The Real Cost Is Up To You!

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10 Jun 2007 12:00 AM by brian755 Star rating in your mind and any wh.... 52 posts Send private message

brian755´s avatar

Hello to all you great people out there!

So what is the cost of living in Spain?

Well the first thing that comes to mind when you say this sentence is the cost relating to money!

Yes money always springs to mind but what else could I mean by the word cost?

Well as professional and accredited life, and personal coach I want to give you all some powerful food for thought here and its all free! No Cost!

Why did you choose to live in Spain?

Or why are you considering living in Spain?

Are you running away from anything?

Or are you running towards something?

Will things be the same for you in Spain?

If yes is your answer then how will they be different?

If the answer is no then what do you need to do to make them the way you want them?

If you want help with these questions then at least you are being honest with yourself, which is actually the hardest thing to do.

We are, to ourselves the last of all people to be honest with. I know it sounds crazy but it’s true, we all kid our selves all the time.

Amongst all the above you really need to also address all the things that are holding you back from all your true and wonderful dreams.

Get ready for this bit because I am about to shock you big time!  ………the only thing that is holding you back from anything is yourself and your limiting beliefs you hold with in you.

Not your family, not your boy/girl friend your spouse husband, wife, kids, grandmother, grandfather, job, money, bank, houses, blah, blah, blah, its YOUR THOUGHTS!

Change them and you are on the path to your highest dreams ever.

Ah BUT! I hear you saying! ….No buts! Look!!

When it comes to making such decisions it’s hard and often fear sets in, this is normal.

Well learn this, the letters in F.E.A.R. stand for “false evidence appearing real” so after all that’s done there is the little matter of CLEARING THE CLUTTER.

That’s all the stuff that makes you stumble about and keeps you from feeling free.

It makes you always feel like you have not really accomplished anything, even when you have.

This CLUTTER can be physical objects or psychological items or both. Either way you need to be rid of them, that’s why they are just clutter.

If any of this makes any sense to you then get in touch with me. I do this sort of thing for a living so I know what I am offering here, but do you?

I am offering a chance to re evaluate your whole life. The past does not equal the future.

The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting different results.

People are like computer programs, once you load them up with a particular program then what ever is loaded will behave accordingly.

If you want to venture out then get yourselves some new software or programs, that’s what I am suggesting.

I will be your computer writer or software writer. If there is enough interest out there or in this forum I will give a free talk or seminar that my colleagues charge good money for, and so they should it’s a great service and they have trained and invested much money and time to become a great coach, as I have.However I will do one free for all E.O.S members and friends of etc.

I hope these appeals to pats, ex-pats, would be pats etc.

I want to give you all a great gift of empowerment, a different way of thinking and behaving and all for free!

Let me know your thoughts and feed back. As long as it doesn’t cost me anything other than my time and preparation, I will do it.

By this I mean you sort out the venue, get the people together and I will see you there!

The best things in life are free and the rest we pay dearly for in more ways than one!

Brian 755


Its not what you are- its who you are that matters in life!

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10 Jun 2007 10:03 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar
Hola Brian755.......................................what a wonderful advertisement for your services......................wrapped up well in an irresistable offer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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12 Jun 2007 11:09 AM by nfm2862 Star rating in Welling, Kent & Al A.... 1460 posts Send private message

nfm2862´s avatar
Wrapped up in what?????........ I just wish I had some of what Brian is on!!!


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12 Jun 2007 1:37 PM by brian755 Star rating in your mind and any wh.... 52 posts Send private message

brian755´s avatar

Hi nfm2862!

No problem what so ever, you can be on exactly what I am on, it’s fantastic! And so cheep, it doesn’t cost money it just costs a little bit of your self.

It has more benefits than any single drug you could ever take in your life, yet is not a drug; it answers questions that you would never guess in a thousand years.

You joke but it’s really something that you need in your life because with out it all the material things are so bland and tasteless.

Once you have what I am on (as you put it) it all becomes flavored, colorful and what ever happiness you have gained from any area, or any thing that you enjoy just gets magnified and more intense to the existent that you actually find that you need less of every thing yet you enjoy it more, this stops you wasting time, money, energy and your life on substitutions for what you REALLY want.

I know you just can’t wait to discover it, well all I can tell you is its nothing to do with religion, corporations, politics, or any other organizations that just want you as there robot, to use you and buy your soul when you won’t give it up for free.

It is within you already bursting to get out. The problem is it has the most secure, loyal and dedicated security system in the world stopping it from ever coming out, that system is YOUR subconscious!

Reprogram that and you’re on your way to your own inner bliss!  So there you have it the truth and nothing but the truth.

