The Comments |
Hi boboal l agree it would be a great loss
Hi everyone
This is a great forum. There are many members who grace us with their wit, intelligence, eloquence, benevolence and sense of fun (Janice being one of them). Some can obviously type almost as fast as they think and post spontaneous remarks which perhaps they later decide were ill-judged. I look at this forum almost every day and find it entertaining and informative, and wish I had the confidence to join a bit more. There must be hundreds more like me.
Please could those with the outgoing, strong personalities who make this forum so excellent put these past wrangles behind them and start afresh on a positive note? Is this too much to ask? Personal comments (in any context) can be hurtful and offensive, and I'm sure no-one ever intends to deliberately upset other members but it's easily done.
There's too much real sh*t going on in the world.
Rant over - good night all
You're very eloquent yourself Rose1 - very well put! 
I,m sure Janice had her reasons for wanting anonymity & don't forget that Morerosado has also been very helpful (& fun).
Hi Rose & Annie,
Totally agree with what you say Rose. There are lots of awful things going on, believe me I know, but I try to be happy as much as I can although some days it is so hard.
Ok everyone, it's over now, let's put it to bed and continue having fun on the forum. If Janice feels that she wants to drag it all up and say why she went away then that is her choice, if she doesn't then let it be. Sorry all I'm gonna get on your nerves with the bucket thing until someone tells me to stop and behave. It's a bit addictive I'm afraid. 
I guess the real trouble is that in passing comments and writing posts these same amusing comments can be taken out of context by people who just happen to read them in a differing way to how they were actually intended.
It is wiser to place oneself in others shoes and see things for what they are, from a general opinion and not for how a word or two can hit unintentionally.
Otherwise everyone would have to re-read everything they post in order not to offend someone who may be merely looking to the site, not adding to it, but who may be in a situation where such comments would be construed as a personal attack on them.
Mary Whitehouse springs to mind and my retort to people who watch an offensive-to-them programme all the way through and then complain about it have a choice under this mainly democratic world !
Turn it off or dont watch!
Freedom of choice was fought for through numerous wars, thousands lost their lives so we could have freedom of speech - and this should be allowed at any time.
This message was last edited by Rixxy on 7/13/2007.
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
I too hope this endless saga is over. I had not realised the duel / triple personality thing but then again I tend to take things at face value until I get my face rubbed in it !!
I had real concern for the disappearence of Jeansis. I would hope my posts would not 'upset' anyone but apologise unreservedly if I have been the cause of any unkindness, but as the song goes ' please don't treat me like a fool'.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Yes hopefully this will put things to bed as they say. I remember ages ago on another forum making statements and others getting very rattled by them - I hadnt meant them in the way THEY had taken them and it can be the problem of posting - I write as I would say but when you cant hear the irony on cheek or laughter in my voice it may come across as acusatory!
Hey ho - TFIF and lived through another battleweary week!!!
Have a great weekend everyone! AND SMILE 
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Well said Rose and Rixxy - those with an axe to grind, give Janice a break, she is very knowledgeable and helps lots of people, not to mention being a laugh. Read my early posts in the thread "What's happened toJeanSis" if you need a reminder. So what if she has two names, I know of others on this forum also with two names, nobody has died as a result of it, put it in perspective and move on with your life, perhaps take a break from the forum yourself if such minor irrelevancies get to you that much!
(And no, I have never met Janice, but I have a very strong sense of right / wrong)
Hi All,
I have had the pleasure of meeting janice and i can say without any fear of contradiction that she is one of the most honest and friendliest people i have ever met.
One of her most endearing features is that she speaks her mind and this will not please all of the people all of the time,what i will say is that if you asked this lady to walk across hot coals for you she would stop half way across to check if you needed anything else!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not really care if she posted as osama bin laden as long as she continues to do so.
I understand that she has to change her identity as she is wanted by interpol in several countries!
This message was last edited by georgia on 7/13/2007.
still here after all these years!
I hoped my last post was my last post on this subject but I feel the need to respond.
I do not mind what Jeansis calls herself and I personally have not taken umbridge at any thing anyone has posted on this forum and hope I have not upset anyone by my posts.
You said, Georgia ' this lady would walk over hot coals................................' but what upset me was that she did not respond to mine and lots of other peoples concerns for her non appearance and my pms to her.
I did not want her to 'walk over hot coals' I just hoped she would be aware of how much I missed her posts and her.
I am glad she is back whatever she wants to call herself.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
will every body pack it in if anybody is going to walk over hot coals it will be me .
osama bin laden
This message was last edited by tyrills on 7/13/2007.
_______________________ jeff &n...
hi karen,
joking karen see signature
_______________________ jeff &n...
hi fibby,
is that any better,
_______________________ jeff &n...
Nope sorry, still as scary!!!
Lucky we don't have sound on here, I am sure that thing is screaming in agony!
Had to edit my spelling! Justin, where is that blinkin' spell checker?!
This message was last edited by FibbyUK on 7/13/2007.
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Sorry tyrills, got so cheesed off with the whole thing that I forgot to read the whole post........................................sorry
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 