Should you pay a speeding fine from Spain once you're back in the UK?

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09 Sep 2012 11:05 AM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

tpau me too, i find it highly amusing that someone would even think to pose such a question.  Pay up muppets roflmfao!


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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09 Sep 2012 11:28 AM by I_love_javea Star rating in Gibraltar / Morocco .... 125 posts Send private message

Seeking advice for my friend's son, may have just aswell said seeking advice for an extraterrestial. She/He (who knows) was obviuosly trying to justify to themselves not paying their dues. Complete waste of space and time in my opinion (and many others), but if it makes them feel a better person, who are we to judge. From the start it was obviuos the type of underisable person they are. They should grow a pair and get on with their lives.

Shame there is no recommend option on this forum for users to vote on posts - it would be very interesting to see the results.


Shiny happy people - where?

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09 Sep 2012 2:21 PM by lizzyv Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

If you were burgled by someone who was on holiday in your country and then returned to their home country the least you  would expect is that the relevant agencies track down that person wherever they may be and punish them accordingly.

So why is that so many people regard the laws of our highways that are put in place to keep us safe on our roads so differently. if you did the crime you should pay the fine if you dont want to pay then don't break the law. Simple!


keep safe!



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09 Sep 2012 2:56 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

Things are turning nasty again.  It's interesting how people find it easy to have a go at someone when they're all anonymous and not face-to-face.  And again there is the implication that the question shouldn't have been asked.  Maybe the people who believe that would like to be the adjudicators so that they can censor questions before they are allowed to be posted.  In terms of conducting a poll, the question would be: How many people would happily pay 300 euros for a crime committed by a friend? 

I also suggest that those who blindly side with the Guardia Civil on all matters google: ¿Por qué hay tanta corrupción en España?  There have been countless articles written over the years listing the crimes of Guardia Civil officers in terms of organised crime, particularly in the fields of drug trafficking and prostitution and these cases will only be the tip of the iceberg.  This corruption is systemic throughout Spain and although some elements of the British expat population will not hear one negative thing said about their adopted country, the Spanish have no such reticence and are wringing their hands in exasperation and fury about what this has done to the country and how it has contributed greatly to the 'crisis.'  As I have said, I believe that the actions of the police in using their powers for revenue collection instead of for dealing with serious crime has repercussions.  A friend of mine's grandson was found allegedly having committed suicide after having been bullied by friends and was found in the most suspicious circumstances.  What have the police done?  Zero.  They're too busy collecting revenue. 


My account of moving to Spain."><img


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09 Sep 2012 3:11 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

How very well said Eggcup

but you must understand this forum......set up to track the progress of "off plan building in Spain" and it's corruption.

I suspect sunstroke as the cause but it is unfortunate that "happies" should become "sillies" and then "loonies", almost like it was the natural progression of the disease.

And of course you are right again there is very few if any of my detractors who would dare to face me with their insults, even at 75 years old.



N. Sands

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09 Sep 2012 5:03 PM by I_love_javea Star rating in Gibraltar / Morocco .... 125 posts Send private message

"A friend of mine's grandson"

Is nothing actually relevant to you, ever??????

How would you possibly know any real details when everything is so far removed from you.

Just stop posting absolute rubbish, please.


Shiny happy people - where?

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09 Sep 2012 5:45 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

The invite to meet face to face is as silly an idea on the forum as the original question.

How on earth a 75 year old man can be serious to challange one to confront him about what is said on here knowing very well it can never happen be in his right mind ?

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09 Sep 2012 6:23 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

This is all so hysterically funny, I just cannot believe what I am reading.  Read my lips peeps, THIS IS THE INTERNET ffs.  The whole point is anonymity - a bit like Alcoholics Anonymous, get it?  

"Maybe the people who believe that would like to be the adjudicators so that they can censor questions before they are allowed to be posted."  I don't think anyone has said who is responsible for the fine, just that it should be paid FULL STOP.   

Meanwhile, I do like a good laugh on a Sunday afternoon.


