BE HONEST...Would you stay in Spain if it wasn't for the weather?

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20 Aug 2012 1:24 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Absolutely right Gerry,

the forum attracts "Walter Mittys" and other "Johns" eager to impart their narrow wisdom anonymously, they surf many forums and are eager to be read. We even have an "ego-worm" with no profile who quotes chapter and verse but seems to be detached from reality - I suspect he is a Rentokil salesman in truth.

Justin should put a strict limit on posts without profile.

I even believe that profiles should be checked.

I wonder if in this utterly stupid politically correct world that has been forced upon us, we can actually talk about "Eastern Europeans" without criticism.

We have them here as everywhere and they carry knives as at home, one Polish woman has this morning stabbed both her current partner and then her ex-partner at his work and is being sought before getting to her ex's current partner. All in sleepy Herne Bay.

Spain must be very varied also but one-off sensationalism does not make things generally true, and one has to be wary of the reporting slant.

That's the world, but of course only as Norman knows it.



N. Sands

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20 Aug 2012 5:30 PM by greatstart Star rating. 18 posts Send private message

I hope those snidey remarks are not meant for me, Norman.  I am sure you do not mean to be snide or nasty.  Just sounds like it!  Everything I say about UK's policies on abortion and euthansia can be easily verified.

My only concern is to warn the unwary.  check out for a recent update on the euthansia question.

All of the stuff I have been reporting is freely available.  It just needs people to be aware of what they may be letting themselves in for if they return to 'good old' UK.  The truth is out there for all to see, unpalatable as it may be.  Does not give you the right to sneer at it. 


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21 Aug 2012 12:45 AM by kernaghan Star rating. 20 posts Send private message

 What has  abortion and euthansia got to do with this forum is it not "Would you stay in Spain if it wasnt for the weather?

Please greatstart start a new forum on some other blog for those interested not here

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21 Aug 2012 10:06 AM by Susanspain Star rating in Mijas, Malaga. 145 posts Send private message

Susanspain´s avatar

 PS to my first post...

OH says 'No'.... I am trying to pursuade them that we have a great life here.

But they are very definately here only for the weather/outdoors lifestyle...

They don't like the French, nor the Americans and the UK is off the list (due to poor sunshine rate)... 

so if we 'had to go'... don't know where would be there choice ;) 

Food for thought ;)

(But hoping it won't come to that. We are just about stable here, but hope the bills will not rise too much as we are surviing on 1 x UK state pension.) 

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21 Aug 2012 10:50 AM by maddiemack Star rating in Grantham, Lincolnshi.... 194 posts Send private message

Just up-dated my profile for anyone to see who cares to.  Yeh, I know, I should have done it ages ago. excuses...just lazy/forgetful/too busy...all of the usual excuses.  Nothing to hide! OK, carry on, folks...really enjoying all the replies.


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21 Aug 2012 6:08 PM by gerrryuk Star rating in Mezquitilla, near To.... 179 posts Send private message

gerrryuk´s avatar

 A house full of men eh! So you must be used to holding your corner Maddie, (notice I didn't say fight) but then as a teacher for years you must be used to that.

Must admit I do like to look at profiles, but then maybe I'm just nosey .........


This message was last edited by gerrryuk on 21/08/2012.

Do unto others as you would want them to do to you. I am always willing to talk and converse to ladies or gents in a sensible way.

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21 Aug 2012 6:23 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Susanspain-How on earth do two of you survive on one state pension-are you a superscrimper- perhaps the rest of us could learn how to budget!

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22 Aug 2012 2:45 PM by prospain Star rating in Spain & Hong Kong. 38 posts Send private message

prospain´s avatar

At least food prices are coming down but this is total breach of copyright ‘’Dale Winton's supermarket sweep’’. 

"Next time there barging through the checkout and hear the beep, think of the fun they could be having on Supermarket Sweep".


Newser) – He's being called both Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham. First Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, mayor of the town of Marinaleda ( population 2,645) in southwestern Spain, led seven followers in a raid of two local supermarkets last week, stealing food and distributing it to local food banks, reports Reuters. "There are people who don't have enough to eat. In the 21st century, this is an absolute disgrace," he said.

Now Sánchez Gordillo has started on a three-week march that begins in Jodar, the Andalusian town with the highest unemployment rate (the province's rate is up to 34%, worse than Spain's 25%), and will take him throughout the region, as he tries to rally local leaders to fight back against government austerity measures. Sánchez Gordillo's advice? Skip debt payments, halt layoffs, end home evictions, and ignore Madrid's demands for budget cuts. "They say I'm dangerous. And the bankers who are let off for fraud? That's not dangerous?" Sánchez Gordillo said.

Don't steal. The government hates competition.

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22 Aug 2012 8:38 PM by greatstart Star rating. 18 posts Send private message

kernaghan asked:

 "What has  abortion and euthansia got to do with this forum is it not "Would you stay in Spain if it wasnt for the weather?

Please greatstart start a new forum on some other blog for those interested not here"

The question of the forum is would you stay in spain if it wasn't for the weather?  My answer is 'Yes, I would stay in Spain and not just because of the weather but for much more serious concerns as I have mentioned in previous posts.

