The Comments |
Georgia, closing 4 sales in 3 weeks is very fast.
do you have any comparative statistics for the last few years such as:
volume of sales
value of sales total & average
property time to sell
LTV ratio's
no of enquiries/ conversion rate
im sure this is business sensitive information so understand that you may not want to share.
but the news i receive from the coal face is quite different to your Pollyanna outlook - no offense, but i would expect you
to talk up the industry.
Let's get deeply into debt. 
Thanks Harry - life in back of beyond is still good for me. But all the young Spanish people have gone - some to UK, some to South America. Property prices through the floor - but still selling!! Why would people not buy at such low prices???? I don't really see how you can lose long term. The second home market is still the one 'active', and hopefully, because they are so cheap people will actually be able to afford the upkeep. Investment - maybe some, but not a lot. Most people seem to think it will be a very long time before any return is likely. The buy to let market in Spain was always a con - and agents less than honest about the costs of letting. I include the Place in the Sun people who are STILL telling people how much rent they can get. Maybe in Bizarro world, where of course there are no taxes. Personally, I cannot stand people who let and declare no tax either to Spain or the UK. They should have their houses taken off them. My tolerance is going down the pan along with the economy!!! But remember - I am not retirment age so maybe have a different outlook??
Georgia, closing 4 sales in 3 weeks is very fast. (an average performance for this year)
do you have any comparative statistics for the last few years such as:
(last year)
volume of sales (Annually 50 sales)
value of sales total & average(60,00 to 100,000€)
property time to sell (3 weeks to 6 months)
LTV ratio's (only 5% of our clients require a mortgage,40% ltv is normal)
no of enquiries/ conversion rate (40%)
I have no need to talk up the market as almost all of our clients have made an educated decision based on fact and not what they have read on the internet.
edited to say i am far from pollyana more of a vicor meldrew as i prefer to be pleasantly suprised than constantly dissapointed!
This message was last edited by georgia on 18/12/2012.
still here after all these years!
Thanks for sharing this information Georgia - it gives people a good idea of the market in Algorfa.
I wonder if there are any other regions that are bucking the trend as well or Algorfa is just an isolated case.
Let's get deeply into debt. 
i dont just sell in Algorfa there are not enough houses...
I sell up and down the coast here and there are plenty of agents doing a lot better than me!
still here after all these years!
Breaking news this morning reported by Vanguardia is that eviction proceedings jumped 134% in 2012.
Let's get deeply into debt. 
"I wonder if there are any other regions that are bucking the trend as well or Algorfa is just an isolated case."
Do we really accept that Algorfa is defying the trend while all other markets are falling ? I have seen no "reliable" evidence of this - apart from ad hoc stories !!!!!!
Harry07, Would we say that on average - 4 sales per month, mostly cash buyers in the region of €80K with a turnover of roughly €4M annually would be bucking a nationwide trend?
Georgia also states that her sales are from the whole of the Costa del Sol so perhaps Algorfa is not bucking the trend after all.
My brief research on Kyero yielded to me the impression of a stagnant market with lots of sellers and no buyers.
The only buyers are cash buyers as banks are not providing mortgages except to their own properties.
The range of properties available in Algorfa give a wide range of choices to the buyer, such as central, remote, on golf course etc etc..
I cannot imagine properties being bid up in this environment in Algorfa.
We also know from other threads that no one is buying to let as the law is stacked against landlords towards tenants so no private landlord would look to rent unless they want to be charitable with their time and property.
This message was last edited by moncapitan on 18/12/2012.
Let's get deeply into debt. 
You have called it much better than me Moncapitan !!!!!!!!
Perhaps, I am too polite & did not wish to upset her.
Georgia is a fellah! Algorfa is on the Costa Blanca.
Bobaol... i was just testing the astute readers such as yourself ;-)
Let's get deeply into debt. 
More news out of Spain: via Zerohedge
Spain - getting worse, faster
Spanish Bad Loans At New Record, Deteriorate At Fastest Pace Since June
this month sees bad loans not only rise to record highs (above 11% for the first time in history) but the pace of this drastic deterioration accelerated at the fastest pace since June.
the sheer size and scale of this level of bad loan and deterioration (double in two years) is far beyond anything the sovereign's bad bank is prepared for..
in a strange and twistedly ironic reacharound whereby the bad banks themselves (all domestic, no foreign, Santander 16% stake!) are buying up the assets of the nation's bad banks
Let's get deeply into debt. 
