The Comments |
Do any "moving to..........." posts on this get any replies or is it a wee bit beneath you all :D Justy noticed all of these posts have no replies. Ach well we are "moving to............" get yes all (toungue is firmly in cheek :D)
They may be a element of (find out yourself, we had to) but no, not beneath us.
A lot of "we are moving to" posts are from people who really maybe shouldn't be considering moving at all and are just looking for positive encouragement to fuel their half baked ideas. A good example is people with older school age children that intend to uproot them just before exam time or people with no hope of getting a job and no real plans of how they are going to get by, people who think they are pensioners at 50.
Another example " I am a single mother and along with my toddler we are moving to Marbella next year, can anybody tell me what child care costs are"
The best advice for anyone moving to anywhere in Spain is bring enough money with you to last at least a year better two.
"Another example " I am a single mother and along with my toddler we are moving to Marbella next year, can anybody tell me what child care costs are" "
So if it was me I would say child care costs are............... but perhaps this is not the right forum for me :) Enjoy your 2 years funded by my banking (i'm guessing your a banker)
Hi Sheerdrop..
It's easy to give someone advice but, it it's GOOD advice you want, you will have to provide a more comprehensive explanation of your circumstances...which goes for anyone wanting advice on some aspect of moving to Spain. I guess you've done your homework and have a pretty good idea of whether you can get work in Gibraltar fairly easily. If you're thinking of moving to Spain even if you don't secure a job before you go, it's excellent advice to ensure you have enough cash to live on for at least a year. In these dificult times, with jobs being difficult to come by, two years cash to live on isn't 'pie in the sky'. Perhaps you have skills that put you in a great position as far as jobs are concerned? Gibraltar is probably one of the better places to be as far as obtaining employment schooling for your ten-year-old.
As far as settling into life here as a ten-year-old is concerned, it really does depend on your child. As a teacher for many years, I would say...if your child is the type to revel in new experiences and enjoy the challenges they bring, it won't take her long to make new friends and settle into her new life!
Tell us more and we can be of more help. We all know that you can spend hours on the net doing your research but there's nothing better than getting information from folks you can correspond with and get the 'real' lowdown! Good luck!

Good advice Maddie, give enough & you'll get back better, it'a working for me !
_______________________ Do unto others as you would want them to do to you.
I am always willing to talk and converse to ladies or gents in a sensible way.
Sheerdrop, one thing I would suggest (in addition to having sufficient funds to last a while if you haven't found employment before relocating here) is, if you are considering putting your 10yr old into a Spanish state school, to give him/her spanish lessons before arriving. At that age he/she may find it difficult to integrate without knowledge of Spanish - even if there are English speaking children in the school. Unless you are resident in Gibraltar/have a Gibraltar address you will not be able to enrol your child in one of the schools there. The fees of international schools in the area (from Sotogrande to Marbella) are well in excess of €10,000 pa. We relocated to Spain three years ago and chose to place our son (who had just turned 10 at the time) in an international school as it was less disruptive for him and he had no knowledge of the Spanish language. He has settled well and loves it here.
You talk about finding employment in Gibraltar - but from your initial question (on another thread) it appears you don't intend to live there. A lot of people who work in Gibraltar tend to live between La Linea (very Spanish) and Manilva (Duquesa especially, many British there), as the commute is pretty simple.
As maddiemack says, the more information you can provide, the more advice others can offer.
No idea about schools as it was never relevant for us but NO ONE who posts on here has ever been in a British or Irish bar - they ALL speak fluent Spanish and are fully integated with the natives 
