PETITION: To restore responsible buying and selling of property in Spain

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27 Aug 2012 2:01 PM by AUAN Star rating. 48 posts Send private message

 AUAN is helping to publicise a community petition for change created  via AVAAZ, the online campaigning community.

 The petition, created by one of our members,  will be delivered to the government of Andalucía requesting immediate and sensible actions to resolve the mess created by the ongoing problem of illegal houses in Andalucia.

 We believe that campaigns like this one always start small but if every person who believes that something sensible needs to be done actually signs this petition it will send a powerful message to the government of Andalucía. A lot therefore depends on our ability to reach as many people as possible.


Link to Petition


Campaign Title

“Restore responsible buying and selling of property within the European context. Restore the fundamental rights of citizens to move house as life dictates and not have assets effectively frozen like criminals



Thousands of people, Spaniards and immigrants throughout Spain but especially Andalusia, in particular the Almanzora Valley have their property threatened with demolition despite having bought in GOOD FAITH through the supposed Spanish legal system. The government have no desire to relieve the system and the legal system delays any actions further. 

European administration denies human rights violation and that it is not within European Law despite many well presented petitions.

The Spanish economy desires aid from Europe but cannot fix problems like this that retard the construction industry and incoming tourism hence employment. The British government cannot or will not help its expat citizens within the European context.

Many people caught in this corrupt housing planning trap are retired citizens without the time expectancy of decades to resolve the problem.


This message was last edited by AUAN on 27/08/2012.

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27 Aug 2012 5:29 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Well done AUAN and AVAAZ for recognising and providing an opportunity to bring this to the attention of the online campaigning community.

I hope it is taken seriously by all concerned and that some beneficial outcome can be achieved via this powerful, educative and pro-active route.

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27 Aug 2012 5:53 PM by K 5ive Star rating in Cambrils. 116 posts Send private message

Signed. Good luck with the campaign.

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27 Aug 2012 8:38 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Signed. Good Luck.



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27 Aug 2012 8:57 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

signed of course - onward

N. Sands

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27 Aug 2012 10:40 PM by hosilverlining Star rating in Property owner in Gr.... 173 posts Send private message

I have signed the petition, and I will send the link to the 50 owners on our development near Granada which is blighted by an ongoing investigation into the legality of the LPOs which were issued (which we rashly thought gave us some protection), on top of a catalogue of failures by our developer, the other developers on this large development and the town hall, and have left us with huge numbers of unsold properties & abandoned developments while we try to run our community on half a shoestring because neither our developer or the bank is paying the fees for the properties they own.

My only suggestion would have been to be more inclusive in the statement about why the petition is needed, there are a lot of people in similar positions all over Andalusia who would welcome the opportunity to have their situation highlighted alongside that in Almanzora - I'm sure we are all fighting similar battles just the location of the brick wall is slightly different!  There may be greater strength in greater numbers and more may sign this petition.

I am, however, really pleased that this petition mentions the Spanish property owners who are also caught up in this, it is not just a problem for foreign buyers.  In our development 13 of our owners are Spanish, and are having exactly the same problems as the rest of us from the UK, Ireland, Holland and Norway.

Good luck.

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27 Aug 2012 10:57 PM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

Have signed good luck with it!  




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28 Aug 2012 12:01 PM by AUAN Star rating. 48 posts Send private message

 Thanks to all who have signed so far. The petition will shortly exeed 500 signatures. This is a good start but not enough to be effective so PLEASE KEEP SIGNING.

Thanks also to those of you who have provided feedback re. the inclusiveness of the text.

If technically possible we will look at changing the text. 


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28 Aug 2012 3:07 PM by potblack Star rating in Alicante & Singapore. 233 posts Send private message

potblack´s avatar

Good luck. Signed.

NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

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28 Aug 2012 4:20 PM by hosilverlining Star rating in Property owner in Gr.... 173 posts Send private message

"Thanks also to those of you who have provided feedback re. the inclusiveness of the text.