What hope have we got when some of you cant even figure out my sex and where i states everyting on my profile,,,she?...Costa Del Sol? think you know the market in my town and you are 300 miles out geographically!!....i would suggest from that that everything else you have made assumptions about is equally suspect...Harry...from your comments i suggest your nurse lowers the medication slightly?..oh its good to be back...pmsl.
Know the market......carry on making assumptions.
still here after all these years!
Highly "professional" response to the market FACTS presented by Moncapitan !
PS: Had hoped we could be spared this kind of hissy fit !!!!
This message was last edited by Harry07 on 18/12/2012.
Well to be fair, Georgia is usually a female name - and I certainly don't read people profile. I assume that most are made up anyway!! And if you come on as an estate agent then of course no one is going to believe anything you say - just like they don't believe lawyers..........
Thanks Harry and Roly.
No offense was intended to Georgia - I did not check the profile to know she was a he and was merely joking regarding the sales
on the Costa Del Sol.
All the information is available in this thread and people can make up their own minds as to the state of the Spanish house market.
My opinion has been stated but if more information can be provided for a bullish case I would be interested to review it because the statistics point to an accelerating trend of collapse and Spain is going to be in the crosshairs in 2013.
Declaration: I do not reside in Spain or own property there - but like the country and people very much.
Let's get deeply into debt. 
"All the information is available in this thread and people can make up their own minds as to the state of the Spanish house market. My opinion has been stated but if more information can be provided for a bullish case I would be interested to review it because the statistics point to an accelerating trend of collapse and Spain is going to be in the crosshairs in 2013."
Absolutely Moncapiton. This is an excellent thread & so lets focus on the FACTS & avoid childish hissy fits if anyone is incapable of responding in a calm professional manner. All we have heard thus far is a few little anecdotal stories to make case that one region is defying the national trend !!
This message was last edited by Harry07 on 19/12/2012.
I don't think there have been claims that one area is bucking the trend. People can only give their experience of the patch they know. What always confuses me about threads like this is what relevance it has for an individual who actually wants to move to Spain? It has to be accepted that prices here are low right now. Yes, of course there are learned articles written and statistics published which say prices will drop further. I don't have any inside knowledge and am more than prepared to believe that this is true. But I wasn't going to wait another two years in order to save €10,000 on a purchase price .... When who knows what might happen to the exchange rate / the euro / the pound in that time? Research is good, narrowing down your preferred area is good, viewing properties and watching prices is good, following forums like this is good. But in the end if someone actually DOES want to live in Spain, it's about seeing a house and deciding "That house suits me, is affordable for me, and my life will be enhanced if I buy it now, move into it and get on with LIVING in Spain rather than endlessly reading about Spanish house prices." The really interesting statistic that Georgia published (in my opinion) was the exceptionally low number of his clients needing mortgages. That speaks volumes. The agent I bought through said the same. Northern European buyers are taking the opportunity to buy nice (not undesirable) houses at very good prices just now, paying cash. Sometimes "the market" is irrelevant. It's just about buying a home you love at a price you can afford.
Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.
Moncapiton's thread centres on an "objective discussion of Spanish house prices/trends". Hopefully, he will correct me if I am misguided.
Unsure how someone might feel if they bought a few years back based on life enhancement if value had since dropped 60%. Perhaps, they would be just as happy - dunno !
Well, in normal times, I think tamaraessex would be spot on and it really does not matter what the price falls too or rises too if you love the house and it is where you want to be. Unfortunately, we are not in a normal cycle - and I believe a lot of Brits feel panicky and trapped and this will become an increasing problem. Most people want to pass something on to the children and if all they have is a house in Spain, virtually worthless, then life takes on a very different aspect. I am not in this position, but I believe that there is a growing feeling of discontent among those who sold up and moved to Spain. It is very sad especially as it presents as a dislike of all things Spanish and a burning desire to return to the UK - which is often impossible given the state of the property market in Spain.