The Comments |
I bought a house a few years ago and the previous owner gave me copies to confirm that he had paid the Hacienda because the prices which was declared (which he paid) was lower than the Hacienda stated it should have been, thus he had to pay a fairly hefty amount plus a fine for under declaring when he bought.
I would be surprised if a property worth 200,000 not so long ago, could be sold at 70,000 without the Hacienda being suspicious. And of course any amount they say should have been paid and any fine, would fall on the new owner.
as i said,i always take the relevant and legal steps to ensure all fees and purchase price are included and transparent.
we cant do any more.
still here after all these years!
When we bought our last house in 2009 at a good price, we got our lawyer to phone the Hacienda prior to Notary asking the question, ' do you have a problem with this'
In our case they said no
Notaries etc can access info which shows the price per square metre for each type of property, and that is the lowest Hacienda will accept as the purchase price. If the sale declaration price is under that, Hacienda will not accept that was actual price paid.
This means that in some cases the taxes must be paid on an amount higher than the actual price paid.
Something which one needs to be aware of when buying a 'very cheap' property, or if declaring a much lower price, that that which is actually paid.
WOW Guy - that makes pretty grim reading & reflects what Johnzx has previously alluded to !!!!
Would take a special person to be bullish about the market outlook at this time.
I presume that is another dig at me Harry????
I actaually take that as a complement,it is better to be a shepherd than a sheep and you my friend have less cojones than the average sheep.
At least i have the gumption to put on the line my proffesional opinions,all you do is keep asking the same old questions and agree with anyone that suits your line of thinking.
You are not even daring enough to fiull in your profile or take me up on my bet (yes,we seemed to have glazed over that one)
Get a life or more importantly some nuts and an opinion!!
still here after all these years!
I read this morning in the Spanish press that the 'Bad Bank' will be offering properties at 54% reduction. Now that should increase sales of the existing ones on the market, or maybe not !!!!!!
Possibly, but I am not sure that it doesn't mean a 54% reduction from the original (or at least inflated price). I can't see properties at Roda Golf for example, dropping to e40000 (except as a one off maybe) or Polaris World dropping to 200000. If they do - I will have a couple!!!
Georgia, I may have missed something but the bullish comment was leveled at someone else, and related to the bullish view of the markets - it was not a personal comment at all and once again I am surprised at how quickly things turn nasty on here.
It was directed at me,Harry has called me bullish several times,i only have so much patience for fools,if i had the time or inclination i would go through the posts Harry has made.....fortunately i have neither!
still here after all these years!
But Georgia, bullish is just an attitude to risk really. It is not a personal comment - I don't understand why you should take it personally.
I am not wanting to get involved in personal disputes, but I do not find anything wrong with Harry's comments - what is it that upsets you so? I do agree that the stuff over agents fees was out of line, but I don't think that was just one poster.
I just wish people would not get personal.
Would take a special person to be bullish about the market outlook at this time.
i dont think the terminology "special "was meant as a compliment??
still here after all these years!
Surely the Hacienda is aware how much the value of property has fallen. If someone genuinely buys a house ( not under declaring) at a much lower price why should he be subjected to complementary tax? where is the freedom to do what you like with your own property?
It's not only the buyer who has to worry-the hacienda may suspect the seller is trying to avoid high capital gains tax.
Campsol thats the way it is.
It comes from many years when the price declared (that shown on the contract) was so much under the actual price paid. Example. In 1988 my first property was declared at 30 % of what I paid. In those days that was normal
The Hacienda are not stupid, so they found a way to combat the excesses. With the market now so bad, it’s just too bad if one pays less than the price their table say it is worth.
johnx -underdeclaring was normal-it is also illegal, and those who did it are responsible for the complementary tax now!
Campsolo, what an obvious but unnecessary comment.
But what a fantastic way of obtaining more tax money into the depleted coffers!

It strikes me as being "inequitable" but as John pointed out "thats the way it is" !!