a view to clarifying furniture requirements and likely costs. We were hopeful, weren't we !!

We became more concerned by these rumours, and with the European property market changing so drastically during this time.    When eventually,  we did successfully approach the Developer to try and get a committment to repay our deposit monies, we were assured of completion and left in no doubt that nothing less than full completion would lead to legal action on behalf of the Developer.

During this time I was on the internet trying to find if others were having the same difficulties on the same development, and found that we were not alone.   I managed to make contact with a person in the area who knew the Development and eventually had an "off the record" discussion, which left us feeling cold.  That part of the Development on which our property was to be, was very unlikely to ever be built due to a reduction in purchases in the area

Eventually, I was pointed in the direction of Maria  and Costaluz Lawyers on the advise of others.

At this point things began to happen, and suddenly our problem no longer seemed so insurmountable.

Maria responded quickly and confidently with me, putting my mind at ease and being quickly reassured of the soundness of our position from a legal point of view. We had done nothing wrong, and we were the wronged party.

At the outset, a very simple and straightforward pro-forma described the steps to be taken, with possible time scales and most importantly, visible fixed costs.

Authorisation and monies were quickly transferred to Maria to enable the start of the processes and from this point we could only wait, which was exactly what we did, it was still better than before, after the reassueances from Maria, and the prospect of success.

Any queries which we raised were quickly responded to by the Costaluz Team, whilst they quickly and quietly got on with their work.

During this time the developer tried to strike deals for alternative properties, presumably he was feeling pressure from the legal team. But as circumstances had changed so significantly in the interim,we were not in a position to avail of such offers, including difficulties meeting the requirements to obtain a Spanish mortgage.

During this period, whilst Maria and her Team were getting on with things, we learned from a contact close to the problem, that the Developer had no monies and we would either end up accepting an alternative property with attendant difficulties, or simply walk away from our deposit monies with the understanding that the Developer would not sue for completion.

In desperation, we contacted the Costaluz Team again seeking clarification and , obviously, reassurance.

Very shortly after sending this mail, we received one advising that the Developer would re-pay our monies upon receipt of our Bank Guarantees, without interest and costs.

This was better news than we ever expected to hear, or dare to expect. We immediately contacted Patricia and advised her to accept on our behalf.

Things then moved very quickly, and within 10 days we had the money in our account in the UK. NO HASSLE.

What a result !!

As I have already said in a mail to Maria, Patricia, Steven, Almudena and Charlie, saying thanks really is not enough.

A fantastic result brought about by dogged determination to see right triumph, with attention to detail, and the added benefit of keeping Clients well informed, something sadly lacking in most Lawyers / Solicitors anywhere.


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25 Jul 2011 11:03 AM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

Hi Ballypaul2,

I'm really pleased for you, I know it's a tortuous process - are you able to identity of the contractor please ? 

By PM is fine if you wish.


Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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25 Jul 2011 12:32 PM by M11block Star rating. 179 posts Send private message

Congratulations to you and well done to Maria and her team. It is great to hear such success stories and we hope one day we will be posting our success and thanks.


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25 Jul 2011 12:56 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

well done Maria

is there any hope with Interlaken?



N. Sands

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25 Jul 2011 2:33 PM by campana Star rating in Marbella. 472 posts Send private message

campana´s avatar

Bumping this thread up.  It shows that there is redress, and competent law firms.


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25 Jul 2011 2:37 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Agreed Campana but there is still the need for regulatory controls to ensure accountability of those law firms whose malpratice has caused so much decimation.

Well done Maria and team.


This message was last edited by ads on 25/07/2011.

This message was last edited by ads on 25/07/2011.

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25 Jul 2011 3:00 PM by campana Star rating in Marbella. 472 posts Send private message

campana´s avatar

It might also help to name (and shame) those law firms you mention.


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25 Jul 2011 3:02 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

That's what the campaigns are all about. Gathering evidence.

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25 Jul 2011 3:16 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

Excellent news Ballypaul.

And well done to the Costa Luz team.

Reading good news stories like yours gives the rest of us the determination to keep fighting for justice!!

