Should you pay a speeding fine from Spain once you're back in the UK?

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11 Sep 2012 12:04 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

 No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!!

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11 Sep 2012 12:11 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

He's lucky just getting a fine, and not the comfy chair roflmfao!!!!!


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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11 Sep 2012 12:15 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

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corruption is international


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11 Sep 2012 3:11 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

Corruption is international with some countries a lot worse than others and it is particularly disappointing when those countries are in the 'first world,' and in the early stages of democracy.   An editorial in El Pais on Saturday stated (excuse the absence of accents etc): 'El desempleo masivo, los drasticos recortes presupuestarios y, sobre todo, los numerosos casos de corrupcion y mala gestion de lo publico dejan el campo abonado para propuestas populistas con trampa.'  So, educated Spaniards are in no doubt about the extent of the problem and see corruption and 'bad management' of the public purse as serious problems which could affect this new democracy.  Anyone who doesn't think this knows nothing about what is going on in Spain.


My account of moving to Spain."><img


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11 Sep 2012 5:25 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

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Is evading or helping to evade a fine not corrupt?

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11 Sep 2012 5:35 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

No distinction


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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11 Sep 2012 6:17 PM by herbalist36 Star rating. 17 posts Send private message



are we still  flogging this Horse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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11 Sep 2012 6:18 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

I think the horse laid down and died, but not the rider lol


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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11 Sep 2012 8:27 PM by haydngj Star rating in ALGORFA. 401 posts Send private message

haydngj´s avatar

Are you still watching this horse lol ?

will herbalist respond?

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11 Sep 2012 9:42 PM by DoubleJ Star rating in Las Alpujarras and L.... 143 posts Send private message

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Just to put some data around the corruption debate, the yearly Corruptions Perception Index (published by Transparency International) lists Spain as the 31st least corrupt Country (between Cyprus and Botswana). Not surprisingly, Somalia comes out as the most corrupt.

The least corrupt is New Zealand and the UK is rated as the the 16th least corrupt (jointly with Austria and Barbados). Most of the Scandanavian countries appear in the top.

The index rates countries on a scale from 1 (highly corrupt) to 10 (very clean)

Denmark gets a score of 9.5 with Somalia scoring 1.0.

The UK gets 7.8 and Spain is on 6.2.

In a slightly different category, I see that people who Flog Dead Horses only scored 0.2

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12 Sep 2012 1:18 AM by herbalist36 Star rating. 17 posts Send private message



I was looking at the daily postings, when suddenly I see that this posting had almost 140 replys, so I got in to let all of you know that it is time to let this dead horse go, but oviouysly you can not!!!! so keep on adding more.



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12 Sep 2012 9:21 AM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

I can make a General in 5 minutes but a good horse is hard to replace!


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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12 Sep 2012 12:55 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

 whats all this dead horse business?  I thought Spain was the land of bull...............

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12 Sep 2012 1:04 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

Robert it is yes, but we're in UK hahahahahaha


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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12 Sep 2012 1:47 PM by robertt8696 Star rating in Midlands, UK. 479 posts Send private message

 I feel sorry for Surrey.......

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12 Sep 2012 1:50 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

hahahahahahaha me too


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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21 Mar 2013 11:23 AM by lasatalayas Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

Yes, you should definietly pay otherwise next time you visit you may not be able to hire and if you get stopped for any reason you could find yourself in real trouble.

To see how easy it is to pay with a 50% discount see this article

   kenandglen  DOT   com/blog/?p=441


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21 Mar 2013 3:34 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

I recently met the young man in question for the first time.  He said that he is sure he was not speeding.  Also, he didn't receive the fine in time to qualify for the 50% discount.  He says he has no intention of ever returning to Spain, so how are they going to get him?


My account of moving to Spain."><img


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21 Mar 2013 4:27 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I am sure he could be chased to UK.
People who have walked away from properties in Spain have been pursued.
But I thought we had exhausted this thread, I really do hope so.

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07 May 2013 1:23 PM by D321 Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

The best advice so far … stay away .

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