Is it talking to you now? Telling you that I am talking bulls—t? I thought so…..I rest my case!

Brian 755

Its not what you are- its who you are that matters in life!

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12 Jun 2007 2:29 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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georgia´s avatar

My thingy was telling me you sound like Paul McKenna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know what you mean though all joking apart,us agents or anyone in the sales industry call this PMA , Positive Mental Atitude.

I think we could all do with a life coach at times,i think my coach is on a mystery tour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Regards and good luck with the proffesion.


_______________________ still here after all these years!

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12 Jun 2007 3:06 PM by brian755 Star rating in your mind and any wh.... 52 posts Send private message

brian755´s avatar

Hi Georgia!

Do you have a life coach? I only ask because you say I think my coach is on a mystery tour” which suggests you may have one, but I am guessing you are joking.

The strange thing is people normally only think that the rich and famous have life coaches, probably because of the prices that they charge. But that’s not the case with me, sometimes I do it for nothing or next to nothing if I think the person deserves. Who or what is your thingy? LOL

I am a kind of PM because I change people’s lives for the better, but I am considerably cheaper at the moment, until I get the coverage and media attention that he has earned. Whether I get to his popularity or not is not important to me, in fact just thinking about this now enables me to say I would prefer to reach as many people as he has but without the fame attached as I prefer to just be me, and not a name, giving me my freedom of expression without the cameras. I just want to do what I can do, and do it with passion and enjoyment. I will offer you or any one 6 free sessions of coaching that puts me in touch with the person that actually buys my place. Just an extra incentive that I would be more than happy to do!

Brian 755

Its not what you are- its who you are that matters in life!

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12 Jun 2007 4:06 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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georgia´s avatar

Hi Brian,

I was joking about having a coach.

I would be interested to see what affect you could have on someone as i am quite sceptical regarding this type of thing although i am not for one minute saying is doesn't work or dis-repecting your beleifs or profession,i suppose my proffesion has turned me in to a bit of a cynic!!

I have always found the biggest healer in life is humour you have to be able to laugh in the face of adversity.


My life coach or coaches are my children,they set my boundaries,goals and give me the drive to suceed,when i am down they pick me up in a second and as a great man once said "you haven't lived untill you have found something to die for".

I wish you all the sucess.



_______________________ still here after all these years!

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12 Jun 2007 4:23 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar
georigia, with comments like that I think you should be a life coach!


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12 Jun 2007 4:36 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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georgia´s avatar

Thanks Justin,

In this job you have to be a life coach,agony aunt and advisor as we are dealing with life changing issues everyday.

My coaching comes only from experience and trying to squeeze every last ounce of enjoyment out of life.



_______________________ still here after all these years!

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12 Jun 2007 4:45 PM by Globalman Star rating in West Midlands, Engla.... 4 posts Send private message

What part of America do you come from Brian 755?

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12 Jun 2007 5:19 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Welcome to EOS, Globalman. I'm guessing that you've joined this forum because you have an interest in the Spanish property market and/or life in general in Spain as an ex-pat or foreign property owner? If that is the case, I do hope you take the time to look around the serious threads here, because you will find a wealth of invaluable information that can help you with just about every aspect of these topics.

And of course, there are also silly, pointless threads like this one, which inevitably occur from time to time. It's an open public forum where people are free to post what they like, so I'm not complaining about Brian's post, but if you want my opinion, I'd err towards Georgia for sensible, relevant advice. At least we know where he's coming from!



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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12 Jun 2007 6:14 PM by brian755 Star rating in your mind and any wh.... 52 posts Send private message

brian755´s avatar

Hi Roberto!


Contradiction, guess work and limiting beliefs will probably always hold a person back.

A serious issue is like beauty it’s in the eye of the beholder.


You wrote…


“And of course, there are also silly, pointless threads like this one, which inevitably occur from time to time. It's an open public forum where people are free to post what they like”

Yet my silly and pointless post brought out the inner wisdom of Georgia that she has chosen to share with us all, she has also by the sound of things surprised people that thought they knew her. (Well done girl!)

We all have inner wisdom and goodness to share, even you Roberto it just needs to be discovered in your own time at your own level  and when its right for you.

Again I am not trying in any way to be negative towards you or any one else, I am merely showing that goodness comes from goodness and you can’t destroy it when it’s in its true form.

But I will now guess that people will make up their own minds about what’s right for them.


Brian 755

Its not what you are- its who you are that matters in life!