Kind regards



LEY 57/1968


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25 Jul 2011 9:03 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar

Congratulations  Ballypaul and all of the Costaluz team, that is really excellent news.

You must be very pleased indeed and can now get on with your life.

 As Keith says  it is  wins such as yours that give us all hope that, one day, we too will see justice.

Not just a won court case but the return of our funds.










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01 Nov 2011 10:52 PM by stokey Star rating. 74 posts Send private message

sorry mate whats your name again and contact details?, yours sam 07979013549

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01 Nov 2011 10:57 PM by stokey Star rating. 74 posts Send private message

can anyone help me post the latest two monthly reports from Maria please, I can forward them , but as a working class ex coalminer, im too thick to be able to send on  the "reports" to this forum ,

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01 Nov 2011 11:12 PM by stokey Star rating. 74 posts Send private message

as an aside, ive asked patricia before to explain what ive paid for, she replied she could not tell me, ive also heard steven has left, costaluz, can  someone from costaluz explain that my family get no responses from emails please, im very happy for ballypork he has only posted once to say he has had a result, can anyone talk, or meet him please so he can share his justice in spain please Maria? 

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01 Nov 2011 11:43 PM by stokey Star rating. 74 posts Send private message

ok , im prepared to travel at my own expense to meet any victims of the spanish system in the uk to see any proof of justice, then I can tell you I will sing it from the rafters for ANY solicitor that has achieved justice in spain, please answer folks, is this fair or not ?to Maria and the other solicitors that you have to trust?, so lets start with you Maria, can you give my contact details to ballypaul please,   yours

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01 Nov 2011 11:56 PM by stokey Star rating. 74 posts Send private message

sorry  , but it just seems odd folk cannot put their contact details on such a glowing report,so would you like to give it to all us folk that are reading your praise of a solicitor ?, give me your info, im, im sure if you are genuine you can reply to your fellow victims, a decent person, as im sure you are would, yours s hewitt


This message was last edited by stokey on 01/11/2011.

This message was last edited by stokey on 02/11/2011.

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02 Nov 2011 2:32 PM by Chrissie1 Star rating in UK. 384 posts Send private message

Chrissie1´s avatar


It is very strange what is going on on this thread.  Ballypaul has only posted once on the forum and yet as if by magic Costaluz has come up winning this case and nobody knows any facts about the so called winning of many cases !!!! It would be prudent of Maria to answer some of the mysteries that appear to be surrounding her 'winning' cases.  Do these people have bank guarantees? How long have they been waiting? Why are some cases winning and thousands are not? I have many questions that never get answered. 

I understand from my own case that Spain is at a standstill because of elections being held in Spain on 20.11.11 and I have also been told that my case is in Court at the moment but the Courts are so overloaded at present that nothing is moving at all. Needless to say I am very confused about what is the truth and what is not. 

Chrissie 1



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02 Nov 2011 2:37 PM by stokey Star rating. 74 posts Send private message

chrissie 1 , im glad its not just me that had exactly the same concerns mate,  yours sam xx 

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02 Nov 2011 2:47 PM by Acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

In fairness I should say that I did receive a PM reply with an answer from Ballypaul to my query, raised after the original posting.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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02 Nov 2011 2:59 PM by Chrissie1 Star rating in UK. 384 posts Send private message

Chrissie1´s avatar

Thanks Acer. 

Its always nice to hear good news especially if it is backed up with solid fact.  I find it gives hope.  I would however be very interested if someone/anyone can post some facts about their winning cases with Costaluz..   

Hi Maria are you there?


Chrissie 1



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02 Nov 2011 3:00 PM by stokey Star rating. 74 posts Send private message

Acer, please dont take this personal mate, but us lot dont know Acer or  ballypaul from Adam, yours sam, hang on am I doing something wrong please?, when I scroll down I cant see ballypauls post, eh its getting harder to trust anyone to do with spain I sincerely hope Maria is an honest catholic, God fearing Lady, for all our families sake,   just adding yes ive just found the post it didnt scroll down enough when I posted,  lets hope we can all get some honest straightforward news to what is a traumatic experience for hard working decent families,  yours sam


This message was last edited by stokey on 02/11/2011.

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