If technically possible we will look at changing the text"

Thanks AUAN I will contact you to see if we can join forces

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28 Aug 2012 4:47 PM by aly not in spain Star rating in Not far from Torre. 74 posts Send private message

Signed and have copied the info over to my local website. We are not that far from Catral which has a lot of illegal builds.

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30 Aug 2012 12:42 PM by hosilverlining Star rating in Property owner in Gr.... 173 posts Send private message

I've noted the slight change in wording which makes this a more general petition for Andalusia, I have circulated it to our owners group and they are already signing it, shared on Facebook too.

I hope we can collaborate with you in your efforts!


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30 Aug 2012 6:29 PM by AUAN Star rating. 48 posts Send private message

 Hi all,

The petition has now been signed by over 600 people.  Its a good start but we need a lot more.Thank you to all who have signed to date and PLEASE KEEP SIGNING.

As you have noticed the text is more inclusive and now reads......

Thousands of people,Spaniards and immigrants throughout Spain, but, especially Andalusia, have their property threatened with demolition or other penalties despite having bought in GOOD FAITH through the supposed Spanish legal system. The Regional and Madrid governments have no desire to reform the system and delays in the legal system deny access to justice. 

The European Commission denies human/fundamental rights violations and states that the matter is not within European Law despite many well presented petitions and initial ideals of mobility of assets and people across borders..

The Madrid government desires economic aid from Europe but cannot fix problems like this created by Regional government that retard the Construction Industry, incoming Tourism, hence employment and local economies of this beautiful Region.

The British government cannot or will not help its expat citizens within the European context.

Many people caught in this corrupt housing planning trap are retired citizens without the time expectency of decades to resolve the problem

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30 Aug 2012 7:07 PM by aly not in spain Star rating in Not far from Torre. 74 posts Send private message

AUAN, are Avaaz going to forward this petition to some/all of those on their membership lists? I am on their list but have not received it via them yet.

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03 Sep 2012 3:20 PM by AUAN Star rating. 48 posts Send private message

 Hi Aly,

I have passed this question on to the petition organiser. Hopefully, they will do this. It would be great.

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03 Sep 2012 8:03 PM by AUAN Star rating. 48 posts Send private message

Over 750 people have now signed the petition..... PLEASE KEEP SIGNING.

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08 Sep 2012 10:58 AM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message

To all readers of EOS


 Whether you are;

 buying or selling,

staying or going,

deeply mired in the property debacle or an interested spectator,

it is in your interests (yes your personal interests) to sign this petition.


Like it or not, we are all in this together. Because of Spanish governmental negligence in the past it has become a European problem.

It is an absolute must that Spain, through its national government and its regional governments, begins to heed and respect its own laws.  How else can Spain regain trust?

It takes one minute to click here and sign...  Please do it NOW. 

Thank you.

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11 Sep 2012 3:15 PM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message

A reminder: 

885 e-signatures so far ... and counting.   Please add yours.


To all readers of EOS


 Whether you are;

 buying or selling,

staying or going,

deeply mired in the property debacle or an interested spectator,

it is in your interests (yes your personal interests) to sign this petition.


Like it or not, we are all in this together. Because of Spanish governmental negligence in the past it has become a European problem.

It is an absolute must that Spain, through its national government and its regional governments, begins to heed and respect its own laws.  How else can Spain regain trust?

It takes one minute to click here and sign...  Please do it NOW. 

Thank you.


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11 Sep 2012 11:14 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

Signed and best of luck with it.  The whole thing is a disgrace; that people did everything within their power to buy legally and got stung through no fault of their own.  The Junta needs to see sense and chase after the criminals who benefited from all  this and leave innocent people and their houses alone.


My account of moving to Spain."><img


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12 Sep 2012 4:21 PM by AUAN Star rating. 48 posts Send private message


Article from La Voz de Almeria.....

More than 900 British people ask for a change to the planning laws via the Net.......

This newspaper is on the counter of every bar/restaurant in Almeria and on the desk of every politician and mayor.  

Help make the petition bigger and better by signing it.



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