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12 Jun 2007 6:20 PM by Globalman Star rating in West Midlands, Engla.... 4 posts Send private message

Thanks for the advice Roberto, I do own a place in CDS but live in England. There are some great threads on here but this one just made me laugh  It was obvious that Brian had copied in his thread as the spelling was in American English.



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12 Jun 2007 7:24 PM by johnone Star rating in La Reserva de Marbel.... 233 posts Send private message

johnone´s avatar

Another thread fallen victim to the thread hijakckers



Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.

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12 Jun 2007 8:17 PM by nfm2862 Star rating in Welling, Kent & Al A.... 1460 posts Send private message

nfm2862´s avatar


Georgia is a HE

I also agree with Roberto that there are a number of people on this forum who give great help & advice in a concise way that is clear to understand.

I guess at the end of the day everyone is free to express there views but........


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13 Jun 2007 5:58 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Brian755 wrote:

"my silly and pointless post brought out the inner wisdom of Georgia that she has chosen to share with us all, she has also by the sound of things surprised people that thought they knew her. (Well done girl!)"

Too bad Brian's own inner wisdom didn't help him (or her!) to read my post more carefully:

"....I'd err towards Georgia for sensible, relevant advice. At least we know where he's coming from!"

nfm2862 spotted it. Don't think it was just guess work, either!

Oh well, back to the important stuff.........



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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13 Jun 2007 7:16 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

Smiley´s avatar
Who knows guys - perhaps he could teach us to walk on hot coals - think that is what that American geezer does that seems to make a mint out of his semiblahs!!!!! Tony someone or other - has about 5000 minders and seems to be a modern day evangelist - throw money throw money - it has a healing effect - isnt that what scientology is all about too. PMA as Georgia says is probably the best asset anyone can have (and a few brandies) - living in Spain seems to enhance that as most days there is so much sun that is just feels great to be alive - let alone anything else thats going on!


Smiley -

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13 Jun 2007 7:26 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar
Come on guys!!  This is Brian's thread, after all - he started it!  Give him a break!!

And whether it's waffle or what, it's up to you whether you want to read it!!  AND we have all fallen for Georgia's gender deal!!  (Well, I have anyway!!)

Brian isn't selling anything (besides his apartment, that is!) and he's offering a little bit of optimism.  What's the problem?

Copied or not, it gave us all a little something - whether a chuckle, a "tut, another schiester", or a "bloody hell, that's true", he's entertaining us at least!!

Off my soapbox now!

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13 Jun 2007 11:16 PM by brian755 Star rating in your mind and any wh.... 52 posts Send private message

brian755´s avatar

Hi Every Body!

Thank you for all your posts, positive and negative I love them all. You know when you post any thing to a forum that has content in, then you put your self up for all, you become fair game, so all is fair, not a problem.

I will always fight my /or any ones corner if the cause is right. Its better to do some thing, get it wrong and learn from it than just to sit on the side lines and just “think about doing / saying something” It’s very easy to condemn or criticize things, what’s difficult is to stick your neck out for the bigger picture.

Now about my errors….Hmmmm!

Well sorry to Georgia for getting the gender mixed up. No excuses other than glancing at the name appeared to look like Georgina, so apologies to you Georgia.

Other than that it changes nothing in the sentiment that I wrote, I will stick with that.

It was very gallant of you PITBY to say what you said; it’s appreciated by me and probably by others that feel the same as you.

I am now big enough to look after my self in many areas and have done so for many years now. After being bullied from an early age I soon found my feet and have never looked back. It has kept me in good shape and I have been able to look after less fortunates on more than one occasion, some times physically some times verbally, other times psychologically

I have been educated through the school of life and not academically in the normal sense. This was due to going to 14 different schools and not picking up a proper education. Every thing I know is self taught, on that note I can also explain the copied part that’s seems to amuse, you see I am not a very good speller in general so what I do is compose my posts in word and get word to check my spelling, so after that I need to copy and paste it into the post itself.

Hence me coming from America, LOL!

I am proud of what I have achieved and just want to help other people that want it. If you are ok with what you are and who you are then GREAT, but why not try and contribute to others. There are too many people that want to make them selves out to be good at the expense of others, almost like the mentality of a bully.

I hate bullying but would help a bully to re adjust and make good what they probably really want deep down, which is to be helped and noticed.

Well there you are feel free to pull this apart, if it helps you vent out any thing that’s in you, if this is the case, great! I have still helped.

Best regards to you all!

Brian 755

Its not what you are- its who you are that matters in life!

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13 Jun 2007 11:28 PM by Candyfloss Star rating in Cardiff / Mar Menor. 1605 posts Send private message

Candyfloss´s avatar

Nice one Brian


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