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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09 Sep 2012 6:37 PM by DoubleJ Star rating in Las Alpujarras and L.... 143 posts Send private message

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Whilst there are many on this site who often express views at odds to mine, at least in the main they are civil with their postings.
I_Love_Javea, you rarely post anything constructive and insist on trying to be a Troll of the worst kind.
You sound very angry with life itself. Maybe it's time to take your nap.

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09 Sep 2012 7:07 PM by I_love_javea Star rating in Gibraltar / Morocco .... 125 posts Send private message

To troll or not to troll, that is the question.

Who gives a jot, it's all fun, lighten up.

The internet is a great forum for those brave enough to accept it for what it is. Some just can't get use to the fact that their opinions are just that, opinions.

To everyone who has participated in this long and winding thread I bow to you and doff my hat. 

I will be forever with you, though you may be unaware. The greatest strength of the www is the complete anonimity, this is its greatest strength. It is unfortunate that some crave face to face combat, so last century.

I am away tomorrow to help my son settle in at Oxford to start his Masters. But I will be back! 

Hasta luego compadres



Shiny happy people - where?

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10 Sep 2012 11:31 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Come on Justin weed them out....................

Oh dear, this member hasn't provided any information yet.



N. Sands

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10 Sep 2012 12:58 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar
Help I've just had a speeding fine.

I would like a friendly person to tell me where  i go to pay it.

Silly old me speeding at my age [72] no excuse here just kept going and chatting at the same time.

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10 Sep 2012 1:08 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

 Haydngj how dare you! the road craft of an old colonial army captain usually consists totally of driving everywhere at a maximum speed of 25 miles an hour. You should be ashamed of your self for exceeding a 25 mile an hour speed limit, let alone a legal one! 

P.S, Will you be returning to the UK before thinking of paying the fine? (this would conform to the original thread)

This message was last edited by robertt8696 on 10/09/2012.

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10 Sep 2012 1:30 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

I am ashamed of myself having been a hgv driver in the past, drve the artics for 30 odd years, but then they have limiters on them.

Perhaps the should have them on all vehicle.

I was only going 131kph on the motorway, that's more than 10% over the limit,so no complaints from about the fine if i pay in 20 days it's 50 euros  but 100 afrer that

 What speed was your friend's son doing to get the 300  eggcup


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10 Sep 2012 2:52 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

For the zillionth time, my friend's son was not driving the car.  He booked the car with his credit card and another person was the named driver.  I have no idea what speed they were doing as my friend hasn't given me the paperwork yet, as he doesn't live that near to me and only told me about it a few days ago.  As I have also said, I have no sympathy whatsoever for the driver, but am concerned that my friend's son will have to foot the bill for something he didn't do, when he does not have a lot of money.  Justin said that the fact that the fine is for 300 euros does not mean that the driver was necessarily doing the speed ordinarily necessary to incur such a high fine, as the fine is often bumped up to the maximum for foreign citizens.


My account of moving to Spain."><img


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10 Sep 2012 3:17 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

 Eggcup, i have some reservation to your rather biased comment

" as the fine is often bumped up to the maximum for foreign citizens."

I think you will find that this is not the case, the usual reason is that the issuing authority have more paperwork to do tracing and completing additional paperwork to what they would with their own domestic offender, and as such anticipate increased costs that you would associate with such recovery in a foreign country, and so charge accordingly to cover the costs anticipated.

I think you would find the police and courts in the UK would do the same, and so your rather biased opinion i feel is unjustifiable.

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10 Sep 2012 3:36 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

Okay, Robert.  I was just paraphrasing what I thought that Justin meant, but accept your correction.


My account of moving to Spain."><img


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10 Sep 2012 4:34 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

Your friend's son is resposable for the car he signed on the dotted line

Where do I pay my fine ?

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11 Sep 2012 11:36 AM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar
Just been to pay my fine out of my old age pension 50 euros.

Cheaper than going back to the corrupt U.K.

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11 Sep 2012 11:59 AM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

So Spain isn't corrupt hahahahahahaha


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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