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05 Dec 2011 12:00 AM by Lilith Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

We have been using the Caja Madrid for many years, and the service had been fine until we moved to GIrona. Since the banks joined and became Bankia, two offices in Girona have closed, and the closest branch to us now is the one on Emili Grahit. On two separate occasions we went for details for opening another saving account and for signing a renewal for a term deposit, and on both occasions we were treated like they were doing us a favour. We had the contract sent to us from Barcelona where we had our accounts opened originally so that we didn't have to deal with the unpleasantness in Girona, but that doesn't turn out to help much, since just getting the paper for a simple signature involved a disagreeable encounter. The two women who worked there were not helpful and they treated us with such insolence that we had never seen in any other places that we had lived. One would think that service would have improved with the crisis, but obviously no. So, to cut the story short, I am thinking seriously to open an account in a different bank, although it would have been better in the same bank, and to move our term deposit too once it has expired. What banks would you guys recommend? We are not doing any seirous investments; we just want to be treated properly, as any clients deserve to be. Thanks.


This message was last edited by Lilith on 05/12/2011.

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05 Dec 2011 10:46 PM by marcbernard Star rating in Marina Alta; Alicant.... 254 posts Send private message

Well, I have been with Bancaja for some years and have noticed one or two changes in the bank´s approach to charges since they became part of Bankia, but I have to say that there is no change in the friendliness or attitude of the staff. Maybe it is just the Girona approach to guiris? Are they particularly keen on Catalan being spoken?

I cannot recommend any other bank. I wouldn't recommend Santander, as they generally have a bad name for surliness, although there again I use them for certain matters and find the branch in Moraira (Alicante) very good (maybe the English staff member has an effect!) and also the agency in Benitachell is very good.  Not a lot of use to you though, sorry!

This message was last edited by marcbernard on 05/12/2011.

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05 Dec 2011 11:18 PM by Lilith Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

Thanks. I will look into the ones that you mentioned. From what I have read, it seems that I can cross Santander out.  

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24 Dec 2011 12:20 PM by tonio Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Hi All

I have just registered with Eye on Spain and look forward to finding my way round.

I have an account and mortgage  with Bancaja - now Bankia at Cala de Mijas.  They requested for first time a copy of the building insurance.  Our property is a holiday apartment and insurance is communal.  I sent them a copy and they informed me that as it did not state that the bank had an interest, ie. were the mortage providers they took out a basic insurance and took out 125E from my account.  They said it was the law!!

They also informed me when I visited that unless my salary/pension was not paid directly into the account/ I held shares in Bankia/ had balance of 2000E they would now be charging 6E quarterly.  I did not receive any notification of this development.

Look forward to hearing  your comments.


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24 Dec 2011 2:33 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 posts Send private message

 Well - first, the insurance seems fair enough as long as they have given you a good level of cover.  The communal policy is not enough and would not cover your individual apartment for something like water damage in the event of damaged pipes for example.  You should also have some cover for the contents.  I would have to look at the documents to see what I am currently paying, but it is not a lot - a few hundred and I think you need it.  The bank charges just seem to fit in with what the Spanish banks are doing generally - charging for everything!!   But truly, 6E quarterly does not sound a lot either.   I would just run with it and not let it upset you.

Have a great Christmas. 



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09 Mar 2012 10:15 AM by marie59 Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

We are not having a good time with Bankia, we have been told that the bank of Spain has told them that they have to stop a certain type of deposit account

My argument was that when we took out this investment we were told that the invested money was "safe" and it was only preferential customers that this offer was being made to. You could access your money immediately it might take 1 day for the funds to b transfered back into our current account. We were never told that you had to "sell" your invested money and now that there are no buyers for this investment our money is worthless. I have been saying we were mis sold this investment or that when it changed and we could not take out our money or needed more time to return the invested monies we should have been informed and allowed to take out our money if we wanted. To me it is a change in the terms and conditions and we needed to be informed of this before this situation happened. 

I have written to the banks customer services complaining about the situation, this has to be done first before you can take it to the bank onbusmen. In Spain the onbusmen is the Bank of Spain so it not looking good but I thought I would make my complaint officaly to them. I have not had a reply. 

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07 Apr 2012 1:33 PM by Anita Star rating in Surrey / Corvera Gol.... 500 posts Send private message

Is anyone else having massive problems with the Bankia web page.  We were Bancaja customers and have been transferred to Bankia.  I have been using the Bancaja web page but when I tried to log on this morning, I was redirected to the Bankia web page.  I have no idea if I can use my Bancaja log in details but as they didn't seem to work I tried to register for Bankia internet banking but it won't accept my telephone number.  Parts are in Spanish others in English and it keeps throwing me out .  Anyone having the same problems as me, help please !!