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to work it out, does it?  If you are old, and thinking of going back to 'good old blighty'; I think you should take on board that government policies in UK -  on lack of freedom of the press, euthanasia, surveillance etc - should be of grave concern to everybody.

Sorry if that spoils the mood of this cheery forum!  It just seems to me that many ex-pats have an idealised notion of life in UK without realising the huge changes of policies that affect everybody lving there. 

Don't shoot the messenger!  :)  Check out the facts by all means!

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22 Aug 2012 10:26 PM by tamaraessex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

tamaraessex´s avatar

 OK Gerry - your exhortation and Maddie's good example persuaded me to complete my profile.  I forgot I hadn't done it, 'cos I'd done one for the blog and didn't realise it didn't move across to the rest of Eye on Spain.  I suppose there should be a separate question on the profile form - asking us whether we are "A happy, rose-tinted glasses idealist" or "One of the grumpies, a Spain-basher".  I think that pretty much sums up the majority of the posters!!!


 Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.

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22 Aug 2012 10:29 PM by kernaghan Star rating. 20 posts Send private message

 greatstart, we are Australians so really not interested in UK policies etc. We haved lived in the UK and loved the place however not for long term, it is expensive though Sydney where we live is also expensive.

I dont think anybody on this forum wants to read your morbid postings even if they are reality, it is good to look through rose tinted glasses sometimes, why dont you challenge the UK government on your cause which you seem so passionate about.



This message was last edited by kernaghan on 22/08/2012.

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22 Aug 2012 10:35 PM by greatstart Star rating. 18 posts Send private message

** EDITED - Against forum rules **

This message was last edited by jaldridge on 23/08/2012.

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22 Aug 2012 10:48 PM by kernaghan Star rating. 20 posts Send private message

 greatstart, no you havent woken me, we have a beautiful day here in Sydney 27c and it is Winter, I actually believe in eunthansia, I dont have my head in the sand I live my life freely and dont get bogged down worrying about when I get old, I will continue to travel until the insurance companies wont insure us, thats good that you live in Spain away from all that horror, I guess you receive a UK pension

Just reading our morning paper, thought you might be interested in this


This message was last edited by kernaghan on 22/08/2012.

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22 Aug 2012 11:02 PM by greatstart Star rating. 18 posts Send private message

Kernaghan; I don't know what you are talking about.  If all you care about is yourself and your little existence, fair play, as you say wayyy over there in Sydney.

I was brought up to care about my fellow man and also that euthanasia is murder.  People are not dogs to be put down when they are ailing.  They have immortal souls and God is the only One who decideswhen we are born and when we die.  I guess you are atheist; so we must agree to disagree.

I certainly do not wish to be killed off for the convenience of people who think money is more important than my life.  I have worked hard and raised a family; I am a human being not an animal. 

Of course, atheists in claiming there is no god (especially when they are young and in the full of their health) puff themselves up with the superior notion that they are sophisticated in deciding who lives or dies.  Hence, millions of babies are murdered and now the old in our society.

Spain has not reached the appalling levels of murder that operate in UK under the guise of 'maternal health issues' or 'mercy killings'.

Your 'nice' mentality only operates on a superficial level.  As they say, "There were no atheists on the front line!"  Says it all.


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22 Aug 2012 11:22 PM by wend691 Star rating in Lincoln & Rojales (C.... 178 posts Send private message

Can we get back on thread please?

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22 Aug 2012 11:22 PM by wend691 Star rating in Lincoln & Rojales (C.... 178 posts Send private message

Can we get back on thread please?

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22 Aug 2012 11:26 PM by greatstart Star rating. 18 posts Send private message

This is the thread.  Just because some of us worry about more than the weather...... There are serious things happening in our world, folks!!!!

Most of you on this thread seem to be hung up on weather.  What gives????

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22 Aug 2012 11:38 PM by kernaghan Star rating. 20 posts Send private message

 greatstart, so you read the article I posted, here was a father who had to keep on suffering due to losing his appeal for his right to die, it doesnt matter whether your religious or not, it is your right to die if that is your choice.

My mother wanted to die when she suffered demeaning ill health however due to the governments policies was kept alive on drugs until she wasted away, she wasnt in an establishment, she was cared for by her loving family.

Enough said, cheer up, I am sure the expats can make their own decisions in life.

By the way, we are both retired, nearing 70 and will continue on our merry way because as you said you dont have any power to challenge policies

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22 Aug 2012 11:44 PM by greatstart Star rating. 18 posts Send private message

Trouble is, if I am right in believing in God - there really is a hell and the weather there will be a lot hotter for those who play 'god' with theirs and other people's lives.  You have NO right to kill yourself or others.  It is intrinsically evil to do so.  You are not God and cannot write a new natural law or Law of God, which Christians believe from Scripture.

If you are right to believe only in your little lives, then no probs. 

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23 Aug 2012 12:16 AM by kernaghan Star rating. 20 posts Send private message

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