The Comments |
Stats for abortion and euthansia are very hard to come by. Most of the horror is kept under the public radar. Last figures I heard during a Pro-life march outside Parliament was that we kill 572 babies per day!!!
Read articles from doctors who dare to put their heads above the NHS parapet and whistle blow about the elderly or terminally ill being left without water or food to just pass away unnoticed. A young terminally ill boy rang 999 to ask the police to give him a drink of water in one of our hospitals.
There is another article today about the number of women who claim to be aborting their babies due to the recession.
Don't take everything at face value. Read what John Smeaton says from SPUC about the rate of abortion and how the UK is blackmailing countries around the world to abort; read how there are evil machinations made in countries like Ireland and the Phillippines to force abortion into these, although their Catholic faith is against it.
I, for one,would not like to be old in UK and, as for being an unborn, it's nearly as dangerous as being Chinese!!!
Oh, and don't forget to look up the case of the Glasgow Midwives, who have lost their case to protect the right of conscientious objection - ie that they maintain the right NOT to kill babies when they have taken the oath to preserve life.
Everything in UK is now geared towards the culture of death. Nobody is safe!!!!
This message was last edited by greatstart on 14/08/2012. This message was last edited by greatstart on 14/08/2012.
Oh, prospain ! Please , it should read "country's debt".
_______________________ sutton47
_______________________ sutton47
Who is this idiot greatstart?
I think it's time to take your pills again or get back to the asylum!!
Why don't these fools fill in their profile?
_______________________ Do unto others as you would want them to do to you.
I am always willing to talk and converse to ladies or gents in a sensible way.
I was answering a question put to me.
Please say why you have called me an 'idiot'. You must have some reason for this.
I have merely quoted facts, nothing exaggerated and certainly nothing that would cause you to call me an idiot.
Fair is fair!!!
Why is it whenever anyone dares to speak up for the most vulnerable members of our society, out come the hate-filled fanatics who rant and rave; while all the while positing themselves as the rational ones? Never ceases to amaze me.
GerrryUK - I am talking about you!!! Get back in your box and allow some of us to have a rational conversation.
Fool! Nothing you say convinces me otherwise, in fact the hole you dig gets deeper ................
That isn't even close to a conversation.
This message was last edited by gerrryuk on 14/08/2012.
_______________________ Do unto others as you would want them to do to you.
I am always willing to talk and converse to ladies or gents in a sensible way.
Gerrry - what is your problem? What are not convinced of? Try to be rational. Have you aborted someone recently or something? There could be no other reason for your ridiculous hatespeech.
_______________________ Do unto others as you would want them to do to you.
I am always willing to talk and converse to ladies or gents in a sensible way.
Yeh! Great!!!
Now, I can continue the discussion about the real reasons why it may be better to live in Spain. Because you may be euthanased in UK.
Don't you think that is a good idea to move to sunnier climes? I think so. Puts the weather discussion into perspective for you.
Now, grow a pair!!!
Oh, prospain ! Please , it should read "country's debt".
Ar sooten tank goud yoo tild mi. Tany yoo four yoer presuous tim. Av ya nout eils too dooy? Tas mimmy tooken ur krayons awiy.
_______________________ Don't steal. The government hates competition.
I can't believe this thread has not been closed. Not only is it WAY off topic inspite of manful attempts to keep it on topic, it is very unpleasant. Another change in EoS over the past few years - everything becomes so personal really quickly.
I want the hot weather & mild winters, being only a couple of hours away, & the culture is fantastic. But the answer is probably not.
_______________________ Do unto others as you would want them to do to you.
I am always willing to talk and converse to ladies or gents in a sensible way.
Hi All. I personally can't spend all year round at my Finca due to work commitments in the UK. However, I do spend a few months a year spread over the seasons out there, and love every season for different reasons. I love the warm sunny weather in the summer, but I also love the cool (very often cold up the mountains where I am) winter days to go off walking or just a cosy time in front of the log burner.
Question is, would I live there all year round if is wasn't for the usually warm climate..........certainly, but within reason. The cold winter evenings are balanced by the warm summers.
Having officially been an Ex-Pat for 12 some years now, it is getting harder to survive. No income, little chance of one? and way off retirement age/pension (if it ever comes to fuition?) The only 'pocket money' we had was from selling veg to top up OH's (UK) pension, and now that is gone... (Eu250pcm SS for just a few veg does not add up to any income, in fact it leaves us minus.)