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07 Apr 2012 3:06 PM by marcbernard Star rating in Marina Alta; Alicant.... 254 posts Send private message


I had some problems with the new Bankia site but worked it out.

From the "Bienvenido" page click on "cerrar" on the bottom right;

Next page click "entrar";

next page introduce your NIE or other recently registered code, against "introduzca sus datos";

For "clave", enter your 4 digit entry code (via the grid provided once clicking on Clave;

click "Anotar" and then "enter".

The above should give you your account(s) balance(s). Click on the one you wish to look at.

etc etc.

Hope this works for you - it did for me!

Make sure they haven't debited duplicate entries from recent purchases!


This message was last edited by marcbernard on 07/04/2012.

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07 Apr 2012 3:14 PM by Anita Star rating in Surrey / Corvera Gol.... 500 posts Send private message

Thanks Marc.

It just doesn't seem to work though.  I received a letter from Bankia saying log in details remain the same as Bancaja, so I have been using my card number and PIN but it will not accept them.   Did you have to register to use the Bankia site or did it just accept your details?  You mention recently registered code?



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07 Apr 2012 3:18 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

I am having problems with the new digital log in number,I've been to the bank twice to have my login number registerd but I am still unable to login on line. by the way two different clerks did it two different ways. The next step after my third visit will be to close the account

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07 Apr 2012 3:21 PM by marcbernard Star rating in Marina Alta; Alicant.... 254 posts Send private message


Over several weeks if not months Bankia/Bancaja has been leading all entries to their website with a page/item telling us to ensure that we register with a NIE/DNI or Passport number. However they also said, only last Thursday, that "there was no need to change anything", which proves to be not the case. I will be taaking my own branch to task when they reopen!!

If you are presently in Spain your should sort matters out at branch level. If however you are at present in UK, a telephone call may help on Monday. Closing the website over the Easter hols was not very helpful of them!!

Sorry that I can't help further.


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07 Apr 2012 3:29 PM by Anita Star rating in Surrey / Corvera Gol.... 500 posts Send private message

Thanks Marc.  I did register my NIE number but it seems to be the Clave number that I am getting wrong.  Could you just let me know where this number comes from, I've been using my PIN number.


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07 Apr 2012 3:37 PM by marcbernard Star rating in Marina Alta; Alicant.... 254 posts Send private message


Well, I am using my pin number also, that is my pin number for the debit card which I used before. Try another PIN if you have one with Bancaja?? Best of luck

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07 Apr 2012 4:02 PM by Anita Star rating in Surrey / Corvera Gol.... 500 posts Send private message

Thanks for trying Marc.  It'll have to be a phone call next week I think, given up trying.



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07 Apr 2012 4:32 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

 I had the same problems but putting the NIE in without the letters (ie just 1234567 instead of x1234567n) and then my PIN from my bank card worked.  Previously I was using the bank card No. and PIN.


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07 Apr 2012 4:51 PM by Anita Star rating in Surrey / Corvera Gol.... 500 posts Send private message

Thanks for trying, still not working.  I am probably locked out now anyway so I don't think anything will work.



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07 Apr 2012 6:20 PM by marie59 Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

 I have manage to get in but has anyone worked out where to change the language !!!

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07 Apr 2012 6:55 PM by peter128203 Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

 Here's what worked for me (transferring from Bancaja to Bankia):

Firstly you have to get a new digital signature. This will be 6 to 8 digits only, and if you don't already have it you'll need to speak to your local branch directly who should guide you through the process.

If you call up  b a n k i a . e s / e n / h o m e  you'll access the web page which is mainly, if not all, in English. In my case I had to log in with the number of the passport I had when I opened the account. My NIE number didn't work. (Previously it had been the last 12 digits of the A/c. No. itself).

The password was the same 4 digit number I'd previously been using with Bancaja.


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11 Apr 2012 8:48 AM by Anita Star rating in Surrey / Corvera Gol.... 500 posts Send private message

Thanks to everyone for their help.

Eventually, I rang Bankia (Bancaja) London offices and was told that there were problems with the website and to try later or the following day.  I spoke to my Branch and they confirmed that that was the case.   Last night you couldn't  log into either the Spanish or the English version.

Success, this morning I got in - can't tell you what a relief !!!!  The English version does not seem to work though so I had to keep translating sentences to ensure I did the correct thing so not to have by account blocked.

For me, entering my passport number and the PIN I had previously been using worked.  I had also been selecting one of the keys under the keypad where you enter your PIN and this was obviously wrong.  You just select the accept key at the bottom of the box - if you are on the page that should make sense.

Anyway, I'm there now and thanks again.



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11 Apr 2012 2:21 PM by BevansJan Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Anita have you tried to log in since your success?

I have been trying for the past 3 hours and the page will not load the error message says that the page cannot be found.



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