If they (the authorities) were to impose the new regs of 'show proof of income, and private med ins' then I would likely be turfed out :(
As for returning to the UK... It may come to that .. but as someone said, there I would be subsidised by the ordinary tax payer, but I would prefer to continue as we had done before, and cause no one aggro, survive on our own means and continue to live in the Sun.
PS - poster (who is an occasional visitor?) who said the Spanish do not complain about their health, nor are there many mobility scooters to be seen - A) You don't live in our street - where 90% are elderly and infirm and it is all they talk about and B) I am sure many would have a mobility scooter if they could afford one/ the kerbs were dropped like they are in N.Europe as a matter of course ;) As regards obesity in Spain... a large percentage of children I have seen lately are getting that way.
Dear Susan,
sorry to hear of your problems, apart from rail fare increases above inflation and general increases in food prices, we are threatened with yet another large increase (18%) in energy costs, so the sun is becoming more valuable.
the world pundits are threatening all with a new austere lifestyle for the west with actual wars over energy and water.
many have told us the actual truth of being an ex-pat and your story must add to it, thank you.
the politicians have still not wrested control of the world back from the banks and the real crash has not happened yet.
How long UK benefits will last when it comes is guesswork?
Perhaps we will all have to find new ways to survive?
Here in the south-east the harvest is golden and is coming in well, yesterday we had 30' and lay about like exhausted whimps most of the day.
Good luck,
_______________________ N. Sands
If you have no mortgage on your house in Spain, do not think of coming back to UK. As I said in my earlier posts, it is turning quite sinister here.
Old folks are treated really badly in the NHS by all reports and there are those doctors and carers who report euthansia being practised 'quietly' although not law yet. Stands to reason that those who think nothing of abortion by the million will see the old as dispensible due to the costs involved in their care.
To add to this, there is so much violence on the street. I was down the local town recently (unusually) after 9pm and was appalled at the level of policing. I thought I was taking part in a futuristic movie featuring the damned.
Life is Spain is soooo much more laid back and it;s still somewhat cheaper.
Like any country in the world, including Spain and the UK, your quality of life really can depend on where you live. Here, where we live in Lincolnshire, it's nothing like where you are, Greatstart. Where is that, exactly? Perhaps we need to give it a wide berth.
Where we live, locals are friendly and helpful. Of course, like every town, there are elements of it that aren't so good but we have very little violence and it's difficult to spot a Police Officer on some days. In fact, the last time we saw more than one Police Officer was when several police cars stopped in the middle of the main street to bar a particular car from 'escaping'. Inside the car were a couple of Eastern Europeans wanted for questioning in connection with fraud. They were taken away in handcuffs to the great excitement of the locals!
Our town is a 'young' town, unlike a couple I have lived in in Devon. Our local hospital is old in parts (the parts that the locals campaigned to keep open!) but the care within them is as good as it gets. My 89-year-old mother has been there several times in the past few years and has been treated with kindness and caring and the local Carers that come to help her twice a day are wonderful. We live in one of the cheapest areas of the UK, probably because there isn't alot of money around. Again, unlike Devon where everything is so much more expensive and many of the properties are second homes for those with the cash to spend.
Yes, life can be very different from one part of a country to another but I'm very glad that we live where we do even though we also love spending time in Spain at least twice a year, more if we can get away.
This message was last edited by maddiemack on 20/08/2012.

Yea maddiemac why don't people fill in their profile so we know where they are?, male or female?, retired or working? etc etc.
_______________________ Do unto others as you would want them to do to you.
I am always willing to talk and converse to ladies or gents in a sensible way.
I am writing of what I know and what I have seen with my own eyes. I am glad that some people seem to live in an idyll in the UK but that is to defy the laws on abortion and deliberate starving of the dying. There is a policy of eugenics operating and I know of an old lady who was taken out of an old folks home in UK by worried family members who brought her back to her native Ireland so that she could live out her remaining years in a caring environment. They were horrified at the 'care' she was receiving in an Essex residential care home.
There is a culture of death that seems to ask 'how dare you exist|?' when you are old and needing care. Beware! and don't say you were not warned.
For those of you who can, stay in Spain and live the good life.